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Old 03-23-2008, 04:07 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by GodsBabyGirl View Post
Some important questions to ponder.....

How long were Blacks enslaved and lynched?

How long was the Holocaust?

Who helped build this country more, Jews or Blacks?
Again not diminishing Jewish people, I hate they went thru that.


Which was longer and which had the more impacting, lasting effects on THIS country??????
THIS is the problem--comparing pain to pain, persecution to persecution, and playing a game to see who has had it worse and who should be feeling the most angst. Which has the ultimate outcome of deciding who gets to complain the most without any consequences.

The truth is, MOST people, regardless of their race or color, can understand PAIN. Period. You don't have to be black, you don't have to be Indian, you don't have to be Jewish. Most of us have suffered, just from different things. THAT is the understanding that needs to be had. Suffering is the bane of the human race, and should allow for us all to be compassionate with one another.

I am so put out by the verbal segregation I feel when listening to some black leaders, when they talk about the "black community", the "blacks" in this country, the "black music", "black history." What I resent about it is that when they separate themselves and retain their separateness, proudly and without apology, they are maintaining the very segregation that was decried and abolished.

Until we see one another as people instead of segregated communities (whether that is actual or simply based on attitude), there will not be progress as promised.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."

--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
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Old 03-23-2008, 04:08 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by Berkeley View Post
Ebonics is not a 'language'.


* I know this dude who got arrested cause he got him some seed to grow weed, and he planet in the backyard.


* I got so mad at my girl, afro a lamp at her.


* I slam the door so hard, I locket.


* At my basketball game, I scored thirty points. My coach said data boy.


* My boy frontin' like he love his girl but eribody know he got a couple of chicks on decide.

So, intelligent. I want to hire a couple of these speakers to work for my company! NOT!
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Old 03-23-2008, 04:11 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

God birthed the Azusa Street Movement... We don't have much success winning 'blacks'. It's not that we haven't reached out to them. We couldn't count the times we were told "when I go to church, I'll go to a black church..."
Drugs, fornicators, gangs... not a problem. We're a church full of hispanics... ex drug addicts, ex gang members, ex this.. ex that..

Brush your shoulder, maybe the chip will fall off.
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Old 03-23-2008, 04:11 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
THIS is the problem--comparing pain to pain, persecution to persecution, and playing a game to see who has had it worse and who should be feeling the most angst. Which has the ultimate outcome of deciding who gets to complain the most without any consequences.

The truth is, MOST people, regardless of their race or color, can understand PAIN. Period. You don't have to be black, you don't have to be Indian, you don't have to be Jewish. Most of us have suffered, just from different things. THAT is the understanding that needs to be had. Suffering is the bane of the human race, and should allow for us all to be compassionate with one another.

I am so put out by the verbal segregation I feel when listening to some black leaders, when they talk about the "black community", the "blacks" in this country, the "black music", "black history." What I resent about it is that when they separate themselves and retain their separateness, proudly and without apology, they are maintaining the very segregation that was decried and abolished.

Until we see one another as people instead of segregated communities (whether that is actual or simply based on attitude), there will not be progress as promised.
Exactly, Abigail! 1399 said it best in this post:

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
Furthermore, the Jews have wisely learned how to convert the pain into the positive. We would do wisely to learn that same lesson.
Point and score! We all do well to learn this! All of us! Good post 1399!!
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Old 03-23-2008, 04:16 PM
berkeley berkeley is offline
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post


* I know this dude who got arrested cause he got him some seed to grow weed, and he planet in the backyard.


* I got so mad at my girl, afro a lamp at her.


* I slam the door so hard, I locket.


* At my basketball game, I scored thirty points. My coach said data boy.


* My boy frontin' like he love his girl but eribody know he got a couple of chicks on decide.

So, intelligent. I want to hire a couple of these speakers to work for my company! NOT!
Now, don't get me wrong. If they want to speak in such a manner, more power to them. I don't speak 'proper'.
Most of the time I say stuff like "ya'll" and "naw" and "aight". etc. And lately I find that I'm using 'street' terms.
However, I know better than to talk like that when I'm addressing my doctor, my pastor, or anyone in a 'professional' environment. Good grief!
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Old 03-23-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by GodsBabyGirl View Post
There is a lot of talk of dialogue, but the approved dialogue is between folks who we want to hear. If the folks don't say what we want them to say, how we want them to say it, when it is deemed appropriate then their voice is silenced.


