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Old 04-05-2016, 12:51 PM
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Po - have to correct you, again.
Trump won 73% of the Northern Mariana Islands primary.
Big deal. I am talking about the 50 states.
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Old 04-05-2016, 12:53 PM
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
WOW, pathetic!

Trump’s scumbag lackey Roger Stone always happens to pop up wherever the scummiest of dirty work has to be done for the Trump campaign, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

For instance, he’s calling for Trump hooligans to protest and riot at the GOP convention in an obvious attempt to intimidate the GOP leadership:


And now he’s increased the scumbag level up a notch by threatening violence against the delegates who go to the GOP convention:

“We will disclose the hotels and room numbers of those delegates… We urge you to visit their hotel and find them.” pic.twitter.com/VnPsD8rFOy

— Liam Donovan (@LPDonovan) April 5, 2016
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Old 04-05-2016, 01:00 PM
n david n david is offline
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Old 04-05-2016, 01:01 PM
n david n david is offline
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Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Po - have to correct you, again.
Trump won 73% of the Northern Mariana Islands primary.
Woooooooo. Well then.

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Old 04-05-2016, 01:45 PM
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Following this election cycle and watching the people on the right supporting someone like Donald Trump, I can see this article being spot on, especially concerning Fox News who appears as secular as the Left in many ways.

A Note to Conservatives Who Are Secular

The vast majority of leading conservative writers, just like their liberal colleagues, have a secular outlook on life. With few exceptions, the conservative political and intellectual worlds are oblivious to the consequences of secularism. They are unaware of the disaster that godlessness in the West has led to.

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Old 04-05-2016, 02:25 PM
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Re: Trump 2016

Wisconsin GAB looking into Donald Trump's visit to Waukesha polling place

Hass confirmed that he had been told by the clerk for the City of Waukesha that Trump had entered a polling place. GAB officials were looking into the matter and contacting the Trump campaign to make it aware of the state rule, he said. A spokeswoman for the campaign did not answer her cellphone and did not immediately return a telephone call.

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Old 04-05-2016, 03:31 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Trump 2016

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Big deal. I am talking about the 50 states.
Now, now, he did get 373 votes and all 9 delegates...
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Old 04-05-2016, 03:39 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post

I am going to respond to your ridiculous post this one time, for the reader's sake. We have already had this discussion, which apparently you have ignored - again and again. I've come to expect that from you.

1. How do you account for GWB saying, "I just don't like the guy", referring to Ted Cruz? Why doesn't GWB like Ted Cruz?

2. When Ted Cruz was Solicitor General of Texas, a case came up - Medellin v. Texas. It was a case of an illegal immigrant, Jose Ernesto Medillin who among other assailants repeatedly raped and strangled two young girls with a belt and a shoe string. 10 years after being on death row, the case took a turn. The International Court of Justice - the judicial arm of the UN, also known as the World Court issued a decision to reopen the murder conviction - issued the United States of America to reopen the murder convictions of Medellin and 50 other Mexican nationals.

Condi Rice and the Bush Administration "wanted" the United States to accede to the World Court. She was Heidi's boss at the time. The State Department wanted President Bush to oppose the final judgment of the Texas criminal justice system, supporting the World Court - subjecting state and federal courts to the authority of the judicial arm of the UNITED NATIONS. GWB's solicitor general, Paul Clement, even though he was also not in agreement, called Ted giving him the news that GWB was going to sign a two paragraph order compelling the state court to OBEY the World Court under the guise of international good will.

Ted's response: "Paul, as Scripture says, 'There came a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph and his children.' GWB is not going to be the last president of the United States, and if he has this power, what about the next president, or the next president, or the next president?"

After consulting Greg Abbott, who is now our Governor of Texas, they decided to stand up for the principle that no president - not even a friend and fellow Republican - can defy the Constitution. Ted Cruz went before the Supreme Court, argued the case and won the case with "6" votes. Cruz made the case into a "separation of powers case".

The case sets the precedent that the United Nations has NO AUTHORITY whatsoever to bind the United States of American.

Current and controlling law on Ted Cruz's citizenship is thus:

5 cases, thus far, have sided with Ted Cruz as a Citizen and eligible. Here is one of the cases deciding in Cruz's favor:

You know very well that a PAC works independently from a candidate and can place their money where ever they feel it is most beneficial. At the beginning of the debates, Fiorina was the best candidate poised to attack Hillary and bring out points that the other men on the stage would not have been as effective in doing. So, the PAC gave her money to stay in for a while and are on record saying why they gave her the money. That's old news.

