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Old 12-09-2014, 08:02 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by Lafon View Post
I have a question regarding the premise that angels (whether they be fallen or not) actually "fathered" children by women (a human being), and it is this:

Would such children still be subjected to death? If so, then how is it that you and I, the descendants of Adam "inherited" this penalty by way of the "seed" of his body which became corrupt when God imposed this penalty upon it, whereas there's nothing in the scriptural record which states children "allegedly" born of angels (as their progenitors) would not bear such a judgment?

I haven't seen any 6,000 year old humans anywhere lately, unless they conceal their age better than I know how to do. Have anyone, ever?
Being part human, their bodies would be subject to death. However, spiritually speaking, being part demon they are not bound to judgment after death. Many people that unclean spirits are the spirits of the Nephilim.
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Old 12-09-2014, 08:03 AM
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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
I know we chat about anything here on the forum, but what is someone's reason for why this topic is such an issue with some?
I think of it more of a more benign discussion that isn't so serious. lol
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Old 12-09-2014, 08:08 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Its an issue because the scriptures teach it. Historians from ancient times believed it. It seems the shockingness of it repels the modern day Bible reader.
People in our day value rationalism. Honestly, it baffles me how they can believe in so many supernatural events in the Bible... yet they can't conceive of evil spirits taking on fully functional physical forms. Jacob wrestled an angel, Abraham ate with the Angel of the LORD and two other angels. Clearly angels can take physical forms with which they can wrestle and eat (and by eating, I assume us the restroom). What could an evil angel choose to do with a physical form should they assume one? It's possible that they can rape and impregnate. This would be a most heinous act... God has always drawn strong lines between people of differing spiritual heritage in Scripture. This would be an absolute abomination worse than anything imaginable. Hence the reason why these angels were bound in chains of darkness until the day of judgment.

On a side note... some have speculated that it may have been Hell's attempt at corrupting the generations of the human race to prevent the coming of the incarnation.

Last edited by Aquila; 12-09-2014 at 08:10 AM.
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Old 12-09-2014, 10:01 AM
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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I think of it more of a more benign discussion that isn't so serious. lol

I think its more of the "fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith ... from which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling," that Paul admonished Timothy to give heed to.

But this is just my personal opinion which I have absolutely no desire, nor would take any pleasure from in attempting to impose upon others.
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Old 12-09-2014, 10:19 AM
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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Its an issue because the scriptures teach it. Historians from ancient times believed it. It seems the shockingness of it repels the modern day Bible reader.
Why do you believe the bible does teach it? What is the point? Someone's interpretation may be askew and wrong, which would leave the issue useless, anyway, because misinterpretation nullifies any value the scripture has. However, if the teaching is true then there should be more a reason than just saying it is in the bible. It is there for a good reason aside from being there.

And the idea of angels procreating is so ridiculous after Christ spoke against the thought, fallen or not, that I cannot describe it. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to the POINT of it being in the bible if your interpretation of Genesis 6 is correct.

I see a POINT in it being mere humans, since there is a pattern of mankind going in different directions -- two paths.

This angel procreation thing is more like the Wizard of Oz than scripture. Again, not that the bible is wrong, but this interpretation seems to make a joke out of the actual meaning God intended to relate by the what truly transpired without fallen angels mating with human beings, taking people away from the actual issue that IS relevant.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 12-09-2014, 10:29 AM
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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Why do you believe the bible does teach it? What is the point? Someone's interpretation may be askew and wrong, which would leave the issue useless, anyway, because misinterpretation nullifies any value the scripture has. However, if the teaching is true then there should be more a reason than just saying it is in the bible. It is there for a good reason aside from being there.

And the idea of angels procreating is so ridiculous after Christ spoke against the thought, fallen or not, that I cannot describe it. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to the POINT of it being in the bible if your interpretation of Genesis 6 is correct.

