Originally Posted by sis_perez
Steve, you said he said the son would come from heaven right? i do believe he was talking about what he had been. I do not deny the scripture. But still for some reason I am a little confused because, the scripture says, "Looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great GOD and our savior Jesus Christ Who gave HIMSELF- (SINGULAR) for us, that HE might redeem us from iniquity...... Can you explain that?? Sounds like God redeemed us and Jesus redeemed us? What you got to say Bossman?
As Elder E has stated, God was IN Christ. God was manifested (made known) in the flesh.
As for the Scripture you cited which reads "great God
AND our savior Jesus Christ..."
In the Greek, the English word
and is
kai, and it means
and, also, which is, even.
In 1611 the Trinitarian translators believed in 3 Persons, thus made a distinction between God and Christ by using the word
The Bible is clear on this...the great God of heaven gave Himself, and it is He who redeemed us THROUGH the PERSON of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the "express image" of God (
Heb. 1:3), original meaning that He is the
impressed or expression of His substance.
Everything that God was, is, and will ever be dwells in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Again, Sis. P, that's not another God...that's Oneness...one God reconciling the world unto Himself.