Originally Posted by The Mrs
Good answer! Good answer!!!
Big money! Big money! NO whammies!!!
Yes, a good answer. I have to say that, honestly, in my own walk I have seen so much hurt and confusion that I wondered at the standards myself.
But, where I am is that through all of the trouble God moved the trouble away or moved me from the trouble. He never set my feet in a church that didn't keep standards and so with all the debating we do, I still have to take notice of this. Just looking at my own life, here.
I think it is imperative to realize that some people are walking after the will of God in their lives. I can't throw the standard wearers out as nothing.
In other words, I can't belittle a person that follows standards. I can't convince them to leave it all. I can't look at them and say, "You are wrong!"
I can't question where God places people. If they say, "This is where God has led me", then I have to leave that alone.
To me it's like the Greeks and the Jews, in essence - "Don't put more on them.....". They were both following truth, but not placing laws on each other. They were trying to live together in the best harmony they could.
If non-standard people are ridiculing standards people, then they are in essence putting out their rules to follow. I don't think that it's fair and it is also pushing views on others.
I don't think we can do that to each other and I think we can still respect each other from where we feel led to serve.