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Old 12-11-2007, 07:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
I found/find it sooo interesting how people can make comments not having read his book. They have simply judged it by its cover.
I have read the book.
It is not an easy read.

A couple of things from the book that people do not like:

1. Not all Oneness Apostolic Pentecostals believe that a person who has not been baptized in Jesus' Name and/or has not spoken in tongues is lost. There have been ministers, pastors, teachers who have been and still part of the Oneness (UPC related) who believe and teach that justification/salvation/regeneration occurs when a person comes to Jesus in faith and repentance. We use the terms "one-steppers" and "three-steppers" in our discussions and both viewpoints are valid among Apostolic people.

2. Some folks among Oneness Pentecostals have placed so much emphasis on "proper" water baptism and on properly following the "rules/traditions" that a person's salvation hinges on what they do, how they live, and what they say instead of on who Jesus is and what He has done for us. We have become like the Galatians of whom Paul spoke in Gal 3:1-3. We started in the Spirit but are attempting to complete/perfect our salvation by carefully observing man-made rules, ordinances, traditions, and "standards." We are preaching a salvation based on what we know and what we do instead of being based on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

I do not mean for this to be harsh and condemning but stop and think what kind of a message we have conveyed to people over the years.
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Old 12-11-2007, 07:44 PM
Coonskinner Coonskinner is offline
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I read his book. My opinion is pretty much in line with Ferd's.

I don't question the veracity of his history, for the most part. I do think there is a pretty strong dose of bias in some of his editorializing and anecdotes.

Really though, who should be surprised?

Apostates and backsliders generally make efforts to justify their actions. Most of them just aren't Anglican priests with PhD's.
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Old 12-11-2007, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Sam View Post
I have read the book.
It is not an easy read.

A couple of things from the book that people do not like:

1. Not all Oneness Apostolic Pentecostals believe that a person who has not been baptized in Jesus' Name and/or has not spoken in tongues is lost. There have been ministers, pastors, teachers who have been and still part of the Oneness (UPC related) who believe and teach that justification/salvation/regeneration occurs when a person comes to Jesus in faith and repentance. We use the terms "one-steppers" and "three-steppers" in our discussions and both viewpoints are valid among Apostolic people.

2. Some folks among Oneness Pentecostals have placed so much emphasis on "proper" water baptism and on properly following the "rules/traditions" that a person's salvation hinges on what they do, how they live, and what they say instead of on who Jesus is and what He has done for us. We have become like the Galatians of whom Paul spoke in Gal 3:1-3. We started in the Spirit but are attempting to complete/perfect our salvation by carefully observing man-made rules, ordinances, traditions, and "standards." We are preaching a salvation based on what we know and what we do instead of being based on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

I do not mean for this to be harsh and condemning but stop and think what kind of a message we have conveyed to people over the years.
Could'nt agree more Sam.............good post
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Old 12-11-2007, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
I'm getting ready to go out to a Christmas concert for my kid's band at school so I don't have much time now. But I did recieve my copy of Robert Mapes Anderson's Vision of the Disinherited the other day.

If anyone is interested I can post the material that Thomas Fudge was citing about Agnes Ozman's renunciation of her 1901 Holy Ghost experience. In her own word's she does say that she had renounced the experience, not just other people's accounts of her experience, but she renounced her own experience.

This will be a lengthy post. Not sure if it should go on this thread or one another. I'll be back after getting my ears blown out. LOL.

And thanks Nathan for your update on your converstation with TF (not Tenney). Before he comes on here, I'd hope that a few of us could grow up a little bit so we don't embarrass ourselves.
Your statement on Agnes Ozman is just how he shared it with me.

TF focused on the part of where Charles P stated she wrote in Tounges.
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:15 PM
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Originally Posted by freeatlast View Post
There is an interesting chapter on what happened and what went down about the Affirmation Statement.

It begins at about page 200.
For sure.

There is also a web page that shows a letter from Robert Sabin and why he did not sign the AS.

Nov 1st, 1992

Please take the time to read this page:

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Old 12-11-2007, 09:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
I am sorry I meant to say David S Norris was there refuting his book. He went to Temple Univ. We did talk about Robert Sabin regarding another debate on the Oneness.

My apologies.

Nathan Eckstadt
I'd like to read about that discussion too if you can post it
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Old 12-11-2007, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Neckstadt View Post
For sure.

There is also a web page that shows a letter from Robert Sabin and why he did not sign the AS.

Nov 1st, 1992

Please take the time to read this page:

I think I have a copy on paper actually
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  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 12-11-2007, 10:44 PM
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I own the Thomas Fudge book, but haven't read all of it. It certainly gives lots of the UPC history.

I think I read Bro Sabins letter before, but I read it again now. Regardless of ones opinion of Bro Sabin today, his insight in 1992 seems to have been accurate.
I can state that my father did not llike the AS and felt it caused a lot of harm to the church. (He'd been saved over 60 years and the church was his life).
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Old 12-11-2007, 10:52 PM
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Originally Posted by commonsense View Post
I own the Thomas Fudge book, but haven't read all of it. It certainly gives lots of the UPC history.

I think I read Bro Sabins letter before, but I read it again now. Regardless of ones opinion of Bro Sabin today, his insight in 1992 seems to have been accurate.
I can state that my father did not llike the AS and felt it caused a lot of harm to the church. (He'd been saved over 60 years and the church was his life).

I know many very good men felt the same way. They may have even signed it.
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Old 12-11-2007, 11:07 PM
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I appreciate the history that's been recorded.

The book was written with "bias". So what? Most are. That doesn't negate the facts.
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~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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