Not for Esther, but I am convinced that there are folks out there that openly spew hatred for the President when it is more than his politics that they have a problem with.
This phenomenon transcends political parties.
But there I go, bringing up stuff again....
Stupid race junk. From the time BHO took the oath it seems anyone that has any criticism of his policy is branded as racist or a bigot.
Attacking the person of BHO may be racist...
However, the only criticism I've seen of BHO has been aimed at his policies and cannot be spun as racism.
Don't try to label as racist or write innuendo of such for those simply attacking BHO's policies.
Typical liberal nonsense. Someone disagrees with BHO so slander them as racist or not necessarily come right out and call them racist, but smear them with innuendo as such.
Originally Posted by Light
Hey rev George bush created the road, then sent American down it. I didn't hear you then.
Actually, W started us down a different road ... it's called Fascism. I've spoken out against what W did and the Fascism he started us towards.
Fascism is the right-wing extreme ...
Socialism/Communism is the left-wing extreme ...
BHO is taking us in the other direction, which is just as dangerous.
And my post history will show I was equally critical of the direction W was taking us towards Fascism.
I get tired of the race card being thrown down in regards to BO. He is as much white as he is black.
I strongly disagreed with Bill Clinton and he is white.
I originally was a democrat and changed to over to the Republicans when the dems lost their original stand for moral issues.
I am losing confidence in the republican party as well and may go independent or libertarian if the party doesn't get it together.
Not sure what you are referring to as unintelligent criticism of the president???
Esther, I would not accuse you or anyone else I have talked to here specifically of playing the race card. This forum is almost unamimously Republican, so it stands to reason that no Democrat would do right in any they black, white, red...or right.
However, I will point out in regards to the sentence that I highlighted, that for the segment of society who are absolutely racist...BHO is black. Make no mistakes about it. We have hundreds of years of history to define what color he is in our society and particularly to that segment of our society.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Esther, I would not accuse you or anyone else I have talked to here specifically of playing the race card. This forum is almost unamimously Republican, so it stands to reason that no Democrat would do right in any they black, white, red...or right.
However, I will point out in regards to the sentence that I highlighted, that for the segment of society who are absolutely racist...BHO is black. Make no mistakes about it. We have hundreds of years of history to define what color he is in our society and particularly to that segment of our society.
Unfortunately, while many here believe in Republican ideals, it appears as thought many elected "Republicans" do not. And the Democrats seem to be diametrically opposed to not just the American Ideal but the Judo/Christians foundation of our Country.
What I would love to really see is a man or woman elected to congress or the senate that is of good character and trustworthy, be they Democratic or Republican. One that would just keep their word.........
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
Unfortunately, while many here believe in Republican ideals, it appears as thought many elected "Republicans" do not. And the Democrats seem to be diametrically opposed to not just the American Ideal but the Judo/Christians foundation of our Country.
What I would love to really see is a man or woman elected to congress or the senate that is of good character and trustworthy, be they Democratic or Republican. One that would just keep their word.........
I think the only way that is possible will be if the American people demonstrate that they will not tolerate anything less. I don't anticipate any politician being self-motivated to do the right thing at the highest levels of leadership.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
I think the only way that is possible will be if the American people demonstrate that they will not tolerate anything less. I don't anticipate any politician being self-motivated to do the right thing at the highest levels of leadership.
I agree. It seems the "Tea Party" thing might have gotten some attention from the powers that be, but if it is not followed up or co-opted by one party it will lose all meaning.
What type of "demonstration" would you propose?
Psa 119:165 (KJV) 165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
"Do not believe everthing you read on the internet" - Abe Lincoln
I agree. It seems the "Tea Party" thing might have gotten some attention from the powers that be, but if it is not followed up or co-opted by one party it will lose all meaning.
What type of "demonstration" would you propose?
By demonstartion. I didn't mean the types in the streets; I meant the only type that politicians really care about...the type that affects them and their power. If we demonstrate our unwillingness to go along for the ride by letting them know in no uncertain terms that they cannot automatically pencil in our support if they no longer deliver specifics, we may stand a chance of staving off what seems inevitable. It just seems to me now that a strict two party system is far too easy to control and manipulate. It appears that they figured out that if you reduce 300 million people to two monolithic can steer the 300 million anywhere.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.
Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
Be sure to tell the families of 9/11 that they were killed by lies, it didn't really happen!
I'm sure Light was alluding to the Iraq war. That war was started based on untruths and bad intelligence. Time has borne out the truth that Iraq had NO WMD threat to the U.S. or anyone else. The NeoCons of the Bush administration had hoped to invade Iraq even before 9/11. If you haven't read Bob Woodward's books on the subject, I'd commend them to your reading. The facts are indisputably clear now.
Afghanistan was a justified and necessary war. Iraq was in no way connected to Afghanistan and was NOT justified or necessary. The U.N. sanctions had accomplished the goal, but the NeoCons wanted war and they got it at the expense of U.S. soldiers.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Stupid race junk. From the time BHO took the oath it seems anyone that has any criticism of his policy is branded as racist or a bigot.
Attacking the person of BHO may be racist...
However, the only criticism I've seen of BHO has been aimed at his policies and cannot be spun as racism.
Don't try to label as racist or write innuendo of such for those simply attacking BHO's policies.
Typical liberal nonsense. Someone disagrees with BHO so slander them as racist or not necessarily come right out and call them racist, but smear them with innuendo as such.
Actually, W started us down a different road ... it's called Fascism. I've spoken out against what W did and the Fascism he started us towards.
Fascism is the right-wing extreme ...
Socialism/Communism is the left-wing extreme ...
BHO is taking us in the other direction, which is just as dangerous.
And my post history will show I was equally critical of the direction W was taking us towards Fascism.
Yeah, how convenient. If Bush were black they still would not have called the race card. But a black Democrat? Don't you dare criticize him or his policies or you are to be branded a racist
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Re: Will this bring Obama down?
Originally Posted by Light
The road to socialism.
Yes I approved of the way he governed he left the shrub (bush) a surplus and the shrub and his repugnant senators and congressmen wasted it with a war started by lies. Times were good; work was plentiful when Bill had the reigns.
I did not approve of his womanizing and his telling lies about it.
How do you handle your hatred for conservatives and both president Bushes' when you stand before your church and preach? I don't hate Obama I hate the immorality he stands for. You need to read l Cor.13 again. You sound like a bitter angry old man. It's very easy to get that way in the time we are living.