I see a POINT in it being mere humans, since there is a pattern of mankind going in different directions -- two paths.

This angel procreation thing is more like the Wizard of Oz than scripture. Again, not that the bible is wrong, but this interpretation seems to make a joke out of the actual meaning God intended to relate by the what truly transpired without fallen angels mating with human beings, taking people away from the actual issue that IS relevant.
Spot On!
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Old 12-09-2014, 10:39 AM
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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Why do you believe the bible does teach it? What is the point? Someone's interpretation may be askew and wrong, which would leave the issue useless, anyway, because misinterpretation nullifies any value the scripture has. However, if the teaching is true then there should be more a reason than just saying it is in the bible. It is there for a good reason aside from being there.

And the idea of angels procreating is so ridiculous after Christ spoke against the thought, fallen or not, that I cannot describe it. Maybe someone can enlighten me as to the POINT of it being in the bible if your interpretation of Genesis 6 is correct.

I see a POINT in it being mere humans, since there is a pattern of mankind going in different directions -- two paths.

This angel procreation thing is more like the Wizard of Oz than scripture. Again, not that the bible is wrong, but this interpretation seems to make a joke out of the actual meaning God intended to relate by the what truly transpired without fallen angels mating with human beings, taking people away from the actual issue that IS relevant.
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Old 12-09-2014, 10:49 AM
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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
People in our day value rationalism. Honestly, it baffles me how they can believe in so many supernatural events in the Bible... yet they can't conceive of evil spirits taking on fully functional physical forms.
Okay, it seems you are basing your argument upon what belief requires more conception of the range of what can occur in the supernatural the most.

Well, I can conceive a lot of supernatural things that can occur. But that is not the argument as you wish it to be.

This issue is one regarding the question of proper interpretation. THAT is the issue. If Jesus said one thing and we distort that and allow for what normally could not be allowed for without misinterpreting a passage, then it is a matter of what the Word is telling us we should accept as fact versus fable.

It is not a matter of me making two choices:

1) something ultra supernatural that is really beyond the scope of human limitations in regards to ability

2) Something less supernatural than can be seen as closer to natural than supernatural

...and pick number 2, because it does not require as much belief in the possibilities of what can occur in the supernatural than your view does. That is not the issue.

Do you believe this view simply because it is more WILD than my view? Do you determine the truth of two opposing interpretations by how much one is more supernatural than the other? That's what you're implying here.

I can "conceive" in my mind an actual gigantic and monstrous-sized red dragon bigger than galaxies that very well could exist in outer space with a tail so huge that actual stars can be moved from their places. IT COULD OCCUR if God said it did. If the Bible said God made such a thing, then I would not throw the bible out because I could not accept such thing. I would accept it. God can make ANYTHING! I do not believe that is a symbol of the devil and the devil is not a galaxy wide giant in reality because it is more SUPERNATURAL for an actual galaxy wide giant to exist than a lesser spirit that we all know of today as satan. I do not think that is the proper interpretation of Revelation 12's red dragon just because my mind can conceive such a thing can exists if God meant for us to believe it does using Rev 12, and such a thing would require more stretching of my faith to believe something as SUPERNATURAL as THAT can exist.

But that is how you are determining truth now? You USED THE SAME ARGUMENT against partial preterism once when you said our view lessens the SUPERNATURAL AND THE SENSATIONAL, as though we were wrong because our view generally does not involve what would require more sensationalism than your view does. You even said God DOES sensational things! So, it seems to be your basis for determining truth.

So, let's deal with that. Which interpretation requires more stretching of what our minds can conceive and accept in such greater outstanding supernatural things for us to know what interpretation is correct, determines what is truth.

I can see two people talking and giving their interpretations of a passage. One says to the other, "Okay, I know what is the true interpretation. It's yours, because what I believe that passage is speaking about requires less faith in the supernatural than yours does."

