Originally Posted by DAII
I think it's all good .. and hoping Ev. and I can keep it within the arena of ideas and doctrine.
Keeping it within the arena of ideas and doctrine, I don't think our conversations will be very lively any more. We agree on too much. For example, you and I both think HMH is a nutty doctrine. I just don't see the need to play the "witchcraft" card against its proponents. I have (GASP!) facial hair and my wife wears (GASP!) pants and (GASP!) trims her hair and I wear (GASP!) short sleeves and a (GASP!) wedding band, and during the summer I sometimes wear (GASP!) shorts and I have a (GASP!) television. I just don't see the upside in lampooning those who gasp at all those things, or disrespecting those who have given up these things in their service to the Lord. Also, I'm not entirely convinced John Wesley and William Tyndale are broiling in a devil's Hell for their trinitarianism!(however, John Calvin and Martin Luther are about as crispy as Nero by now, but not for their trinitarianism but for their murder of God's people)
So you see, not much fuel for the fire.