Thanks. I will stand before the throne as you. My righteousness is as filthy rags, and cannot be measured by anyone less than the Judge.
In other words, you might not recognize it, but that doesn't make it any less righteous,just because I have facial hair.
You have it also, but choose to abandon nature's edict in favor of man's tradition. All the while, gossiping; contrary to scripture.
You can't call no one on nuthin!! Soon as you do they pull the "perfect" card, as in, you think you're perfect. lol
However, I think "man" has added a lot more than they had a right to.
Wearing of RED a sin! Give me a break!!! What nut came up with that???
Red is the devils color??? Where did that come from???
Red is a color GOD chose for HIS Tabernacle. I don't think he would have chosen red if it was the devils color.
This kind of stuff makes me sick!!!
And as Cupcake said it isn't all about the outside either. You can "look" the part and not "be" the part.
However, one can be the part without looking it, according to the definition of the UPC of how one should look the part.
The Bible gives no such definition. The Pharisees were rebuked by Jesus because they were more concerned about 'the look' than they were 'being the part'.
However, the disciples fished naked and were never told by Jesus to be modest when doing so. Jesus looked so much like the other men of His day that he had to be pointed out with a kiss in order to be arrested. Paul never instructed the churches on what attire to wear to 'look the part'. Not even once. Never once in the law of Moses is specific attire mentioned. I find this to be problematic when these teachings are taught as Biblical and not personal pastoral preferences.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!