The mandated health care will still have to be affordable for all people. Auto insurance is required, but if I can't afford it, I can not have a car. I can ride the bus, carpool, or walk.
I can't not have a body.
I'm not sure that mandating it is going to immediately bring the prices down.
I'm not sure about the immediately part, but it WILL reduce premiums without a doubt. The costs of procedures, hopsital stays, doctors visits, pharmaceuticals, etc.. will all decrease which in turn will make insurance policies much cheaper.
The problem we'll have if we don't mandate is that we all know there is a certain percentage of the population who thinks their bullet proof and don't need the insurance or they'll simply use their money on other stuff and won't buy into a plan.
If that's allowed, premiums won't go down.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Esther, he plans on getting rid of the private health insurance only paradigm.
What are you saying? We said he was getting rid of the private health insurance.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
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Every moment, THANK GOD.
Is this just a knee-jerk reaction? You realize that private health insurance will still be available, just as it is today?
Are you paying attention to anything? NO they want to eliminate ALL private health insurance. They said it would take some time, but that is their GOAL!
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
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Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
The mandated health care will still have to be affordable for all people. Auto insurance is required, but if I can't afford it, I can not have a car. I can ride the bus, carpool, or walk.
I can't not have a body.
I'm not sure that mandating it is going to immediately bring the prices down.
Actually when HMO's came out. We had a lawyer from church run one that sold for 300 million dollars. They got a law that required companies to offer a HMO as an alternaitive for health insurance. So Our neighbor could have her reps go into a company and "mandate" they get a HMO. In the early years, there was often only one HMO in most markets.
Government control. With a mandated Health I d card, they can track who has let a policy lapse by reason of being laid off or having no money.
The government is incredibly inefficient. When they get in farther, costs of running a bloated beaureaucracy will drive up expenses.
Government is not for profit and have no incentives for efficiency. Under the plan, your insurance would be added to your husbands and it will cut takehome pay.
Yeah it's easier to score political points and keep names in the spotlight(aka Palin) by reverting to the goofiness and "shock jock" stuff that scares people.
It's crazy the amount of people who will just take their word and never do an ounce of research into what is actually going on. Alot of those poor senior citizens who have about stroked out at these healthcare meetings have been whipped into a frenzy by Limbaugh, Hannity and the like and are scared to death.
You know what I would believe Palin, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck way before I would believe the MSM!
I have not seen anything from them that was not true. Not saying they have never made a mistake, but if they have I haven't seen it yet.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
I'm not sure about the immediately part, but it WILL reduce premiums without a doubt. The costs of procedures, hopsital stays, doctors visits, pharmaceuticals, etc.. will all decrease which in turn will make insurance policies much cheaper.
The problem we'll have if we don't mandate is that we all know there is a certain percentage of the population who thinks their bullet proof and don't need the insurance or they'll simply use their money on other stuff and won't buy into a plan.
If that's allowed, premiums won't go down.
But non-immediacy is a HUGE problem. I cannot afford to buy health insurance right now.
SOMETHING needs to be done about our health care system. I'm not sure what I think the best plan is.
He is getting rid of the private health insurance only model.
I dont' have the time right now to show you where he said more than once, and the CA woman, I don't know if she was a senator or congresswoman, say they plan to get rid of the private health insurance. Their plan is Government health insurance ONLY!
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
Are you paying attention to anything? NO they want to eliminate ALL private health insurance. They said it would take some time, but that is their GOAL!
I realize you keep saying that, and you might even believe it, but there is no proof of it. None that you have provided, at least.
Are you paying attention to anything? NO they want to eliminate ALL private health insurance. They said it would take some time, but that is their GOAL!
By the end of Obama's first term at the latest he says.
Understanding him for what he is, Obama is actually dragging his feet on taxes. He want to get re elected and load them up at that time. If he loads them up now, he is in a corner and can't get re elected.
Obama already said Docs make too much. He wants the IRS in the doctors clinics and teach them how to cut costs and services.