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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks.

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Old 12-04-2008, 05:31 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

Originally Posted by 2020Vision View Post
CT did not continue for a year! Wish they had! Love reading attacks on us Oneness folks!

What is or was CT?
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Old 12-04-2008, 05:36 PM
MO Preacher MO Preacher is offline
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

I send a letter to WPF and asked to be removed from the mailing list. The did not comply with the first request. I send an email to them through their web page and two weeks later they answered. They said they would address the issue and apologized. However, the letter was unsigned.

For some reason the letters I received from this org WPF does not like to sign their letters. I say take a stand and sign your name.

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Old 12-04-2008, 05:37 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

Originally Posted by HaShaliach View Post
Time for a quick lesion in ethics and identifying what constitutes acceptable moral conduct?

I await instruction.
lesion in ethics?

Whassat? Back stabbing?
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Old 12-04-2008, 05:39 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
But orgs grow by recruiting people, so why shouldn't the WPF send something out to all the apostolic ministers it can contact to let it know about its fellowship?
If someone wants to join them it's not sheep/pastor stealing, that person chose to join that org.

I don't understand this "ethics" thing, but I am also indep, so I don't often come across this sort of stuff (or will in the future, since I plan to stay indep), I guess...

-Bro. Alex
If WPF wasn't happy with UPCI standards why do they try to steal those unholy members that they were unhappy with.
That's like someone leaving my business, starting their own then recruting my employees to come with their business.
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Old 12-04-2008, 05:46 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
lesion in ethics?

Whassat? Back stabbing?

Sam - love ya bro! It is such a blessing to share a thread with you again!
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
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Old 12-04-2008, 05:54 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

I've always felt WPF is a power play, the more members the more power. Let them solicit those who are independent. What they are doing is the same as my pastor sending our church bulletin to all the members of your church.
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Old 12-04-2008, 05:56 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Now what does that kind of an attitude have to do with (religious) politics?
Yeah, I guess that is where it falls apart.
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Old 12-04-2008, 06:57 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

Originally Posted by SOUNWORTHY View Post
I've always felt WPF is a power play, the more members the more power. Let them solicit those who are independent. What they are doing is the same as my pastor sending our church bulletin to all the members of your church.
Try this and see what happens.
Find an issue(s) in which you have a disagreement with your pastor in his church. While still attending the church, talk to other saints about your disagreements with the pastor and the church and when you get a sufficient number of saints from that church that you have convinced you are more right than the church in which you all have been attending, well, just split and start your own church across town.
Oh, and while you are over there, get together with those that you convinced to go out with you to develop a mailing list of all the saints/friends from the church you just left and keep them informed of what you have going on in your new church across town. And while you are at it, make a magazine that you can send to the church members you just broke away from and think of a name for the magazine that would describe your spirit and attitude. Hey. I have an idea, call it "Together". Makes since to me. Break off with several saints from a church and keep the saints that stayed up to date with a message of "togetherness".
Naw. Nothing unethical about that.
Try it at home. Remember, it is not unethical if you allow them to unsubscribe to your advances.
This is all just my opinion as I see it...but I am right.
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Old 12-04-2008, 07:00 PM
jaxfam6 jaxfam6 is offline
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

I can remember back in the 70's and 80's when I was still ULTRA CON and attending a church that was part of the super ultra con organization. If someone left the UPC, ALJC, PAW, or any other org and wanted to come to them they did not ask questions and they did not ask them to tell their pastor why they were leaving or to t least leave on good terms. They simply accepted them in.

When I left that group and went to an ALJC church the pastor told me that if I wanted to attend where he pastored I needed to make sure I told my former pastor why I was leaving. He said to do it in person if possible, if not by phone. In my circumstances he advised I could also write a letter if I felt it best but it had to be done and be read by the pastor before I could attend. He also wanted me to state where I was going to go. I did so and life was horrible for my family for several months. See my brother had been my pastor and it was not just a church thing but we had to be able to see each other at family get togethers. He did not talk to me for 6 months and then when he did it as because I forced him and he was nasty. Took him 3 years to get through it and finally understand why I did what I did.

Now that all said to say this.

I had a friend that had not being going to church for 5 years. If he did it was only a visit from time to time but not regular. His wife still went to that church I had left. After about 2 years of going there and still being in touch with him and his family he told me that he had been thinking of coming to visit with us but wanted his wife to come with him. He did not want his family going to different churches. She refused. Two more years and his dad passed away and he again expressed desire to attend with us. I looked at his wife and told her he was the leader of his family and to be biblically correct she should go where he said. She said she had a church and was not going to leave it. I told her then that when her marriage was distroyed and they were both not serving God she only was going to have herself to blame. If he wanted to go some place else where he felt he could serve God she should go with him no matter where it was as long as it taught truth. Well today they are divorced and both live with out people and neither of them go to church.

