Originally Posted by Thad
That was excellent Sister Falla !
Thank you, Bro. Thad,
In the story in the Bible of the father that had two sons, the elder
brother and the younger, the prodigal. In the end which one of the
sons would you perfer to be. (Daddy, he's a sinner! I ain't never done
anything wrong! Don't kid yourself. You don't have to leave home to
sin!) Now what was it the prodigal said. Or the Pharisee and the publican!
Jesus ate with a Pharisee named Simon. and when a woman of the
city knew that Jesus was eating there, came in, bringing an alabaster
box of precious ointment. As she stood behind him weeping began to
wash his feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair, anointing
them with the ointment. Simon was incensed with this action, thinking
that if Jesus was a true prophet, he should have known what manner
or kind of woman that it was, that was touching him.. Jesus knowing
his thoughts, told of two creditors that owed, one a large amount and
the other a small amount but neither could pay their debt. The creditor
forgave them both. Jesus asked Simon which one would love him most?
Simon said he supposed the one that had been forgiven the most. Jesus
said that he had judged right. Then he told Simon about the woman and
that her sins were many but she had come to Him and then he told the
woman her faith had made her whole. He told Simon what he had not
done. Jesus knew Simon was a sinner too! I believe these were examples
to them just as they are to us today!!! He is the creditor and we are the
sinners. If we are no longer sinner, but sinners saved by His Mercy and
Grace, we must not forget where we came from. but be merciful!
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth weeping,
bearing precious seed (words) shall come again with rejoicing, bringing
his sheaves (souls) with him!! It could be our own children, grandchildren
or other!!