Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
FAL... there is a question that has been presented here that few, if any, have attempted to answer.
People have MANY sins in their life when they come to be baptized.
If a woman comes in with pants on and jewelry on would you think it good pastoring if she were asked if she were going to continue wearing them & keeping the pants & jewelry in her house? Because if she stays in the same house with them then she will probably wear them again.
If a person smokes... is it good pastoring to ask them if they are going to stop smoking and throw away all of their cigarettes in their home before baptizing them?
I know these questions sound sarcastic but they are not presented in that manner. I believe that these are fair parallels to draw on the position that is being taken here and I would appreciate your honest thoughts on these questions.
Pants and jewelry are not an issue with me (or with God
So on that issue..it's a non issue.
Smoking? That's just another weakness of the flesh. I'd advise that this is habit that the bapt. candidate should give serious thought and prayer to breaking this habit.
The very act of getting in the baptismal tank, making a public profession of the faith and a commitment to Christ MIGHT be the very thing the person needs to do to help them seek deliverance from this habit od smoking.
Now, IF I was a pastor that felt strongly that I needed to impose and enforce "standards" upon people, I spose IU would consel with them and ask if they were willing to make this commitment to my standards to join my churh.
Philips answer to the Ethopian eunuch, who asked, "what doth hinder me to be baptized"
Phillip answered, " If thou believest with all thine heart"
The philpian jailer was baptized the very night of his conversion, being told to "believe".
I believe
Rom 14 gives us latitude and wisdom to decide some things on "our own" I also think this same passage let us know that 2 different preachers may decide differnetly and we are directed to honor (or tolerate) the decisiion of the other.
The ORIGINAL queston of this thread however was about baptizing sosme in KNOWN sexual sin.
Sexual sins are clearly delt with in a different and very clear tone in the scriture.
I would have to givew some serious thought to baptizing someone who was NOT planning on changing that sinful situation.
As far as their baptism being "revoked" if they did get baptized.... I just don't see that.
Like any other suin after baptism..it needs to be put under the blood.