Originally Posted by U376977
Help me understand this thread, PLEASE. I am a complete outsider to UPCI and attend a non demon oneness church so I really do not know what is going on. From reading this thread it appears that the UPCI is forcing all their ministers to not have a TV? And some people have left and formed their own group because of it? I thought the no TV rule was a UPCI by-law for years already?
Your take is a little bit off.
As you stated it has been a UPCI "rule" officially since 1977. At the GC in Tampa Fl, last year, the UPCI voted to allow TV advertising, and by way of thew wording it allows for broadcasting services as well. The manuel still states that licensed ministers cannot own a TV, and that saints are discouraged from it as well. (kinda silly if you ask me, you can win your world with a TV but then when they get saved, tell them to get rid of what brought them to God. My unsaved FIL called this hypocrisy of the highest order.)
Some who left as a result of the passage of this resolution, (not all who left joined the WPF) Formed a new "fellowship" called the Worldwide Pentecostal Fellowship. (WPF)