Originally Posted by Rico
I know this much: I will think twice before I post another clip of some cute kid with a mic in his hand. Y'all like to pick things apart too much.
Come on Rico, that is like me responding to all of this by saying, "Well, that's the last time I'm going to give my honest opinion on a subject."
I stand by my original statement, it is very cute, but troubling in the aspect that it appears to being going on during a regular service.
I am all for children participating in a service, in fact at the church that I attend, children participate in the worship and praise almost as much the adults do. We have had people actually get upset because they feel like the kids don't know what they are doing, to which the response is, God will accept praise anyway that He can get it, and these kids are a valuable part of our church.
That being said, several elements of this are odd. If we had
anyone in our pulpit during a church service talking unintelligibly, I would hope that the audience would not be cheering them on.
This scenario is a little different from the whole "playing church" thing, which I have no problem with.
Also, I have known people with "baby preachers", and I am sorry, but the whole thing just kind of creeps me out. I always look at these kids and wonder what will become of them in 10 or 15 years. The parents always seem to be projecting their own emotion and ambition onto the child.
I am in no way saying that is what is going on here, just that is the feeling and thought that watching this clip evoked for me. These are just my thoughts and opinions, which is what this forum is supposed to be about.