Originally Posted by philjones
BTW... I was cataloging my old tapes recently and I found that I have several of your Dad! I believe they are all related to eschatology as my Dad was very into the study of Daniel, Ezekiel and The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
I look forward to giving them a listen.
Wow. That is awesome. Could you share with me the names of the sermons via PM?
Once you have heard them.
If I do not have copies of the sermons.
Would you be willing to send them to me?
So I can have them converted to MP3?
If so I will make sure you get copies of any sermon that I already have converted.
Do you have highspeed internet?
If so I would love to email you "Eternity to Eternity".
Awesome sermon on the Oneness of God...
Thanks so much...
Nathan Eckstadt