Originally Posted by Ron
Glad you had a good trip & safely made it back.
Goes to show what our Missionaries go through every day!
Hey Keith, want to run into some demons, come up to Vancouver-we have our fair share of them.
What you described happens often.
Why may I ask did you choose INDIA?
I have traveled most of the US except the far Northeast and Florida, but I have never encounter spiritual resistance and demonic oppression as I have in India. But that is my take and by no means I am a expert on demonic oppression/possession.
Much of the battle that Western Society goes through is materalistic/carnal in nature, the devil doesn't have to use much in the way of deception/possession to counter the work of God, just through a lot of stuff at believer and their attention is drawn away from God.
I have always had the desire/burden to go overseas, last year the door opened and I was asked to go. I have fallen in love with India/Asia and just today receieved another invitation to go to Indonesia/Singapore.