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Old 05-02-2008, 06:42 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

This thread reminds me of the one Esther started wayyyy back on FCF. The "3 Things" thread. Remember that one?

I still have the comments that were made about each poster involved with the forum at that time on our desktop. Memories.........

Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:36 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
4. Sis. Jeanie. A woman of true insight and a supportive woman of God who loves God, her man, and her family.
5. Sis. Renda. One of the strongest, most balanced people I know. The more I get to know her the more I respect her.

6. Sis. Sherri. I saw you, but didn't know you at JCM. I respect the fact taht you and Bro. Eddie followed your heart and God's leading and your ministry heart speaks for itself.
Thank you for all you add to this forum Rhoni! I love your honesty and wisdom. In many ways you help keep this forum going.
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:42 AM
AmazingGrace AmazingGrace is offline
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Re: What I Like About You.....

There are so many here I have come to love and appreciate... I cant even begin to say enough about them all... Carey, Dizzy, Falla, PO, Renda, Rhoni, Ron, Ferd, Daniel, Scotty, Cindy, Our dear sister who is in Alaska that I can only remember by her real name right now lol, and so many more! Tina, Esther, Dora

Everyone here has ministered to a part of me, been a friend to me in many great times of need. One thing I guess I remember the most is last year... almost 1 year ago now. When my mom passed away... that was the hardest thing because not only did I lose my mom but due to moving around working with different churches I had not a lot of close close friends that were nearby anymore.. most of my closest were far away. I felt so absolutely alone at that time.

I remember walking into the funeral home the night of the viewing and my moms body being far from right... Some will laugh considering what I am about to say but my mom had on the brightest makeup you could get and the brightest red lipstick! Me and my sister were so sick because it was nothing to do with conviction then... it just wasnt mom!!! Never! Well I remember coming out of that room crying and my heart feeling gone... and who was standing there but our lovely Rhoni... and she stayed and talked to all the kids.... loved then when I didnt have to much capacity to do so at the time... and she stayed for the family to be a strong tower... Guys... no matter how much some of yall disagree with her.. the one thing this lady has is heart! Rhoni I love you and thank you for being there!

The next day at the funeral... again empty... hurting but being strong for my kids I turned and looked back at a day that had already been hit by family fighting yada yada... And there was none but our dear Falla! Such a blessing with words that really touched the heart! You two never will know how much all that meant right then... Never!

Dizzy and Carey... you 2 have been extra special... always been there to talk to when I needed someone... thanks so much!

Ok sorry for getting so mushy but just spoke a lil part of my heart.
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:20 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
9. Sis. Barb...always the encourager and optimist. You never give up...just like Jesus.

10. Bro. Keith. The teacher/counselor in you shows. Education + Wisdom + Understanding= anointing.

11. Chosenbyone. A survivor that God has given purpose and destiny to. Truly an overcomer.
Thank you, Rhonda...I posted this in another thread some time ago, but will bring it over here now...I love threads like this!!


My oldest online friend...not oldest in age, but oldest as in first.

When we met back at the old farm, we soon found that we had connections through families, and in it we formed a bond that misunderstanding and issues cannot dissolve.

Thank you for your generosity and friendship...
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:27 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
This thread reminds me of the one Esther started wayyyy back on FCF. The "3 Things" thread. Remember that one?

I still have the comments that were made about each poster involved with the forum at that time on our desktop. Memories.........

I sure do remember that thread...it was a great one for sure.

Here are a few more things I posted a while back on another thread, and they ring true today...God is SO faithful and I am SO grateful for His people!!

Elder and Sister Coonskinner

For whatever reasons, your participation here of late seems to not be as frequent as it once was, but I want YOU to know how much your words and spirit mean to the men and women on this forum, and to me in particular.

Sister C, your wit and good common sense has made me smile more than once and that is of such importance in this hour. The Church needs more women like you, girl...

And Elder, what can I say that will adequately express how much your words have ministered to me?! Men who display true godly character are treasures indeed and worthy of mention and honor.

May God continue to bless you both and your ministry...


Be encouraged this day that God sees all that you and Elder C have done for Kingdom sake and is rewarding and will continue to reward accordingly.

Man won't understand...they will say, "How can this be?!" But the all seeing and all knowing God of glory knows. It is He who will open and close doors...it is He who will bring you before great men.

I appreciate you, girl...thank you for your gentle spirit...


I appreciate your continual kindness to me...your lovely card at Christmas time and your thoughtful ways are etched in my memory bank.

God has great things in store for you, Rendagirl...be encouraged and hold on to what you know is right.

Felicity and TB

When I think of y'all, I see blessings and favor abounding. It is not by chance that you are where you are...before the foundation of time, God saw you and knew you would have a heart for His people.

The Almighty does not call that He does not equip, and certainly He has prepared and equipped you for this task.

Thank you, Felicity, for your never ending encouragment in my writing and in a zillion other areas. You listen and pray and give wise counsel and are a real friend.

And TB, I appreciate your soundness in the Word. You are a blessing to my questioning mind.

My appreciation for you both increases moment by moment...
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:32 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

Originally Posted by DanielR View Post
I haven't been here all that long yet, but I would say that my favorite poster is Unregistered. Ok folks, I just had to do that because there are so many that I've come to appreciate here at AFF that I'm just taking the easy way out by saying thank you Unregistered for your heart, compassion, and craziness. You all have come to mean alot to me.

Whew...after 4 pages...finally someone used the little Unregistered trick.

Thats the only way I ever make these lists,
God has lavished his love upon me.
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:33 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

I had forgotten I had posted this, but the words are meant more today than when first written. Man may not always understand, but God knows and will reward you for all you do...

Jeanie and Keith

Y'all don't post much, but when you do, the posts are real and thought provoking.

May God bless you in your diligence in working for the Kingdom.

In the final analysis, the defining result of our labor will not be fame or fortune or how well we were received by the spiritually elite...it will be in the number of souls which were snatched from the hand of the enemy.

Appreciate you both...
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:36 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

One more than I must run...

For my dear friend...hope you're having a great day...


There is a song that I love, and one portion in particular...

When the world closes in and presses me
I run to Jesus, down on my knees
No sweeter voice I've ever heard
When God whispers in my heart

May the gentle and familiar voice of our loving heavenly Father whisper encouragment and peace to you tonight.

Appreciate your spirit, girl...
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:41 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

In light of some of the arguing that has gone on lately, this is a beautiful thread. Thanks for the kind words.

I tend to just LOVE everyone, in fact Eddie laughs about it because he always says there is no one that I don't like. I tend to trust everyone too, which has gotten me in trouble at times, but I can't help it. I just expect everyone to be good and sweet. LOL!

Anyway, I don't want to name names on here, because I would surely forget someone. But I do appreciate the friendships that have come about because of this forum (and others before it). Even though Eddie laughs and calls them my "imaginary friends", they are very real in my life and there is a bond there. Thank God for AFF!
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Old 05-02-2008, 08:50 AM
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Re: What I Like About You.....

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
In light of some of the arguing that has gone on lately, this is a beautiful thread. Thanks for the kind words.

I tend to just LOVE everyone, in fact Eddie laughs about it because he always says there is no one that I don't like. I tend to trust everyone too, which has gotten me in trouble at times, but I can't help it. I just expect everyone to be good and sweet. LOL!

Anyway, I don't want to name names on here, because I would surely forget someone. But I do appreciate the friendships that have come about because of this forum (and others before it). Even though Eddie laughs and calls them my "imaginary friends", they are very real in my life and there is a bond there. Thank God for AFF!
Amen to that!!
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