Originally Posted by deltaguitar
Ok, so you guys have got me thinking.
I will probably have the chance to buy the house I am living in. I am way out in the country. I could dig a well, plant a garden, kill deer, and raise goats and chickens for milk and eggs.
I guess I will need some ammo and more guns so I better start investing now. And since I won't be able to buy ammo I better get a reloader so I we can melt down the silver for bullets if needed.
I mean seriously, how bad do you think it will get?
Well... Let me make a point.
This is the way I feel things will go but I don't make the moves I make out of fear nor do I make the moves I make thinking I will save myself. God is my only refuge but I am attempting to make adjustments to my life that I feel are more in line with what I feel to be God's desire for my life.
Having said that...
I now have chickens & a cow. I used to have goats but they are too much trouble for the facilities that I have. They do well in many conditions but I didn't have what it took to keep them. If I get into another equally sized animal I will try sheep next. I have 2 piglets coming next week.
As far as hunting... guns will be more and more controlled and ammunition will be harder and harder to get. We now have a crossbow. In Arkansas you can hunt five months out of the year if you use some type of bow. With a cross bow I can retrieve my ammunition so the need for reloading etc is not there.
The time will come that you won't be able to buy ammunition without identifying yourself as a hunter and the government is working to control even the smallest ability to live self sufficiently. So, for now, I feel some wisdom in going with the crossbow. It is also a quiet weapon that does not disturb neighbors.
We are trying to get a well drilled and would like to make that well solar powered.
There is also a device (available in a solar powered version) that pulls water from the air and filters it so you will have availability to drinking water without a well.
There are lots of things that a person can do to become self sufficient but the main thing is this... I used to use my wealth to obtain more debt and, therefore, new & cool stuff.
I now use my wealth to decrease my dependency upon and my need for additional wealth. I feel this is wise for me and I walk according to that wisdom.
I don't do what I do out of fear nor do I do it to "save myself". I feel that the best I can do to "save myself" in any situation is to walk in a manner I feel is in keeping with the wisdom of my God.