Originally Posted by Ferd
I have been thinking about peoples ability as it relates to God and service in the church. This Sunday my pastor made a comment in his sermon that has really been with me, kind of connecting the dots. He said that often times you find someone with less ability working in a church while a real talent sits on the pew. The difference is one stepped up.
That got me thinking about the bible and the people God used. Samuel was an orphan. David was a kid with much more talented, stronger, OLDER brothers. Gideon was a nobody afraid of his own shadow. Peter was “an ignorant and unlearned man”….and a loudmouth coward…. Paul was a murderer….What was it about these guys that made them so used? I think really their common ability was availability.
My take... Many leaders and Pastors take the Hitler and Napoleon leadership. Never use or promote someone that has more ability than u.
How I know this to be true. I work in professionial technical sales.
Everytime a manager has a great performer they get nervous.
Many of the managers can't talk or sell themselves out of a paperbag.
next time you look over and see a more qualified person sitting in the pew.
Maybe you might realize they have it harder in the church.
I know it...... I have seen it a million times.
When my Dad taught at Mark Hanby's bible college in the mid 1970's.
When he preached and Mark Hanby was out of town.
The main leaders told my Dad he could not do the alter call after he preached.
Because he was starting to have to big of a following.
Nathan Eckstadt