Originally Posted by TRFrance
Call me pessimistic but...
Even Jeremiah praying and weeping for Israel didnt save unrepentant Israel from destruction for its sins. America's sins have piled up for decades, and I believe a day of reckoning is inevitable. I dont believe praying will necessarily change the decision of God, if he has already decreed judgment on America.
However, prayer may well help the saints as the country goes through dark days to come, and help the church to be a light in a dark hour, and spur the revival the church has been waiting for for so long.
I agree with this whole heartily.
We know by scripture that a certain change of events are to befall us. Some feel that America is not mentioned in scripture (during the last days) and that it either becomes a part of another nation or longer exists.
I would love for the many of the things in the book of revelations not to come to pass-but can we pray to stop it from happening? I don't think so-and is this part of prophecy or the begining of prophecy? It has to play out some way-some how.
I am still going to pray that Obama loses favor with America and McCain find favor, I am still going to vote for McCain. But at this point nothing is guaranteed.
We still need to prepare for Obama being president and that we are prepared as a church to face whatever comes our way and fulfill God's purpose on the earth.