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Old 01-13-2009, 01:19 PM
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

Originally Posted by KWSS1976 View Post
A quiet place were they baptised in Jesus name at any point because the baptism in jesus name and recieving the holyghost are all in Acts I just don't see how they could of had the holyghost speak in tongues and not be baptised in Jesus name when the 2 are so close in scripture. Not saying you are wrong but just don't understand how this can happen. Because the baptism in jesus name comes before the holyghost in the bible Acts 2:38 so how can they believe in getting the holyghost speaking in tongues yet baptise with the titles. I myself really do not think it matters if you do it with the titles or in Jesus name after all both are in the bible.
No, they were never baptized in Jesus' name. We discussed it. They thought the titles worked just fine.
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Old 01-13-2009, 05:25 PM
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I agree completely. I just do not believe God would allow damnation for someone because of improper semantics. Otherwise He would never have allowed Matt 28:19 to have been phrased the way it is.

What a thought hmmm maybe Matt 28:19 is not the actual reading of this..... This thinking that well God allowed it to be put there is flat out incorrect thinking and teaching. I guess 1 John 5:7 was allowed by God to and other mistakes into the KJV and other English translations. Men put these books togethor and called them canon as there have been many canons throughout history. Men translated them good and bad intentions just like the bias of not allowing others in the canon. So goes with individual scripture.

Semantics or not, we should teach to stay away from error as anything else could be a heaven or hell issue. You saying "I don't believe" means jack. God is a God of order and he will justify those in which he can be legal means. We don't know the end result of this justice so to compound error with your "I just don't believe..." is dangerous thinking to those that hear you as it may influence more error.
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Old 01-13-2009, 08:59 PM
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
No, they were never baptized in Jesus' name. We discussed it. They thought the titles worked just fine.
People baptized using the name of Jesus and people baptized using the FS&HG words both have come out of the water rejoicing and speaking with tongues.
Don't you think that if a person says "in the name of the Lord," or "in Jesus Name" or "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" that God knows what that name is?
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Old 01-14-2009, 09:06 AM
jimmyrrs jimmyrrs is offline
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
Hello! I'm new here, although I've been reading for a while.

I've been researching the baptism issue myself lately. I've been raised as a One God, Jesus Name Baptism, Pentecostal. But I've really been pondering this question lately..... if someone is NOT baptized according to the formula that we use, and the formula that we believe the Bible teaches - "In the name of Jesus" - WILL THEY GO TO HELL?

To answer a question with a question Why would you not follow the examples in the Word? If you do not follow the Word then you are on a road that leads to hell.

Originally Posted by KWSS1976 View Post
A quiet place were they baptised in Jesus name at any point because the baptism in jesus name and recieving the holyghost are all in Acts I just don't see how they could of had the holyghost speak in tongues and not be baptised in Jesus name when the 2 are so close in scripture. Not saying you are wrong but just don't understand how this can happen. Because the baptism in jesus name comes before the holyghost in the bible Acts 2:38 so how can they believe in getting the holyghost speaking in tongues yet baptise with the titles. I myself really do not think it matters if you do it with the titles or in Jesus name after all both are in the bible.
KWSS, There have been times when people get the HG before being Baptized. Some get the HG and never come back to church.
True in Acts 2:38, Peter had it right. The name is Jesus.

It does matter how you're baptized. Please show me scripture where the formula or titles F, S, HG was ever used to baptize someone.

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
People baptized using the name of Jesus and people baptized using the FS&HG words both have come out of the water rejoicing and speaking with tongues.
Don't you think that if a person says "in the name of the Lord," or "in Jesus Name" or "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" that God knows what that name is?
This is a cop out. No where in the Word does it show baptism in the titles. You're too smart of a man to not know this. The Word is what it is. The Name is what it is. Not titles.
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Old 01-14-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

