Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
Many UC's (especially pastors) live in an atmosphere of mutual appreciation. Those who would dare question their conclusions are quickly met with hard and relentless pressure to turn from their "wicked ways" of disagreement.
If the perpetrator in question does not turn quickly then the discomfort is such that they leave.
It is at this point that several mentions are made of said perpetrators lack of love for truth & God and how everyone knew they would never make it anyway.
This leads to an environment where there is very little real and lasting opposition. Many UC's are not well adept at actually discussing topics as much as they are adept at lashing out at those who would dare disagree.
They find that online forums is an environment where the "you're going to hell" method is of little effect because we don't actually go to their church. Our families don't actually go to their church and cannot be used to put pressure on us. We are not in lack of "another place to go to church" when they turn their backs on us.
So... when the ridicule doesn't have the affect here that it does at home then the people on this forum must surely be heretics.
Having no further tools available they then leave.
It's pretty simple really.
Epley once said that he does not believe that a person who has a beard will miss heaven because of their beard... but he went on to say... But they can go to heaven from another church.
When the dissenters will not be sent away... they opt to leave themselves
A most excellent post Bill!
The phrase 'mutual appreciation' is probably a more accurate way of saying 'amen corner', which is an environment that most (not just conservatives) are used to living in. Although your UC's probably more so then the rest.
And when truly challenged in a place like, or any other online forum, where they no longer have the support of the people around them (known as 'yes' men in the corporate world), they quickly find they have nothing -nothing but insults and proclamations.