Take your pick - Funny politics. Lack of educational opportunity. Lack of viable employment. Keeping segregaton alive. Hate crimes. Religious bondage. Assasination, whether that be of body or character.

Nobody wants to tell the truth. We just pack up in our fave church and cheer on the preacher who says what we want to hear how we want to hear it WHEN and How long we want to hear it. It's been done like that forever.

But now that it is being well publicized about one voice set out on empowering his race then fear starts to set in.
Can you please illustrate for me which parts of Rev. Wright's sermon were "empowering" to black people?

Why is that?

Is it because those who are scared know they are guilty???
Who's scared? I've made a lot of mistakes and bad decisions in my life, but I can say unequivocally and without even questioning myself that I have never treated someone badly or rudely because of their skin color.

Maybe when folks object to licentious and ridiculous statements from black leaders, they are silenced with statements like "...scared [because they] know they are guilty." Nothing is more effective than saying, "Your ancestors persecuted us and if you don't let us say whatever we want about it, you're just as guilty." Well, those who don't want to be "guilty" will shut up, but that's manipulation at its very best.

They know they have partaken of another man's sins??? How many of your preachers have preached against mixed marriages, biracial children, have your big cathedrals right smack dab in the middle of the projects but you don't go knock on ONE door?
My pastor and his wife were missionaries to Japan, and their church was very racially diverse. You won't find ANY of that junk in our church. I doubt you would find it in any of the neighboring churches either. It exists, but only in isolated parts of the country, at least in a prevalent way. By the way, there are a lot of poor white people in those projects.


Cuz you scared those n ____ gonna infest your church with lust and drugs and have a whole lotta biracial babies running around?
Who are you talking to, GBG? Certainly no one on this forum has expressed the hate-filled rhetoric you are representing above. Do you even KNOW anyone who actually feels that way, other than members of the KKK?

How can you stand to have church in your padded pew and padded environment knowing that those outside your walls are dying and going to hell?? Don't you got a burden for them?
Do you have a burden for white people?

Or they are expendable? God forsaken no good, low down, baby having, drug peddling, drunk, high criminals. I don't want them in my church!

That is okay.

God got our backs, even when the church doesn't.
Did you attend a white church? Or was it all/mostly black?

The man who practically birthed the Azusa Street Movement was a black man......
You mean William Seymour? Most of us know that part of history, and appreciate it. Did you know that according to Wikipedia, the "revival was characterized by inter-racial mingling"? Kind of illustrates the LACK of prejudice among those early Pentecostals.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."

--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
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Old 03-23-2008, 04:35 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by GodsBabyGirl View Post
There is a lot of talk of dialogue, but the approved dialogue is between folks who we want to hear. If the folks don't say what we want them to say, how we want them to say it, when it is deemed appropriate then their voice is silenced.


Take your pick - Funny politics. Lack of educational opportunity. Lack of viable employment. Keeping segregaton alive. Hate crimes. Religious bondage. Assasination, whether that be of body or character.

Nobody wants to tell the truth. We just pack up in our fave church and cheer on the preacher who says what we want to hear how we want to hear it WHEN and How long we want to hear it. It's been done like that forever.

But now that it is being well publicized about one voice set out on empowering his race then fear starts to set in.

Why is that?

Is it because those who are scared know they are guilty???

They know they have partaken of another man's sins??? How many of your preachers have preached against mixed marriages, biracial children, have your big cathedrals right smack dab in the middle of the projects but you don't go knock on ONE door?


Cuz you scared those n ____ gonna infest your church with lust and drugs and have a whole lotta biracial babies running around?

Why are you scared? God didn't give you fear.

How can you stand to have church in your padded pew and padded environment knowing that those outside your walls are dying and going to hell?? Don't you got a burden for them?

Or they are expendable? God forsaken no good, low down, baby having, drug peddling, drunk, high criminals. I don't want them in my church!

That is okay.

God got our backs, even when the church doesn't.

The man who practically birthed the Azusa Street Movement was a black man......
What are you doing as an example for "your people" GBG? I mean you started a thread about yourself and some huge mistakes you've made. You seemed to have blamed all of that on a man in your life. You sound really bitter. It may not be a good time for you to dialog. Just a thought.
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Old 03-23-2008, 04:56 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I am so put out by the verbal segregation I feel when listening to some black leaders, when they talk about the "black community", the "blacks" in this country, the "black music", "black history." What I resent about it is that when they separate themselves and retain their separateness, proudly and without apology, they are maintaining the very segregation that was decried and abolished.

