I find this the only place to keep up with what is happening in the organization. Who is promoted to another life, who is promoted to another position.
Plus I love to learn from other posters. I like many others do not believe I have all the answers.
And not the least of all, is all the friends I have made here.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
I enjoy the various opinions and the willingness to discuss a variety of ideas. We may agree or disagree with someone, but not many on here are rude in their disagreements. There is no pressure to perform a certain way. There is a lot of laughter and fun. Public humiliation is unacceptable. This is a safe place to ask questions and consider what the Bible really says-something sorely lacking in my physical "church family".
I find this the only place to keep up with what is happening in the organization. Who is promoted to another life, who is promoted to another position.
Plus I love to learn from other posters. I like many others do not believe I have all the answers.
And not the least of all, is all the friends I have made here.
Yup! What Esther said !! Pretty much sums it up.
God has lavished his love upon me.
AFF fills a need in my life to "connect" with my past. Having spent a good part of my past in the Apostolic Church - I gotta tell you that there are things I can read about and discuss here with other people who have "been there, done that" that I can't discuss with those who've never had this experience.
Besides that, there are alot of folks here that I think the world of; people who are my friends; people who I love and appreciate.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
I started lurking in 2005 - I love the lively discussion- It is a place where you can hear new ideas- discuss the scripture, share your doubts, and in times of crisis depend on others to go to prayer. AFF has helped me dig out what I really believed in the scripture- it has helped me look at the scripture without any filters, and because of it I am more grounded in the Word. I feel I have enlarged my circle of friends.
AFF fills a need in my life to "connect" with my past. Having spent a good part of my past in the Apostolic Church - I gotta tell you that there are things I can read about and discuss here with other people who have "been there, done that" that I can't discuss with those who've never had this experience.
Besides that, there are alot of folks here that I think the world of; people who are my friends; people who I love and appreciate.
Originally Posted by Blubayou
I started lurking in 2005 - I love the lively discussion- It is a place where you can hear new ideas- discuss the scripture, share your doubts, and in times of crisis depend on others to go to prayer. AFF has helped me dig out what I really believed in the scripture- it has helped me look at the scripture without any filters, and because of it I am more grounded in the Word. I feel I have enlarged my circle of friends.
I feel this way too!
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks