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Old 10-22-2009, 02:06 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Spending comes out of congress. The Republicans lost control several years ago. Liberal republicans appeased the dems and we all know that was a disaster. We all didn't push it when Barney said the fannie and Freddie were ok
I am a conservative but I have been disappointed by the overspending of Republicans.
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
So what will make our economy collapse? You guys make it hard to take anything you say serious when y'all start predicting collapse and failure.

The way I see it we could just balance the budget once the economy starts to grow and then as inflation weakens our dollar we will pay back the debt at a discounted rate.
Here is the situation we are in but in family terms.

Let's say you and your family were doing alright. You weren't getting rich but you weren't starving either.

Then you discovered you could have more stuff by using credit.

All of a sudden... a nicer house. New cars. Life is good.

You eat at the nice restaurants and grill around the pool.

But all of this is on credit.

Then you start having trouble making the payments so you start making payments on your credit with more credit.

Things get tighter and tighter and you have finally reached the place where you can't pay your mortgage... you can't pay the minimum payment on your credit cards etc.

There comes a time that the house of cards starts tumbling down. There comes a time when the facade cannot be maintained any longer and it usually comes down catastrophically.

Usually... once it starts crumbling you lose it all... fast.

That is where we are as a nation.

We have lived on debt and paid debt with debt until our only real asset is our ability to borrow.

The facade cannot be maintained any longer.

The day of reckoning for a society built upon debt is coming. And soon.

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Old 10-22-2009, 02:14 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Ok, so you guys have got me thinking.

I will probably have the chance to buy the house I am living in. I am way out in the country. I could dig a well, plant a garden, kill deer, and raise goats and chickens for milk and eggs.

I guess I will need some ammo and more guns so I better start investing now. And since I won't be able to buy ammo I better get a reloader so I we can melt down the silver for bullets if needed.

I mean seriously, how bad do you think it will get?
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Matthew 6:30-34

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 10-22-2009, 02:19 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
I am all about paying down the debt. I agree with you guys that this should be a priority. Still, why weren't we doing anything about this when the republicans were in control. The problem has been there my whole life and we have never done anything about it.
well, D4T was. EA was.... I just apologized...

what more do you want?

Let me tell you my reasoning.

When GWB was president debt spending was less than 15% of GDP and the trajectory of the economy until fall of 2007 appeared to be going higher than the spending.

one could rationalize the spending being what it was due to 2 wars, was reasonable and within the capacity of the nation to absorb it.

Now that number has crossed 30% and is headed toward 60% of GDP and at the same time the economy and GDP growth is going in the opposite direction.

Those are my reasons for the mistake I made and the reasons why it might be too late to correct now.
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:20 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by Digging4Truth View Post
Here is the situation we are in but in family terms.

Let's say you and your family were doing alright. You weren't getting rich but you weren't starving either.

Then you discovered you could have more stuff by using credit.

All of a sudden... a nicer house. New cars. Life is good.

You eat at the nice restaurants and grill around the pool.

But all of this is on credit.

Then you start having trouble making the payments so you start making payments on your credit with more credit.

Things get tighter and tighter and you have finally reached the place where you can't pay your mortgage... you can't pay the minimum payment on your credit cards etc.

There comes a time that the house of cards starts tumbling down. There comes a time when the facade cannot be maintained any longer and it usually comes down catastrophically.

Usually... once it starts crumbling you lose it all... fast.

That is where we are as a nation.

We have lived on debt and paid debt with debt until our only real asset is our ability to borrow.

The facade cannot be maintained any longer.

The day of reckoning for a society built upon debt is coming. And soon.

Well, the first thing you do is not panic.

Sell the car, start renting a small apartment, and then pay off the debt like Dave Ramsey says.

Most people I know are living way better than they could get by on. Part of the reason people are in debt is because of the high cost of housing. Housing is now affordable and this "collapse" was needed to help the next generation of families afford housing. A lot of folks made a lot of money on the housing bubble and some lost.

Look, the government could gut back spending a little and allow drilling in closed oil fields and the economy would start booming.

Obama is setting us up for a little heartache but a little tightening up never hurt anyone.
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:23 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
Ok, so you guys have got me thinking.

I will probably have the chance to buy the house I am living in. I am way out in the country. I could dig a well, plant a garden, kill deer, and raise goats and chickens for milk and eggs.

I guess I will need some ammo and more guns so I better start investing now. And since I won't be able to buy ammo I better get a reloader so I we can melt down the silver for bullets if needed.

I mean seriously, how bad do you think it will get?
how bad has history shown it to be....

and to answer the other question, I think we already pointed to the reasons why there could very well be a major collapse in the near future.
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:24 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
I am a conservative but I have been disappointed by the overspending of Republicans.
I have access to far too much inside information in business.

We need a Reagan more than ever and we got a Nixon/Carter hybrid.
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:25 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
Well, the first thing you do is not panic.

Sell the car, start renting a small apartment, and then pay off the debt like Dave Ramsey says.

Most people I know are living way better than they could get by on. Part of the reason people are in debt is because of the high cost of housing. Housing is now affordable and this "collapse" was needed to help the next generation of families afford housing. A lot of folks made a lot of money on the housing bubble and some lost.

Look, the government could gut back spending a little and allow drilling in closed oil fields and the economy would start booming.

Obama is setting us up for a little heartache but a little tightening up never hurt anyone.

Delta my friend. Answer this question. Do you see this government (republican and democrat) cutting spending? do you see it happening?

Do you actually think this president has any intention of cutting any spending at all?
If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
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Old 10-22-2009, 02:28 PM
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Re: An apology to Digging4Truth and Edward Anglin

Originally Posted by deltaguitar View Post
Ok, so you guys have got me thinking.

I will probably have the chance to buy the house I am living in. I am way out in the country. I could dig a well, plant a garden, kill deer, and raise goats and chickens for milk and eggs.

I guess I will need some ammo and more guns so I better start investing now. And since I won't be able to buy ammo I better get a reloader so I we can melt down the silver for bullets if needed.

I mean seriously, how bad do you think it will get?
Well... Let me make a point.

This is the way I feel things will go but I don't make the moves I make out of fear nor do I make the moves I make thinking I will save myself. God is my only refuge but I am attempting to make adjustments to my life that I feel are more in line with what I feel to be God's desire for my life.

Having said that...

I now have chickens & a cow. I used to have goats but they are too much trouble for the facilities that I have. They do well in many conditions but I didn't have what it took to keep them. If I get into another equally sized animal I will try sheep next. I have 2 piglets coming next week.

As far as hunting... guns will be more and more controlled and ammunition will be harder and harder to get. We now have a crossbow. In Arkansas you can hunt five months out of the year if you use some type of bow. With a cross bow I can retrieve my ammunition so the need for reloading etc is not there.

The time will come that you won't be able to buy ammunition without identifying yourself as a hunter and the government is working to control even the smallest ability to live self sufficiently. So, for now, I feel some wisdom in going with the crossbow. It is also a quiet weapon that does not disturb neighbors.

We are trying to get a well drilled and would like to make that well solar powered.

There is also a device (available in a solar powered version) that pulls water from the air and filters it so you will have availability to drinking water without a well.

There are lots of things that a person can do to become self sufficient but the main thing is this... I used to use my wealth to obtain more debt and, therefore, new & cool stuff.

I now use my wealth to decrease my dependency upon and my need for additional wealth. I feel this is wise for me and I walk according to that wisdom.

I don't do what I do out of fear nor do I do it to "save myself". I feel that the best I can do to "save myself" in any situation is to walk in a manner I feel is in keeping with the wisdom of my God.
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