Until we see one another as people instead of segregated communities (whether that is actual or simply based on attitude), there will not be progress as promised.
Sis, how is this so? Before Katrina, I lived in a community in a remote section of N.O. that basically was an Asian community. Really.

These were refugees from Vietnam who came over here after the war. It wasn't a very populated part of N.O., known as New Orleans East.

The Vietnamese people came and built churches, stores, businesses, dr's office, clubs (!), I call it a mini Vietnam. They even have the little boats they had in Vietnam in the canals back there.

No one messed with these guys as they attempted to retain their culture they grew up with, their religious beliefs, etc by building this mini Vietnam.

A few years before Katrina, some blacks started moving in that area. I had the pleasure of living in this community, by the grace of God. It was one of the safest neighborhoods in N.O. but very isolated. Not the richest, by any means. But I felt safe enough to leave my door open.

But no one complained about the Vietnamese assimilating into mainstream American culture.

And you know what?

It was a pleasure living around these people. They were happy, content, generous neighbors. We looked out for one another. Was it just because of their nature to be docile, peaceful folks? I dont think so...

I can tell you it was because in the midst of all the hell they went thru in their homeland and being abruptly uprooted into not just American culture, but into one that could be as urban as it gets in this country....in the midst of all that THEY WERE ALLOWED THE FREEDOM TO RETAIN THEIR SEPARATE CULTURES AND IDENTITIES!

No one was trying to make little Thang Vo get twists, Timberlands, and go getta black boyfriend at school. No one was telling Phi Nguyen to 'drop it like its hot.'

Yes, they may have gotten teased at school, but that happens everywhere Mayberry USA and Columbine. Kids will be kids...

But the government pumped millions of dollars to help these Vietnamese folks feel 'at home.' They have yet to properly assimilate into our culture, and no one has a thing to say about it....

Yet and all when black folks start talking about separatism, everyone's shaking in their boots. I don't understand that.

Everyone can be separate, Pentecostals from Non pentecostals, Hispanics from Irish, Jews from Non Jews, heck we got separatist right into this so called Apostolic church. How many denominations?????

BUT...and I point this out for the umpteemth time...

Why is it comparable to civil war when black folks start talking it?

Abby, the fact is, there ARE black communities, black churches, there IS a history that is uniquely and specifically ours (black).

There is a music genre, whether it be Christian or secular, that does cater to the palate of most, not all, black folks. You get off on Micheal W. Smith, Daryl Coley gets me a crying. That is the fact.

Why are we so afraid of being different?

Some make fun of ebonics, but there is a whole culture, a whole generation of children that know nothing else. If they were the so called Christian they pump themselves up to be, then they would embrace that instead of mock it.

I dont mock your style, why you gotta mock ours? If that is what floats your boat and gets you into the presence of God, then to God be the Glory.

Dont tell me Im racist because I am true to who I am. Maybe there are a lot of black folks who are angry because they dont know who they are or should be. For so long, they have danced to the beat of your drumbeat. 'Play it again, Sam. How high you want me to jump, Masser????'

When deep in our souls and bellies are the sounds of the motherland. Our spirituality is even different than what has been learned here in America. Wrong? Not all of it, just different.

So what moves us is not what will move you. We come from a rich heritage of warriors and survivors who served God without all the distraction of capitalism and greed and material gain. This is how we survived slavery.

Because in the midst of murder, rape, slaughter, torture, persecution and mockery and losing everything we knew and loved, we STILL loved God! We still served God with nothing. They killed our men, our babies, our womanhood, our dignity, our homeland, our identities, but they couldnt take away us knowing God the way we did...and do...

We still sang to him. We had church for ourselves, and if someone who wasn't black wandered in and wanted to worship, we allowed it. Why?

We weren't afraid. We had seen God, the Promised Land. And with that a love filled our hearts that transcended time, race, class, nationality.

That is how Azusa got started. William Seymour couldnt go to church to learn about the Holy Ghost because he was black. So he got together with some hungry folks and they sought God in their house until God sent the power....

And God used that one eyed man to usher in a glory that has affected the church to this day.

It is my belief if Seymour's white brethren didnt get so greedy for power and stole the Azusa Street Mission from him that race relations in the United States of America would be MUCH further along than it is today....

Who would've guess that racism and fear of letting an uneducated black man in the church lead a spiritual awakening and the subsequent takeover of what God started would have such a negative impact on race relations?

