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Old 12-19-2020, 04:33 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
If you listen to people who are running the Stop the Steal rallies, and people supporting audits, etc., they are saying it is MORE than Trump, it is about honest elections, it is about the American Republic.

I just listened to the Stop the Steal rally in AZ today and THAT was their message. Trump just happens to be the leader who was cheated.

God and country.
I remember arguing with you back in 2016 about Trump. I remember pointing out that it wasn't about Trump, he was just a battering ram that a fed up populace were using to smash against the gates of Mordor-on-the-Potomac.

What I have seen though the last 4 years is a veritable cult of personality develop around him. Hence the profusion of "Trump" flags at venues OTHER THAN Trump campaign rallies, the whole Qanon psyop, and the ridiculous preachers and "ministries" claiming Trump is either an actual angel or some kind of divinely appointed prophetic figure or whatever.

So it's good to see the folks pivot away from "Trump is the Man with the Plan" to a realisation that he's actually personally insignificant, that it goes much deeper and is far more important than one particular candidate. Better late than never, right?

Now if they'll just reign in the Proud Boy element and the drunken redneck contingent and start emphasizing the absolute need for national repentance? Then we may be getting somewhere.
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Old 12-19-2020, 04:37 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

By the way... About Lin Wood. He's an effective lawyer and a GREAT orator. He's got the southern preacher campmeeting shtick down pat.

But don't be fooled by him. It's a craft, his profession.

Remember, there's a reason nobody actually likes attorneys....
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Old 12-19-2020, 04:49 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
By the way... About Lin Wood. He's an effective lawyer and a GREAT orator. He's got the southern preacher campmeeting shtick down pat.

But don't be fooled by him. It's a craft, his profession.

Remember, there's a reason nobody actually likes attorneys....
I am sure that Nicholas Sandman was happy to retain him. Nicholas may never have to work again,

With all the lengthy pontificating, which you seem to love to do, you may want to look a little deeper and see what is happening in our country through all of the chaos. Case in point, a tweet to Linwood: Hint it is not about Trump worship.

Darrren Rice

· Dec 16
Replying to @LLinWood

Lin, this year (my 50th) i re-discovered God, gave up a drug habit, cut back 90% on alcohol, have taken care of my mum after the passing of my dad and asked God to forgive my sins. Life has never been better and I respect your honesty and your commitment. God bless you.

Don’t be too disappointed, Sunshine, but the majority of people love God and their country.
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Old 12-19-2020, 05:00 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I am sure that Nicholas Sandman was happy to retain him. Nicholas may never have to work again,
Yep, it's proven: you don't actually read (much less comprehend) my posts. I specifically said he's an EFFECTIVE attorney. Guess you missed that even though it was said right at the start. It's all good, though.

With all the lengthy pontificating, which you seem to love to do, you may want to look a little deeper and see what is happening in our country through all of the chaos.
Yep, I just have no idea what's going on. Never mind I was telling you about digital election fraud and tampering YEARS ago. Never mind I was telling you about the "deep state" YEARS ago, before Trump ever arrived on the scene.

YOU may want to look a little deeper at the fact YOU aren't the resident expert on "what's really going on".

I gave the rally folks a compliment. I pointed out your observations indicate good news, it's a good sign.

But AS ALWAYS you're such a depressingly negative nancy you ONLY want to find reasons to argue.

Reminds me of a couple of Proverbs.

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Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

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Old 12-19-2020, 05:18 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Visit the Apostolic House Church YouTube Channel!

Biblical Worship - free pdf http://www.pdf-archive.com/2016/02/21/biblicalworship4/

Conditional immortality proven - https://ia800502.us.archive.org/3/it...surrection.pdf

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Old 12-19-2020, 05:19 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
What I have seen though the last 4 years is a veritable cult of personality develop around him. Hence the profusion of "Trump" flags at venues OTHER THAN Trump campaign rallies, the whole Qanon psyop, and the ridiculous preachers and "ministries" claiming Trump is either an actual angel or some kind of divinely appointed prophetic figure or whatever.

Now if they'll just reign in the Proud Boy element and the drunken redneck contingent and start emphasizing the absolute need for national repentance? Then we may be getting somewhere.
Originally Posted by Esaias View Post

But don't be fooled by him. It's a craft, his profession.