All you guys bashing each other on doctrinal diffrences I beleive when you get to heaven you will be in for a rudd awakeing it states in the bible god is not the author of confusion I don't care what anyone on this site believes or thinks it is your opionion but you should not tell someone they are wrong because of there view..I do not know enough about the bible to tell anyone they are wrong. I might not understand somethings but we could all stand to learn more..
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Old 01-14-2009, 12:34 PM
jimmyrrs jimmyrrs is offline
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

Originally Posted by KWSS1976 View Post
All you guys bashing each other on doctrinal diffrences I beleive when you get to heaven you will be in for a rudd awakeing it states in the bible god is not the author of confusion I don't care what anyone on this site believes or thinks it is your opionion but you should not tell someone they are wrong because of there view..I do not know enough about the bible to tell anyone they are wrong. I might not understand somethings but we could all stand to learn more..
Please do not take it as bashing each other. We do stand up for what we believe to be correct.

IN the end God will judge, but along the way some need guidance.

As for leaning. Yes sir. That is why I ask to be shown in the Word where the titles F, S, HG was ever used.
"The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go."
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Old 01-14-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

See jimmyrrs that is what drives people away from the upc it is good that you stand up for what you believe but when someone has a diffrent view on something the UPC says o your wrong your not reading it correctly. I know I have had it done to me. If the UPC would get out of the mindset that they are the only ones going to heaven and someone else outside the UPC might know a little something about the bible I believe more people would join or stay in the UPC. I would like nothing better than to see baptist,methodist,catholics.pentecostals under one roof. That is what I think of when god talks about the church. He is not just talking about the UPC church.
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Old 01-14-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

And also I will tell you something else my wifes great aunt just passed away and my wife told my son that she was in a better place that she was in heaven. Now my wifes great aunt did smoke and drink on occasion so how come my wife told my son that she was in heaven because according to the UPC way there was noway she will be in heaven. For one she had never had the holyghost so my wife who was raised UPC her whole life either just lied to my son or does not even believe the UPC Ways or just could the UPC church be chaging it way of thinking...
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Old 01-14-2009, 04:13 PM
jimmyrrs jimmyrrs is offline
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

Originally Posted by KWSS1976 View Post
See jimmyrrs that is what drives people away from the upc it is good that you stand up for what you believe but when someone has a diffrent view on something the UPC says o your wrong your not reading it correctly. I know I have had it done to me. If the UPC would get out of the mindset that they are the only ones going to heaven and someone else outside the UPC might know a little something about the bible I believe more people would join or stay in the UPC. I would like nothing better than to see baptist,methodist,catholics.pentecostals under one roof. That is what I think of when god talks about the church. He is not just talking about the UPC church.
KWSS, do the other org's not stand up for what they believe is correct. I have never said nor do I believe that the UPC, ALJC, PWA or any other oneness church is the only ones going to heaven. The name outside the church want get you inside heaven. The org name want get you inside. True one may be disfellowshiped for preaching different that what the org beleives. But there have been some Baptist, and others do it.
No matter what org one belongs to, or what church name it comes down to are they following the Word.

Don't get me wrong. I do beleive in Matthew 28:19. I just understand his name is Jesus.

Originally Posted by KWSS1976 View Post
And also I will tell you something else my wifes great aunt just passed away and my wife told my son that she was in a better place that she was in heaven. Now my wifes great aunt did smoke and drink on occasion so how come my wife told my son that she was in heaven because according to the UPC way there was noway she will be in heaven. For one she had never had the holyghost so my wife who was raised UPC her whole life either just lied to my son or does not even believe the UPC Ways or just could the UPC church be chaging it way of thinking...
Sorry to hear about the death in your family. Many times people say things to comfort other people. I think a person must be wise in what they say.
I speak from experience as a Funeral Director and Minister.

I look forward to more conversations.
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Old 01-14-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: Baptism in the Name of the.....

Originally Posted by jimmyrrs View Post
This is a cop out. No where in the Word does it show baptism in the titles. You're too smart of a man to not know this. The Word is what it is. The Name is what it is. Not titles.

Show me one place in the Scriptures, Old or New Testament (including the Apocrypha) where a baptism is described with anyone saying "I baptize you in the name of--------------"
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