To bring to a close. I was accused of proslytizing. This boy did not even go to church there only his wife did. You would think that they would be happy about him going to church ANYWHERE just so he was going. Not so.

intransitive verb
1 : to induce someone to convert to one's faith
2 : to recruit someone to join one's party, institution, or cause
transitive verb
: to recruit or convert especially to a new faith, institution, or cause

If you are trying to get people to join your church you obviously think that the church they go to is wrong. Does it make it right to do so? Well from my experience the general mind set is that it is okay for me to do it to you but not for you to do it to me.
Life is .............

I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
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Old 12-05-2008, 08:32 PM
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Re: Prosthelizing from new org

Now, aside from the fact no one has actually defined ethical conduct or how it relates to one's moral character or personal integrity, we are left with one glaring issue, which is the question of spiritual loyalty.

What we have expressed on these pages is that one must be loyal to one’s organization, one’s pastor (or other appointed authority) and to be loyal to the local assembly.

We also have had expressed the idea that it is wrong to engage in “sheep stealing”, e.g. inviting members of another church (same organization) to visit (or even join) your church.

That the proselytize other churches, religious groups and organizations is Okay – or even from the same organization if the pastor gives his/her permission, as it is currently done in a number of churches I have attended.

That local church attendance is really all about people numbers and the money they bring into the coffers.

What have I missed?

Oh yes, our first loyalty is to be to people, things, and activities, in that order. I can’t think of a book, chapter and verse right off hand, but that’s Bible. Right? Yet, somewhere burred in all of those words, is a little known and even less practiced principle concerning the theory that there is but one God, one Spirit, one Christ and He has only one undivided church – consisting of many parts. Now, even though there are no scriptures to support this strange concept, I am convinced that my allegiance is to be to God through Jesus Christ, and I am to give honor (not allegiance, worship, or lordship) to those appointed over me. And, to those to have the responsibility of teaching the word of God, I am to render double honor. Abstract concepts, I realize, but gee, would it not be nice when we all reach the unity of the Faith among the brethren rather than just conformity of look and actions within a closed meeting? What if all of the really called of God ministers of the faith came together and created a area wide counsel of elders to over see the many local assemblies? And, weeded out those wolves in sheep’s clothing from among us!

Ah, what if we were no longer in bondage to building programs? What if we actually spent out our money, not on mortgages, utilities, and building maintenance but on spreading the gospel of the kingdom of God, taking care of the elderly, the widow, the orphan, the sick, the poor, and imprisoned? First to those within the body of believers and also to those outside of our group. What ever happened “to the Jew first and also the Gentile”? Novel concepts, I know. These ideas will never fly except in someone’s flight of fancy.

So I charge you all, keep your priorities straight: Keep your allegiance to the pastor first (be he right or wrong, called of God or just another wolf, it makes no difference as long as you don’t make any waves), the congregation second (growing in the Spirit or not, even stunted or dying), and your programs third (do what makes one look good among the congregation and even within the society at large) – then if you have any time, money or energy left, you might consider your family’s needs, and we can always let someone else take care of the lost, the dying and the hurting.

I have met a few church leaders who actually practiced what they preached. I can hear their voices almost as if they all said the same words. “If you cannot get your spiritual needs met here, under my teaching and leadership, please let me help you find a church that will met your needs, and where God can put you into the ministry He has called you to. Your soul and spiritual growth is more important to God than your presence on Sunday morning in this church.” Strange words coming from A/P preachers - who actually meant them - in love,compassion and concern!

But, these pastors aren’t very spiritual men in the modern American church way, they were not socially pragmatic or spiritually practical, they only wanted what was best for the saint of God. What a novel concept!


Alright, I do apologize for preaching down to everyone here. But, I do so for only one reason, to shake us all from our parochial attitudes for a moment, so we might see how our seemingly important differences and profound theological discussions really fit into the kingdom of God/heaven worldview. Our modern-day churches have become more obsessed with power, money, influence and feeding our personal pride than with the things of God and what actually matters to Him. Mt 23 seems an appropriate passage to reference, with Lk 18:9-14 added just for good measure.

Shalom Aleichem
Peace be Unto You
It makes no difference whether you study in the holy language, or in Arabic, or Aramaic [or in Greek or even in English]; it matters only whether it is done with understanding. - Moshe Maimonides.
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