Remember, there's a reason nobody actually likes attorneys....
Too late to walk it back, Sunshine. Who’s the Negative Nancy, ‘cause it ain’t me.
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Old 12-19-2020, 05:34 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Esaias View Post
Hahahaha! Good one!
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Old 12-19-2020, 05:36 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

"First of all, Donald Trump won on the 3rd of November. The things that he needs to do right now [are]: appoint a Special Counsel, immediately; seize all of these Dominion and other voting machines that we have across the country; he needs to go ahead and prioritize by state, and probably by county [Fulton County, Maricopa County, as an example]. Exactly what they did up in Antrim County, MI, and what they discovered. I think if he looks at a random sampling of some of these counties, he's going to find exactly the same problem. These machines are clearly, CLEARLY, there is a foreign influence that is tied to this system, and it goes back to China. It likely goes to Russia. Likely goes to Iran. We know that Venezuela has participated in the development of these machines. There's been problems all over the country with them. Not only with Dominion, but with this Smartmatic software. He's got a couple of options that he can take, and he needs to take them right now. The President could, immediately, on his order, seize every single one of these machines around country, on his order. He could also order, within the swing-states [if he wanted to], he could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states & basically re-run an election in each of those states. It's not unprecedented.

We clearly have a constitutional process. That has to be followed, but I will tell you that I'm a little concerned about Chief Justice John Roberts at the Supreme Court. We can't fool around with the fabric of the Constitution of the United States, and I think that right now, if the Supreme Court doesn't get involved, in at least making sure that the fabric of that Constitution is held together [and all they have to do is look at the evidence. They have to look at the evidence. I'm not certain, in fact, I don't believe that the Supreme Court of the United States has even looked at the merit of any of the cases that have been put forward yet. What they've been looking at is process fouls. Whether someone crossed a "T" or dotted an "I". That's unsatisfactory. To me, that lacks courage. It lacks moral fiber within the Chief Justice, and frankly with members of the Supreme Court ... we should expect much more out of the Supreme Court. And clearly, the other thing I would say ... is I expect much more out of the Republican Party. They need to stand up and start fighting for this President ... They are WEAK and they lack COURAGE." - General Michael Flynn interview with Greg Kelly at Newsmax

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Old 12-19-2020, 08:58 PM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
"First of all, Donald Trump won on the 3rd of November. The things that he needs to do right now [are]: appoint a Special Counsel, immediately; seize all of these Dominion and other voting machines that we have across the country; he needs to go ahead and prioritize by state, and probably by county [Fulton County, Maricopa County, as an example]. Exactly what they did up in Antrim County, MI, and what they discovered. I think if he looks at a random sampling of some of these counties, he's going to find exactly the same problem. These machines are clearly, CLEARLY, there is a foreign influence that is tied to this system, and it goes back to China. It likely goes to Russia. Likely goes to Iran. We know that Venezuela has participated in the development of these machines. There's been problems all over the country with them. Not only with Dominion, but with this Smartmatic software. He's got a couple of options that he can take, and he needs to take them right now. The President could, immediately, on his order, seize every single one of these machines around country, on his order. He could also order, within the swing-states [if he wanted to], he could take military capabilities and he could place them in those states & basically re-run an election in each of those states. It's not unprecedented.

We clearly have a constitutional process. That has to be followed, but I will tell you that I'm a little concerned about Chief Justice John Roberts at the Supreme Court. We can't fool around with the fabric of the Constitution of the United States, and I think that right now, if the Supreme Court doesn't get involved, in at least making sure that the fabric of that Constitution is held together [and all they have to do is look at the evidence. They have to look at the evidence. I'm not certain, in fact, I don't believe that the Supreme Court of the United States has even looked at the merit of any of the cases that have been put forward yet. What they've been looking at is process fouls. Whether someone crossed a "T" or dotted an "I". That's unsatisfactory. To me, that lacks courage. It lacks moral fiber within the Chief Justice, and frankly with members of the Supreme Court ... we should expect much more out of the Supreme Court. And clearly, the other thing I would say ... is I expect much more out of the Republican Party. They need to stand up and start fighting for this President ... They are WEAK and they lack COURAGE." - General Michael Flynn interview with Greg Kelly at Newsmax

The worst part is, an American 5th column took a large part in this treachery!! They should be hung publically like Nazi and Communist war criminals.
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Old 12-19-2020, 09:11 PM
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Re: Voter Fraud?

Originally Posted by Originalist View Post
The worst part is, an American 5th column took a large part in this treachery!! They should be hung publically like Nazi and Communist war criminals.
Do what?
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