Re: Maybe I Shouldn't Wait Any Longer...
Jermyn, I am sorry that you are having such a hard time right now with being single. It is a tough place to be in sometimes. Just recently I went through a particular trial in my life that made me question God about my singleness. God really does have a sense of humor. I was recently having the same struggle and just unhappy about being single. What do you know, the pastor appoints me to the leadership of the singles ministry. I seem to have developed a great passions to work this ministry from God. I am praying that God would bless everyone involved and that others would come to Christ through this ministry.
Now, I am also praying that through the obedience through his word and the job that He has assigned to my hands that I would be blessed to become someone's good thing in the process. Truly, it is my desire to be in God's will and to live according to His purpose. Singleness is not the worst thing that can happen to me. In many cases it is my right now blessing as marriage will be when I cross that milestone.
I am happy that I am not obligated to cook for a family at this time.
I am happy that I am not obligated to household chores other than my own at this time.
I am happy that I don't have to have a huge discussion about my whereabouts, finances, shopping choices, children and personal decisions at this time.
I am happy that I can pray whenever I feel like it.
I am happy that I can attend church functions when I feel like it.
I am happy that I don't have to secure babysitting services at this time.
I have completed my education, but if I choose to pursue something else, I am free to do so without considering others.
I am happy that I can share conversations and time with whom I choose without consideration to a possible jealous spouse.
I can travel internationally if I choose to. Travel probably won't be an issue for you considering your background.
I can make personal wardrobe choices without other's opinions at this time.
This list can continue.
The only difference between myself and another married individual is a list of things to do and the option to participate in sexual activity within the confines of a marriage.
If you make the comparison, I think our glass is half full and isn't empty.
Be Blessed!