Originally Posted by Timmy
Matthew 28:19-20
So, Jesus told the eleven to do something (baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). Then he told them to teach them (all nations, i.e., you and me) to do likewise. So, Peter knew better than Jesus how to accomplish (the fulfillment) that particular thing? Peter must have thought, "Hmm. When Jesus said to baptize like that, what He really meant was this. I'll correct His error." Is that correct?
Luke 24:44-50 , right before His ascension, Jesus spoke to his disciples
and then OPENED their understanding, (why?) that they might UNDERSTAND
the scriptures. A few days later the Holy Ghost was poured out and Peter
preached and those that GLADLY received his word, were baptized. Peter
had just told them how! Jesus told him and the others how just a few days
before. He told them in
Luke 24:47 that repentance and remission of sins
should be preached IN HIS NAME among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
WHO was crucified for me! Who died for my sins! I have no problem nor
argument about HIS NAME! His NAME shall be called JESUS for He shall save
HIS people!! His children love HIS Name!! It identifies WHOSE I am!!!
And whatsoever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of JESUS!!!
Blessings, and love to all!!!