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Old 12-30-2020, 04:50 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Georgia senate Hearing today. Right now - Jovan Pulitzer came back up to the podium and said they have just within the last hour found out that in the runoff election in Fulton County, the poll pad is hooked up to the Internet. They not only have access to the device, but they are in. They are documenting in real time. Not supposed to have WiFi. It is communicating two ways. Only one device hooked up can siphon off data, modify the data and add data for all locations.


We already have 2 videos of election fraud in Georgia. No court will look at it.
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Old 12-30-2020, 05:10 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
We already have 2 videos of election fraud in Georgia. No court will look at it.
The Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcomittee unanimously passed a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots with the process Pulitzer outlined during today’s hearing.

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Old 12-30-2020, 05:13 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Sen Hayley trying...


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Old 12-30-2020, 05:18 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
The Georgia State Senate Judiciary Subcomittee unanimously passed a motion to audit Fulton County’s absentee ballots with the process Pulitzer outlined during today’s hearing.

It will be claimed that this disproportionately affects minorities or some such nonsense.
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Old 12-30-2020, 07:27 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Congress has a few Representatives and at least one Senator now to contest the EC results. Unfortunately, the GOP doesn't control the House so this is all theatrics.
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Old 12-30-2020, 07:37 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Many say Pelosi will simply swat away the objections if they go into debate and vote.

Congressman Mo Brooks says Pelosi doesn’t have that authority because under the US Constitution US Code, it doesn’t define “majority” as the House of Representatives.

Under the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution, it’s the “majority” of the State Delegations. Republicans have 27-Democrats have 23.

If that is the “majority” based on the 12th Amendment, which it relates to the election of the President of the United States, then we have the votes.

On the other hand, the Democrats will press that the interpretation for the “majority” would be the 435 House members.

So, there is some ambiguity there that must ultimately have to be ruled on by the US Supreme Court - that the 12th Amendment standard applies as to “majority” being the State Delegates or some other standard applies.

The majority of both House and Senate members are saying that whoever controls the Chamber controls the rules, giving the Speaker control.

The House and Senate members are saying one vote per state is only triggered and only kicks in if you have a deadlock in the Electoral College Vote.

So, once again, we are at the mercy of the US Supreme Court who has shown they don’t want to be involved.

Congressman Mo Brooks says that Congress, and not the US Supreme Court should be involved, except for defining a Constitutional matter on the 12th Amendment as to defining “majority”.

Article 1, Section 4; 12 Amendment; Title 3, US Code 15 and other related statutes give ultimate duty to the US Congress to resolve all election contests involving the presidency.

Article 1, Section 5 gives ultimate duty to Congress relating to House and Senate.

The Supreme Court would have to issue an order compelling Speaker Pelosi to count by State Delegations and not by House majority.
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Old 12-30-2020, 07:53 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Talmudic wranglings and straining out gnats and swallowing camels. Meanwhile the communists complete their subversion of America.

Anyone who thinks either the Court, or the Congress, will somehow "Save the republic" has been asleep the past 50 years and is dreaming off in la-la land.
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Old 01-02-2021, 12:36 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

11 GOP Senators Refuse to Certify the Election Results Until One Requirement Is Met

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is leading a coalition of Republican senators who plan to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential results. The group is calling for a "10-day audit" of the results after "unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities."

Joint Statement from Senators Cruz, Johnson, Lankford, Daines, Kennedy, Blackburn, Braun, Senators-Elect Lummis,, Marshall, Hagerty, Tuberville
January 2, 2021 | 202-228-7561

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) issued the following statement in advance of the Electoral College certification process on January 6, 2021:

"America is a Republic whose leaders are chosen in democratic elections. Those elections, in turn, must comply with the Constitution and with federal and state law.

"When the voters fairly decide an election, pursuant to the rule of law, the losing candidate should acknowledge and respect the legitimacy of that election. And, if the voters choose to elect a new office-holder, our Nation should have a peaceful transfer of power.

"The election of 2020, like the election of 2016, was hard fought and, in many swing states, narrowly decided. The 2020 election, however, featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities.

"Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and scope are disputed. By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes.

"And those allegations are not believed just by one individual candidate. Instead, they are widespread. Reuters/Ipsos polling, tragically, shows that 39% of Americans believe ‘the election was rigged.' That belief is held by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%).

"Some Members of Congress disagree with that assessment, as do many members of the media.

"But, whether or not our elected officials or journalists believe it, that deep distrust of our democratic processes will not magically disappear. It should concern us all. And it poses an ongoing threat to the legitimacy of any subsequent administrations.

"Ideally, the courts would have heard evidence and resolved these claims of serious election fraud. Twice, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to do so; twice, the Court declined.

"On January 6, it is incumbent on Congress to vote on whether to certify the 2020 election results. That vote is the lone constitutional power remaining to consider and force resolution of the multiple allegations of serious voter fraud.

"At that quadrennial joint session, there is long precedent of Democratic Members of Congress raising objections to presidential election results, as they did in 1969, 2001, 2005, and 2017. And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being challenged.

"The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877, following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race. Specifically, the elections in three states-Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina-were alleged to have been conducted illegally.

"In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission-consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices-to consider and resolve the disputed returns.

"We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission's findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.

"Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given' and ‘lawfully certified' (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed.

"We are not naďve. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise. But support of election integrity should not be a partisan issue. A fair and credible audit-conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20-would dramatically improve Americans' faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President. We owe that to the People.

"These are matters worthy of the Congress, and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect it. And every one of us should act together to ensure that the election was lawfully conducted under the Constitution and to do everything we can to restore faith in our Democracy."


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Old 01-02-2021, 03:04 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Many say Pelosi will simply swat away the objections if they go into debate and vote.

Congressman Mo Brooks says Pelosi doesn’t have that authority because under the US Constitution US Code, it doesn’t define “majority” as the House of Representatives.

Under the 12th Amendment to the US Constitution, it’s the “majority” of the State Delegations. Republicans have 27-Democrats have 23.

If that is the “majority” based on the 12th Amendment, which it relates to the election of the President of the United States, then we have the votes.

On the other hand, the Democrats will press that the interpretation for the “majority” would be the 435 House members.

So, there is some ambiguity there that must ultimately have to be ruled on by the US Supreme Court - that the 12th Amendment standard applies as to “majority” being the State Delegates or some other standard applies.

The majority of both House and Senate members are saying that whoever controls the Chamber controls the rules, giving the Speaker control.

The House and Senate members are saying one vote per state is only triggered and only kicks in if you have a deadlock in the Electoral College Vote.

So, once again, we are at the mercy of the US Supreme Court who has shown they don’t want to be involved.

Congressman Mo Brooks says that Congress, and not the US Supreme Court should be involved, except for defining a Constitutional matter on the 12th Amendment as to defining “majority”.

Article 1, Section 4; 12 Amendment; Title 3, US Code 15 and other related statutes give ultimate duty to the US Congress to resolve all election contests involving the presidency.

Article 1, Section 5 gives ultimate duty to Congress relating to House and Senate.

The Supreme Court would have to issue an order compelling Speaker Pelosi to count by State Delegations and not by House majority.
I predict SCOTUS will suddenly become interested at this point, though they will still refuse to take cases involving election fraud. They'll just interpret the 12th Amendment any way it takes to help Biden.
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Old 01-02-2021, 03:35 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
I predict SCOTUS will suddenly become interested at this point, though they will still refuse to take cases involving election fraud. They'll just interpret the 12th Amendment any way it takes to help Biden.
I agree. Although, I hope we are wrong.
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