This lady who has been a pastor's wife and a Pentecostal saint nearly her entire life is NOT having her hair cut at a beauty shop to violate the teachings of Paul she is having brain surgery. God certainly knows the difference even if you folks don't?
Thank you Elder Epley for being a voice of reason.
Bro. PM, I think any woman who had long hair most if not all of their life and had to have some of it cut or shaved off would want to keep it.
Will be in much prayer for your Mom.
Thank you all for your prayers and concern!
She is feeling better as far as the pain goes, but I'm concerned about the dementia!
She has said a few funny things tonight. I asked her why she is keeping her cut hair in a bag by her hospital bed, and she told me she keeps it there in case she needs it! hahaha!
She also told me to make sure I picked her up early in the morning so she could help out with the church bake sale! Of course, there is no bake sale! The church she attends hasn't has a bake sale in years!
My mother just had surgery on her brain to fix a Chairi Malformation problem with her skull. They had to cut off her hair on the back of her head from the ear level down to perform the operation.
Will she go to hell for having her hair cut?
She asked the hospital to save her hair, and it is in a bag by her bed. Can she be saved if she carries the bag of cut hair with her wherever she goes? Will she still have the power of the angels?
I believe I know the answer, but I'm curious how the hard-liners reconcile this!
Pianoman... I sincerely remember your mom in prayer....
All I can say is I remember my mother asking our pastor what to do when she had cancer and her hair had to be cut off because of the chemo treatments and the Pastor said God knows. People are so quick to judge when it comes to something like this. I think my mom actually sent some of her hair to a place that they could use it to make wigs with real hair for cancer patients