So are we saying he was great because he was popular or are we actually looking at the effect of his policies?
As someone who experienced 21% interest rates and 18% inflation under Jimmy Carter's ever changing and ineffective economic policies I can say that Ronald Reagan was great for his soaring rhetoric and optimism that lifted the country after the negative and depressing Carter years and for his firm economic policies that revived the economy.
So are we saying he was great because he was popular or are we actually looking at the effect of his policies?
The effect of his policies ... did create a welfare state, Baron. Yet by this time most of the industrialized nations of Europe had.
Thousands of people were put to work ...
His public works program electrified the country ... built dams, highways, parks, etc.
We could talk all day about the benefits and disadvantages of his New Deal program ... the truth is ... the presidents after him ... including Reagan expanded our welfare state ...
It wasn't until the Contract w/ America, in the 90's ... under Gingrich and a poll driven Clinton ... that we see real reform.
Did FDR end the depression? ... no. WWII did. Which he led us into precipice of final victory.
The effect of his policies ... did create a welfare state, Baron. Yet by this time most of the industrialized nations of Europe had.
Thousands of people were put to work ...
His public works program electrified the country ... built dams, highways, parks, etc.
We could talk all day about the benefits and disadvantages of his New Deal program ... the truth is ... the presidents after him ... including Reagan expanded our welfare state ...
It wasn't until the Contract w/ America, in the 90's ... under Gingrich and a poll driven Clinton ... that we see real reform.
Did FDR end the depression? ... no. WWII did. Which he led us into precipice of victory.
If you believe the Myth that the New Deal was good for America then or now I suppose you could consider him a great president. I believe the economic evidence is clear that he was a failure then and we continue to have negative results even now. His policies extended the depression rather than bringing it to an end.
We don’t justify bad American policy by saying the Europeans were already doing it.
Didn’t your mama ever give you the “If all your friends were…” speech?
As someone who experienced 21% interest rates and 18% inflation under Jimmy Carter's ever changing and ineffective economic policies I can say that Ronald Reagan was great for his soaring rhetoric and optimism that lifted the country after the negative and depressing Carter years and for his firm economic policies that revived the economy.
Something that FDR did during the one of worst global depressions and the deadliest war mankind has seen.
If you believe the Myth that the New Deal was good for America then or now I suppose you could consider him a great president. I believe the economic evidence is clear that he was a failure then and we continue to have negative results even now. His policies extended the depression rather than bringing it to an end.
We don’t justify bad American policy by saying the Europeans were already doing it.
Didn’t your mama ever give you the “If all your friends were…” speech?
Baron ... there is economic data on both sides of a highly charged ideologica debate ... truth is Hoover's "priming the pump" was even more disastrous and laughable.
When we speak of the liberalization of gov'ts worldwide seeking, especially, we must keep in mind that FDR did not act alone nor were they his ideas soley ...
Americans by this time were looking for gov't to play at least a basic role in the lives of those that were underprivileged ... Economic factors such as industrialization, modernization and ubanization brought new realities to America ... this was sought after in various forms throughout the world.
The entire world was in global depression, by this time also ... See Germany, Asia, Europe, etc. This is what brought about the rise totalitarian regimes.
I don't think there was much he could've done ... or Reagan for that matter other than try to keep the nation afloat ... and band-aid a hellish reality. And boy, did he try.
I'm sure you would not do away with our welfare state entirely because I know you are reasonable.
My father swears up and down that Nixon would have been considered one of the greatest, if not for Watergate.
Originally Posted by OP_Carl
RandyWayne and PP declare an affinity for Nixon, but Nixon was in actuality what GWB is falsely painted to be by the press. Wage controls and price controls are not the product of a freedom-loving president. Neither are S&L bailouts. What takes the cake is the "war on drugs" Nixon started, which started the USA down the road to a police state.
I agree that we are about to get the worst president in history.
Uncle Ronnie (with hand over heart)
and Teddy "the big stick"
were about the only truely great presidents of the 20th century.
which is quite odd when you think about it, because America came into its greatness during the 20th century. FDR was an enigma in my estimation. some of what he did leaves a legacy as putrid as a dead skunk. some of what he did, led to American dominance in the world.
Cooledge was affected by incompetence around him... and actually his wife ran the country at the end of his life
Hoover was brilliant but flawed and in the end made the ultimate mistakes that gave us FDR.
Truman was mans man but cant be called great.
Woodrow Wilson was Jimmy Carter, only smart and compitant.
Jimmy Carter was vies with Franklin Pearce and James Buchanon for the title of worst ever.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
FDR was the worst, With LBJ being a close second. Carter gives LBJ a run for his money.
Reagan was our best president of the last century.
RandyWayne and PP declare an affinity for Nixon, but Nixon was in actuality what GWB is falsely painted to be by the press. Wage controls and price controls are not the product of a freedom-loving president. Neither are S&L bailouts. What takes the cake is the "war on drugs" Nixon started, which started the USA down the road to a police state.
I agree that we are about to get the worst president in history.
This post has the potential to get TimLan out of retirement.
He thinks quite highly of Tricky Dick.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!