Ted Cruz met with these people in NYC to talk about the Constitution and about foreign affairs concerning Israel. Gay people have questions too, Esaias.

The facts remain, regardless of you CONTINUING to try and smear Heidi is that she served a brief term as a conservative advisory member on the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations). Her sole input or contribution, among a huge panel of readers, was to review the paper, Building a North American Community, and to write the dissenting view.

So, I would appreciate it if you would stop with your paranoia and ill informed junk you read at irrelevant conspiracy theory websites.

Cruz has answered those questions, but you can hear him address them tonight with Megyn Kelly. He has said he has been faithful to his wife and has also answered regarding a lawsuit - Donald Trump would like for Ted to enter into a lawsuit over the false allegations in order to tie up the campaign on this one issue. Donald doesn't want to focus on the real issues, because he is weak. So, he tries to cause a distraction. It's pretty much a no-brainer as we have seen Donald do this very thing over and over and over again.

You quote Roger Stone who Trump says he fired in 2015, yet Stone says he quit. LOL! If you want to bring out a source, try one that isn't an idiot.

Eloi? What is this meaning for you today? Good grief. His name is Jesus. Stop acting ridiculous. I discuss policy with intelligent people during the day. This conspiracy junk you keep bringing up over and over, even when debunked is embarrassing. Just stop.
PO lowered the boom
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Old 04-05-2016, 03:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Esaias View Post

What a bunch of baloney. Cruz spent his adult working life in the Bush administration as a policy advisor. So did his wife.

More neocon lies. They guy has all his records sealed, just like Ozero. Only renounced his Canadian citizenship a few years ago. His campaign is swirling with dirty "business as usual" political tricks, just like the rest of them. He gave almost 1,000,000 dollars to Fiorini's campaign PAC while campaigning against her, his biggest donors are sodomites from NYC and people like Mitch McConnel - THAT ALONE ought to make any true conservative run from him like the plague. His wife helped draft the SPP (roadmap to NAU), he can't or won't answer a simple question "have you always been faithful to your wife", Roger Stone publicly says he knows "for a fact" Cruz: is an adulterer and Cruz never threatens a lawsuit against him or the NE. Why? Discovery, that's why.

This whole election is a sham and its sad so many have been hoodwinked, yet again.

The good news is more and more people are waking up to the scam, and soon the scambots won't matter, the party apologists will be irrelevant.

Though I guess the Eloi will always be with us, they are becoming less significant every passing year.
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"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 04-05-2016, 05:27 PM
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File under: "Better late than never."

"""Donald Trump's campaign tells The Washington Post that the candidate will deliver a series of policy-oriented speeches over the coming weeks. Among the topics on the table: Trump's criteria for Supreme Court nominees, his plans for the military, and education reform.""'

I can't wait for this!

On SCOTUS Justice Pick:
I'd like Trump to expound on his statement to ABCNews: """Well, I'd probably appoint people that would look very seriously at her email disaster because it's a criminal activity, and I would appoint people that would look very seriously at that to start off with," Trump said in a phone interview with ABC's "Good Morning America." "What she's getting away with is absolutely murder. You talk about a case -- now that's a real case."""

Because investigating people is what a SCOTUS Justice would do...

On Plans for the Military:
This is when Trump could provide details of the coming War With Mexico!

"""On MSNBC on Wednesday (3/9/16), journalist Bob Woodward asked Trump, "Would you be willing to go to war to make sure we get the money to pay for this wall?"

"Trust me, Bob, when I rejuvenate our military, Mexico's not going to be playing with us with war, that I can tell you. Mexico isn't playing with us with war," Trump responded Wednesday."""

Don't play with us with war, Mexico! You hear that?! Don't play with us with war!

On Education Reform:
This is where Trump could expound on his answer as to the role of government. Remember this:
"""COOPER: So in terms of federal government role, you're saying security, but you also say health care and education should be provided by the federal government?
TRUMP: Well, those are two of the things... Yes, sure... I mean, there are obviously many things, housing, providing great neighborhoods...""""

I think Bernie Sanders found a running mate! Health care, education, housing, neighborhoods...

Forget "Make America Great Again," Trump wants to "Make Government Great (Big) Again!"

Ah yes, these policy speeches will be great!

Last edited by n david; 04-05-2016 at 05:30 PM.
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