I need a plumber, but I'll have to just do the job myself.
I have a clogged bathroom drain. It's been clogged for a while and nothing, even Drano, will work. It does drain, but very slowly....and I mean, VERY slowly.
In order to take the pipes apart, I have to 'jack up' the sink and remove the support, as the pipes are behind and inside of it.
I have to find something to jack it up with and hold it in place. When that happens, I'll fix the sink!
Wait, don't you rent the home- call the landlord and let them call Roto Rooter!
I am not a member here -Do not PM me please?
I need a plumber, but I'll have to just do the job myself.
I have a clogged bathroom drain. It's been clogged for a while and nothing, even Drano, will work. It does drain, but very slowly....and I mean, VERY slowly.
In order to take the pipes apart, I have to 'jack up' the sink and remove the support, as the pipes are behind and inside of it.
I have to find something to jack it up with and hold it in place. When that happens, I'll fix the sink!
Jack up the sink???? the pipes hold it up???? my goodness...this is all wrong...all wrong...(I say pacing the floor trying to think of a way to help)...OH I no call a plumber one that knows how to fix this problem...
how old is your house/plumbing....if its old you can make the clog worse with drainOH No I have ruined the plumbing!
try a plunger...it will work on sinks too....put water in the sink first to push some into the drain...if you know how to get the stopper out do that first...