Most guys smake some very fundamental mistakes when trying to catch the interest of a lady they'd like to get to know.
Here's the deal. Look at the animal kingdom. Nearly every creature has a "rutine" to capture the interest of the opposite gender. Like birds, males have plumes of feathers and a dance they do. You've got to have a rutine. That does several things. Helps you feel confident (that's 90% of the battle). Gives you some control. And if she plays along, allows her to just enjoy the ride. Most ladies don't get on the court unless they're willing to play the game. You just have to have a game they enjoy. And you have to make it entertaining, if she laughs and plays never know. You may have made a friend for life.
Sadly, most guys take a deep breath and go up and talk off the the top of their heads. That's ok...but I can assure you, she'll like my feathers over theirs.
And I'll score the kiss. lol
Dude, I'm a married man now. I haven't used these techniques for some time. But it works. That's all I can say man. And frankly, it's best if the basics are understood and each man makes it according to his own style. I could typically not only get the kiss...but I'd have her name and number by the time I broke the encounter. That's another rule...don't linger or try to push it into into an all night deal. You cut the encounter short. Determine that you have something to take care of either that evening or the next day. Leave the encounter with her on your terms.
You'd have to watch real hard, because it has NEVER HAPPENED!!!
Hey that's cool. But I promise you I'm telling the truth. And it didn't always work out the way I intended.
Ethics are important. Don't go for married girls and don't use this on hurting girls. If you discover either of these things, excuse yourself quickly. If she get's upset with you're efforts (which happened to me a few times) just smile, look at the floor, DON'T SAY A WORD, and politely walk away. Her loss. Odds are you'll see her later and she'll talk to you and offer an apology of sorts for being rude. That's happened to me too.
I would go for the lips, but that's just me. More times than not it was just a soft and brief, but charming, kiss on the lips. Friendly. Most of the time she'd laugh.