It's obvious that the UC army is mobilizing prior to the election in Sept ... it started in Houston in '06 and it is taking a mind and force of it's own ...
So? If the UC's don't agree with what's happening, shouldn't they have ammo for leaving? Or, would you rather they not give a reason? I don't think these men of God would leave "just because", do you?
Let's cut to the chase and get down to business .... documents mean nothing ... they are simply being compiled to make a case for DIVISION ....
Documents mean nothing?? Legally, they are quite binding and revealing. I've seen the ones from both parties. I think that speaks of more than just assuming they may be erroneous or not worth their weight. *shrugs*
And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. [Zechariah 14:9]
Ignorance of the Identity of the One True God is not a valid reason to practice idolatry.
So? If the UC's don't agree with what's happening, shouldn't they have ammo for leaving? Or, would you rather they not give a reason? I don't think these men of God would leave "just because", do you?
Documents mean nothing?? Legally, they are quite binding and revealing. I've seen the ones from both parties. I think that speaks of more than just assuming they may be erroneous or not worth their weight. *shrugs*
Documents presented as a montage are A form of propaganda ... it's an tried and true ... political technique .....
Let's get to the heart of the matter ... stop building munitions ....
This is simply part of a well-thought campaign to buffer of lost of power the UC's are feeling ....
Yet they are holding out ... hope ... perhaps waiting for a favorable vote on TV and electing a GS that will CLEAN UP HOUSE ....
Documents presented as a montage are form of propaganda ... it's an tried and true ... political technique .....
Has the fact that both sides' documents have been viewed matter? Do you believe the documents from the FMD are false, created to support only one side?
This is simply part of a well-thought campaign to buffer of lost of power the UC's are feeling ....
And the liberal faction could be just as easily accused of the same thing, my friend. Their "liberality" is being attacked and it is causing unease. Just depends on which set of glasses you choose to wear, right?
Yet they are holding out ... hope ... perhaps waiting for a favorable vote on TV and electing a GS that will CLEAN UP HOUSE ....
You fault them for this?
And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. [Zechariah 14:9]
Ignorance of the Identity of the One True God is not a valid reason to practice idolatry.
Has the fact that both sides' documents have been viewed matter? Do you believe the documents from the FMD are false, created to support only one side?
And the liberal faction could be just as easily accused of the same thing, my friend. Their "liberality" is being attacked and it is causing unease. Just depends on which set of glasses you choose to wear, right?
You fault them for this?
This is politics as usual and it disgusts me ... let's call a spade a spade and stop with the PROPAGANDA.
What you don't understand ... OGIA ... is I have no rooting interest .... I left months ago ...
But it is OBVIOUS WHAT'S GOING ON HERE ..... LET'S STOP PLAYING PATTY CAKE ... and get on with it.
while some are denigrating their precieved enemies and others are choosing up sides (I suppose for the purpose of smelling armpits)
I think both sides are more good than bad. the problem is, it appears we have reached the point where we cannot be as effective together as we would be sperated.
Folks, I have nothing bad to say about either group. What would the point be? I think both of these groups are full of good men who Love God.
Why wrangle over this? why split hairs and pitch battles. Lets just figure out who will go where, and divide the accets accordingly. Do it with a spirit of love and brotherhood but get it done.
Paul had to split from the Jerusalem church. That isnt a bad thing.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
This is politics as usual and it disgusts me ... let's call a spade a spade and stop with the PROPAGANDA.
The politics is being played from one side, friend. Lawsuits are being threatened by one side. If that is so, then there must be support from the one being sued, and that support is in the form of documents from both sides.
We'll see.
But it is OBVIOUS WHAT'S GOING ON HERE ..... LET'S STOP PLAYING PATTY CAKE ... and get on with it.
Get on with what?
And the LORD shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and his name one. [Zechariah 14:9]
Ignorance of the Identity of the One True God is not a valid reason to practice idolatry.
This is politics as usual and it disgusts me ... let's call a spade a spade and stop with the PROPAGANDA.
What you don't understand ... OGIA ... is I have no rooting interest .... I left months ago ...
But it is OBVIOUS WHAT'S GOING ON HERE ..... LET'S STOP PLAYING PATTY CAKE ... and get on with it.
admitting you left the UPC opens you up to the idea that you are just speaking from an anti-UPC perspective, with no vested interest in its survival.... it was probably unwise to admit that fact....
"Rules without relationship lead to rebellion." Dr. James Dobson
"You don't need a license to preach, or teach, or win souls." RonB
"In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength." Robert E. Lee (1807-1870)
Never tell a young person that anything cannot be done. God may have been waiting centuries for someone ignorant enough of the impossible to do that very thing. ~ John Andrew Holmes
The politics is being played from one side, friend. Lawsuits are being threatened by one side. If that is so, then there must be support from the one being sued, and that support is in the form of documents from both sides.
We'll see.
Get on with what?
You are blinded by your ideology friend ... this is a two way street ... the games are sickening and blatant ....
Take it somewhere else ... cuz I ain't buying it ... I know how this game works ....
Get on with the DIVISION ... it's my honest opinion ... although it would never be called one.