Jacob wrestled an angel, Abraham ate with the Angel of the LORD and two other angels. Clearly angels can take physical forms with which they can wrestle and eat (and by eating, I assume us the restroom). What could an evil angel choose to do with a physical form should they assume one?
Of course they can take physical forms. Jesus never made a statement that said a certain kind of angels can't, allowing for others to do so, as He did about procreation.

You see, the issue we are comparing stems from Jesus' words that angels "in heaven" cannot marry or be given in marriage. You say FALLEN ONES CAN because they are not in heaven like Jesus referred to. I say the reference to "heaven" simply contrasts mortal existence and the way things occur in earth with mankind where earth has been our environment, from immortal angels who exist in a different environment.

But Jesus did not say anything applied to that issue of angels eating or not, as though SOME ANGELS cannot take physical form and eat while OTHERS CAN, like you are saying is the case with some angels creating and others unable to.

You guys make it out like angels have the ability to change forms to actually procreate, but God commanded them to NOT USE THAT POWER. THAT is what is absurd!

It's the implications you are presenting when you make this stand that are so absurd, not the degree of supernatural ability. It is not a reference to my lack of ability to accept a supernatural possibility. It is my disagreement that Christ would say something is true for angels in ability compared to fallen angels.

I can just hear it now... one fallen angels speaks to a heavenly angel, saying, "Hey, Gabriel, too bad you didn't fall like we did! You could have sex with human women!!! Boy,m are you missing out." And Gabriel walks away shaking his head thinking to himself, "Yes, that would be fantastic but I must deny myself and not use my power to change forms and mate with women because I am a heavenly angel and do not want to lose my first estate!"

It's possible that they can rape and impregnate. This would be a most heinous act... God has always drawn strong lines between people of differing spiritual heritage in Scripture. This would be an absolute abomination worse than anything imaginable. Hence the reason why these angels were bound in chains of darkness until the day of judgment.
Again, you are arguing that your belief is right simply because a person must exert more possibility for the supernatural than what my view allows, and that is not the case at all. It is whether it is correct to take Christ's words and say He implied fallen angels can marry whereas heavenly angels can but are not allowed. THAT is what is absurd to me.

On a side note... some have speculated that it may have been Hell's attempt at corrupting the generations of the human race to prevent the coming of the incarnation.
I can imagine a lot of wild speculations that could have happened that we are not flatly told have happened, too. But I am limited by what the Word tells us to believe. And nothing states angels fell and turned themselves into forms into which God disallows for the heavenly angels to change.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 12-09-2014, 10:51 AM
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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I think of it more of a more benign discussion that isn't so serious. lol
Thanks for the honest answer.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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Old 12-09-2014, 11:26 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Angels reproducing with humans possible?

Let's look at a passage...
Matthew 22:24-30 King James Version (KJV)
24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
27 And last of all the woman died also.
28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
Here we see the Sadducees, who do not believe in the resurrection, asking Jesus about whose wife will this woman be in the resurrection. Their goal is to make a mockery out of the doctrine of the resurrection by using the Law of Moses and what it says about marriage and divorce. Jesus answers,
Matthew 22:29-30
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
Christ's point is that in the resurrection glorified human beings do not marry, nor are marriages arranged, but rather they are spiritual beings, like the angels in Heaven.

Many use this text to say, "See angels can't have sex." But that isn't at all what the passage is about. Had they asked a question implying starvation, surely Jesus would have explained that glorified people don't need food and are like the angels in Heaven who don't need food either. However, in Scripture we see that while in physical form on earth the angels were eating with Abraham and the LORD in the physical form of human visitors. I believe that it is safe to say that angels are clearly capable of doing anything an assumed physical form will allow them to do. That would include having sex, if they were so wicked and debased to do so (i.e. were fallen angels). So, my point here is that this passage cannot be a proof text regarding the capabilities of the angels. It is only addressing the institution of marriage and how it doesn't exist in the resurrection.

So... take this passage off the table.
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