Originally Posted by faithit166
thanks for the post but i will continue paying my tithes over any bill first,if i put him first hell make sure my bills get paid just like he always has god bless you,he is faithful.
I see an important issue here.
Since tithing isn't a binding commandment in the NT church, paying tithes first is elevating it to the point of "law". This departs from "Grace".
Also, as believers we are told that if we do not provide for own own families, we're worse than infidels. You have to provide food, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc. in this day and age. If you do not provide these things for the sake of giving an unbiblical 10% to the church, you're failing to meet a NT responsibility. I remember being told that if I didn't tithe I'd be cursed. We'd tithe and not have enough money for groceries. So we'd borrow money for groceries from her mom. I used to praise God and give him credit for her assistance. Today I realize, I failed in my duty to provide for my family and burdened another to give to a bloated and wealthy pastorate. Needless to say, her mother never visited our church.
That leads to the final point I can think of. If we tithe and don't pay our bills what witness is that to our creditors? What witness is that to the world at large when we seek assistance because we gave to a religious institution?
If it's sincerely your desire to give to that point, and your family agrees to the sacrificial giving, burdening another to meet your needs is out of the question. In addition, if you're giving because your church requires you... it's extortion. Like the Pharisees of old, they are robbing the poor and the widow.