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View Poll Results: My Annual Family's Income
Our family's income is greater than median 17 36.96%
Much greater - over 50% more 13 28.26%
Our family's income is less 11 23.91%
Much less - over 50% less 5 10.87%
Voters: 46. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-30-2009, 06:48 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Median Family Income

We got's family of 3 a few k greater than, BUT, where you live plays a big roll, a few k greater than iin Oklahoma means my family would be livin large, few k greater than in CT means we scrape by...

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Old 12-30-2009, 06:51 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by ForeverBlessed View Post
I am considered low income. I do not have internet or TV service in my home, at this time mainly because I can't afford it. I am online though through my work and I have a laptop that automatically picks up open access internet in many places... including in my home.

In my work though, I have to go over the finances of people applying for charity health care. I am always amazed at the people who pay high cable and internet monthly. They always have cell phones too...yet can't pay their medical bills and are on foodstamps.

I have cell phones too, but no home phone. I always say, you put your money where you want it.
Woohoo, FB is a wardriver.... whoduv thunk...

Bold 2: My wife volunteers at the local toy charity at christmas. I went to take her lunch last Monday and there was a ton of people there... they handed out toys for over 5000 kids.

Anyhow, I am standing there and this one guy was getting toys for his kid, dude has on 125 dollar air jordan's, a leather coat that would have been over $300 and about a thousand dollars worth of bling around his neck. I wanted to tell the jerk to go sell a necklace and buy some toys for his kids. Oh, and he was yakking on a cell phone. Gotta keep the crack deals rolling I guess.

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Last edited by John Atkinson; 12-30-2009 at 06:55 AM.
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:08 AM
Nitehawk013 Nitehawk013 is offline
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Re: Median Family Income

[QUOTE=John Atkinson;856617]Woohoo, FB is a wardriver.... whoduv thunk...

Bold 2: My wife volunteers at the local toy charity at christmas. I went to take her lunch last Monday and there was a ton of people there... they handed out toys for over 5000 kids.

Anyhow, I am standing there and this one guy was getting toys for his kid, dude has on 125 dollar air jordan's, a leather coat that would have been over $300 and about a thousand dollars worth of bling around his neck. I wanted to tell the jerk to go sell a necklace and buy some toys for his kids. Oh, and he was yakking on a cell phone. Gotta keep the crack deals rolling I guess.[/QUOTE]

It's funny how some groups get bent out of shape if there are negative stereotypes made about them, and yet daily there are thousands who justify the stereotype. Ghetto people wearing FuBu plush jumpsuits with grillz and bling using foodstamps to buy groceries, rednecks with mullets wearing plaid and driving pickups, 15 mexicans crammed in a little minivan living in one apartment working hanging sheetrock or doing lawncare.

They get bent out of shape and scream "racist" yet they live in ways that epitomize the stereotype EVERYDAY!
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:22 AM
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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post
I'm a big fan of personal responsibility. You dig your own holes, you should climb your own way out.

Our society has grown more and more weak towards making people pay for their own stupidity and it has created an environment of laziness and feelinglike the Fed should just bail out everyone. Everyone expects someone else to pay for them when they get buried in debt.

You get a mortgage, you are responsible to pay your mortgage. If you can't...you lose your house. It's no ones fault but your own. No one held a gun to ones head and demanded they sign the papers to take on the loan. No one demanded you buy a couple new vehicles. No one demanded you get multiple credit cards and run them up to max. No one demanded you buy lots of "toys" on credit or "rent-to-own". We make our own choices, and even if they are dumb and get us in lots of trouble, we will never learn our lesson if someone else bails us out.
No one's fault but your own....unless you lose your job or have medical issues beyond your control. There are valid reasons for people to default, but you are right....our culture has created an environment of laziness and irresponsibility. Just because you can qualify for a loan doesn't mean you should get one!
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:23 AM
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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by KWSS1976 View Post
No not saying that but if you cannot afford it the people you are trying to borrow from should see that and not approve you.
There is some validity to that. But, people should not borrow what they cannot pay back unless there are some very extenuating circumstances.
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:27 AM
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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
That thought crossed my mind too, but I think it's less true than just a few years ago.

I have always been amazed that the very poor make things like cable or satellite TV and priority.

I know several who have lost their homes, but not internet and TV service!
I remember years ago when a woman from church needed some food assistance. They counted their boat against them, but cable TV was a "valid" expense!!
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:29 AM
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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by ForeverBlessed View Post
I am considered low income. I do not have internet or TV service in my home, at this time mainly because I can't afford it. I am online though through my work and I have a laptop that automatically picks up open access internet in many places... including in my home.

In my work though, I have to go over the finances of people applying for charity health care. I am always amazed at the people who pay high cable and internet monthly. They always have cell phones too...yet can't pay their medical bills and are on foodstamps.

I have cell phones too, but no home phone. I always say, you put your money where you want it.
When I worked at the domestic abuse shelter, it was usually low income people that needed to stay in the shelter (not only low-income people that were abused, but that needed the shelter), and they nearly ALWAYS had cell phones! I did not have a cell phone at the time. My husband decided to get me one because of the nature of that job. We had some cell phones to give away that were to use for 911 calls only and gave very few away.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

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Old 12-30-2009, 08:31 AM
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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by John Atkinson View Post
We got's family of 3 a few k greater than, BUT, where you live plays a big roll, a few k greater than iin Oklahoma means my family would be livin large, few k greater than in CT means we scrape by...
That's true.
Those who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the people doing it. ~Chinese Proverb

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Old 12-30-2009, 08:36 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by Nitehawk013 View Post

It's funny how some groups get bent out of shape if there are negative stereotypes made about them, and yet daily there are thousands who justify the stereotype. Ghetto people wearing FuBu plush jumpsuits with grillz and bling using foodstamps to buy groceries, rednecks with mullets wearing plaid and driving pickups, 15 mexicans crammed in a little minivan living in one apartment working hanging sheetrock or doing lawncare.

They get bent out of shape and scream "racist" yet they live in ways that epitomize the stereotype EVERYDAY!
What was even funnier was this guy was white. And that wasn't even the best, another guy was gripping at my wife saying, "Whats up with this? I got way more toys last year!"

Again I was trying hard to keep myself from maling comments like, "So, a whole year and you haven't done jack to better your kid's lot in life?"

Glad my wife can do that kinda volunteering.

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Last edited by John Atkinson; 12-30-2009 at 08:43 AM.
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Old 12-30-2009, 08:48 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Median Family Income

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
I remember years ago when a woman from church needed some food assistance. They counted their boat against them, but cable TV was a "valid" expense!!
Cable is considered a utility.

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