Originally Posted by Dora
Ha! Creates funny pictures in my mind!  
Doesn't it though??? And then you know what happened next????
Brother Booker was fumbling in his pocket trying to get his car keys out so his wife could drive him to the emergency room, but he dropped them on the pavement.
Quick as a wink, Sister Godair (Some one who was there saw all of this ) bent down and SCOOPED them right up off the pavement, ran and barricaded herself inside Brother Bookers Car!!!!
Then Sister Booker bent down and scooped up Brother Godairs tooth (A FRONT tooth!) from the ground and ran off with it, Brother Godair chasing her all through the Hilton Hotel Lobby screaming "GIVE ME BACK MY TOOTH!!!! GIVE ME BACK MY TOOTH!!!!!!!!" Sister Booker caught one of those glass elevators to the top floor of the atrium, then took the tooth and hurled it into space, it landed in the wishing well in the center of the lobby it took three preachers two hours to find it!
That's the real reason Brother Godair is resigning! He's just plum MAD about the whole deal! I know, I was there and I didn't see it!