I wonder if those guys who let the trustees who were secretly KKK members make them takeover what God ordained for Seymour to lead because of his humble attitude...if they ever stopped to think what they were doing?

They were feeding this nasty dominion and stronghold IN the church called R.A.C.I.S.M.

And everything that manifest in the natural first manifests in the Spirit...

The CHURCH has to repent for its racism.

If the CHURCH doesnt spear head it and stop mocking it and making excuses and shouting over it and developing little insignificant conferences that is supposed to address the (racial) issues but then we go back home and never really DEAL with the issues...we just go back to our padded pews and environment and keep our blinders on and pretend that all is okay, church as usual....

If the CHURCH doesnt start to repent for HER racism, if the CHURCH doesnt start having open and honest dialogue -the ones we want to hear and the ones we DONT want to hear -

If the CHURCH doesnt start to reach out to the Black community and stop being condescending towards them, or worse off ignoring them!

Then race relations in this country will not improve.

Power corrupts when not given by God....
Going up in the Spirit Realm....
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Old 03-23-2008, 05:11 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
What are you doing as an example for "your people" GBG? I mean you started a thread about yourself and some huge mistakes you've made. You seemed to have blamed all of that on a man in your life. You sound really bitter. It may not be a good time for you to dialog. Just a thought.

If the folks don't say what we want them to say, how we want them to say it, when it is deemed appropriate then their voice is silenced.
Going up in the Spirit Realm....
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Old 03-23-2008, 05:34 PM
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Re: Obama Addresses Racial "Anger"


Baby, Im not bitter. Believe that. I am a voice for those who aren't allowed in the church.

Oh no you wont ever say 'Don't come to church.' with your mouth. But your spirit speaks volumes. VOLUMES!

There is a spirit that lurks in a church that does NOT welcome all. There is a spirit that hovers over certain congregations that runs off (Yes, I am going there...)


I may not post another thing, but I am posting it. Confronting it. That racist demon in the church. Oh yes, its there. It hides behind the ashen faces, the long skirts, the pious I lift up my hands so I am holier than thou. It hides behind tongues, and dancing and shouting. It hides behind running the aisles. Yes, it does!

Not in our ranks! Yes, there, too!!!!

No, PO, I aint (and I did say AINT!) bitter, Boo! Wounded? Yes. Scarred? Yes. Bleeding? Yes.

And I dont blame that on anyone but me.

But what I speak now is what is in the hearts of my brothers and my sisters. I wont sell out their souls!!!! I can't!

But you know who else was wounded, scarred, bleeding? JESUS!!!!

And yet in the midst of all that pain and suffering, He wasn't bitter. He still spoke and did what the Father told him to.

Yeah, I shared my pain with you knowing that it would be thrown back in my face. But guess what?

You cant kill a dead girl, Boo! The devil has thrown all he could at me. Yet I STILL worship God! I still believe God! And I still will speak what He gives me!

God is NOT pleased with the mistreatment of black folks in this country. And HE is calling His Bride to repentance in this area. Yes. REPENTANCE!
And if you are sitting at your computer boasting, 'I don't have anything to repent of in this matter...' YOU are the main one that needs to grab ahold of the horns of the altar!

Then the Word says to 'repent and DO works meet unto repentance...' Trust me...I know enough about repentance to know that it isn't enough to just repent...but must turn to God and DO WORKS that support your repentance, our repentance....

Faith w/o works is dead.

We dont even have the right to come against anything Wright has said for the past 20 years. He doesn't even have the full revelation of Christ, and yet he is bold enough to deal with a devil that so called tongue talking, aisle shouting, hand clapping, foot stomping has been running from for years....and that devil is called R.A.C.I.S.M.

If we got so much truth, so much power, so much authority, and I speak to White apostolic leadership now...then what in God's name is being done with it???????

This is no longer the power of God but a religious thing...and we all know what religion does to a country....It is a religious spirit that is afraid to deal with issues, demonic strongholds, principalities, personal and corporate.

I am SO glad I air out my dirty laundry. My thorns. My infirmities. I post it all over the Web, that way no one can come at me and say I got this or that on you....That should let you know that I aint afraid of confrontation. I aint afraid to deal with my issues.

And God gets the Glory!!!!

My deliverance draws nigh...

If more of us would get that same mentality and mindset then we'd be much further as the Body.

The Bride needs to see her racism on her wedding garment, that nasty stain on the side. Then repent and wash up.

Then we might have something to say to the Rev. Wrights...
Going up in the Spirit Realm....
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