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Old 10-13-2012, 10:31 PM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

Originally Posted by renee819 View Post
Sam, You are just full of information. I knew several in the UPC, that you probably knew also. But as i was in the UPC most of my life, I know very little about the other Organizations.
According to the UPCI site there are three churches in Cincinnati considered to be UPC Churches:

1) The Calvary Church, pastored by Norman Paslay

2) First Apostolic Church, pastored by Joel Urshan

3) Covenant Apostolic Church, pastored by Shelley Hendricks
actually this church has changed its name to Northpoint Community Church

a little history of these churches:

I think it was in 1925 or maybe 1920 that Rev. Frank Curts came from Indiana and took over as pastor of a small group that had split off another Jesus Name Church in the Cincinnati area. I think the pastor of the other Church had the last name of Washington and a Bro Brown split the church. The group that left (only a few) chose Bro. Curts as pastor. One of the names the new church under Bro. Curts used was Bethlehem Tabernacle. This name was later changed to First Apostolic Church. At that time there were some (don't know how many) Jesus Name churches in the city of Cincinnati. The church pastored by Bro. Curts was a white church and the others were either black or mixed.

In 1945 the church pastored by Bro. Curts had a split. Another congregation was formed called The Full Gospel Church which for a while had a UPC pastor but later (I think 1951) chose Joe Sizemore as pastor. Later a new building in the Carthage area was built and they took the name Carthage Apostolic Church. A newer Church was built later and the name changed to Covenant Apostolic. Under Joe Sizemore this church became an ALJC (Assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ) church. I think it was AMC (Apostolic Missionary Council) at first but when the ALJC organization was formed in 1952 or some time after it became part of the ALJC. This Church had a split in the 1970's and a UPC church in a nearby city (Loveland, OH) was established.

Meanwhile around 1968 at First Apostolic pastored by Frank Curts, there was a falling out with his assistant pastor, Norman Paslay and Bro. Curts brought in Leroy Buller and installed him as assistant pastor. Bro. Paslay and a group left and formed what is now the Calvary Church pastored by Bro. Paslay's son. This church is about 2 miles from where I live. I think for a while the Calvary Church and First Apostolic held separate UPC youth rallies but later started to fellowship one another.

First Apostolic had a congregation too small for their building after Bro. Paslay and many others left. So the building was sold and property bought and they met in a house on the property until the present building was built. Leroy Buller retired as pastor but remains as Bishop. There have been a two or three pastors over the past few years. The current pastor is Joel Urshan.

When Bro. Sizemore died the Covenant Apostolic Church chose Shelley Hendricks as pastor. He is still pastor but the name of the church has been changed to Northpoint Community Church. It is still listed as Covenant Apostolic in the UPC listing but I think they are actually affiliated in some way with Joel Osteen. Quite a few people have left this church and now attend First Apostolic or the Calvary Church
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Last edited by Sam; 10-13-2012 at 10:40 PM.
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Old 10-14-2012, 09:37 AM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

I had 2 good Pastors. You might remember Bro Bibbs, he was a good teacher.
Also Bro Buller, but not the same one you mentioned, he also was a good man and good teacher.

I wasn't personally aquinted witht eh Urshans, but I had been to their church several times, and then at the Camp meetings.
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Old 10-14-2012, 03:01 PM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

Reading upci fav Greg Boyd's s
Seeing Is Believing.
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

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Old 10-14-2012, 05:22 PM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

I am reading Housecalls and Hitching Posts. It's just kind of a fun read:

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Old 10-14-2012, 08:12 PM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

I'm reading AFF. And with bbyrd dog and Intangible, I don't know what I have read. I saw that Tangible has his own post and I guess he's talking to himself. I didn't read all of his dribble. Hope he's having fun with himself.

Been Thinkin
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Old 10-14-2012, 09:45 PM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

Tangible says the Lord told him I have a house full of ungodly things. He called me a liar and hypocrite. He wants to join the Jesus Gestapo and come to my home. He says he knows a lot about me and I am evil. Now you are up to speed.

Originally Posted by BeenThinkin View Post
I'm reading AFF. And with bbyrd dog and Intangible, I don't know what I have read. I saw that Tangible has his own post and I guess he's talking to himself. I didn't read all of his dribble. Hope he's having fun with himself.

Been Thinkin
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

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Old 10-14-2012, 11:37 PM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

I just finished reading "Standing in the Gap" by William Branham. It is a small book of 40 pages. It is a message he preached in Jeffersonville, IN on Sunday morning June 23, 1963. It has a copyright of 2002.

Something interesting to me:

"All those honest and true Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, and whoever is born of the Spirit of God will be caught away with Jesus Christ when He comes. I believe that. ...Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, whoever that's born of the Spirit of God, shall go in that Rapture. I believe that the Bride will be called out during that time. i believe there will be some in the last days won't have to taste death, but will be changed in a moment, a twinkling of an eye."

This is from page 21, paragraph 78
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 10-15-2012, 08:28 PM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

Do we have any Pentecostal Novels.?

I just loved the ones about Syllabyus (Msp)
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Old 10-16-2012, 12:09 AM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

just finished reading "The Choosing Of A Bride." It is the transcript of a sermon William Branham gave on Thursday evening, April 29, 1965 at an FGBMFI international convention at the Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles.
Sam also known as Jim Ellis

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Old 10-16-2012, 12:36 AM
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Re: What are you reading currently?

Ruth Reider wrote some popular pentecostal fiction.

Originally Posted by renee819 View Post
Do we have any Pentecostal Novels.?

I just loved the ones about Syllabyus (Msp)
A religious spirit allows people to tolerate hatred and anger under the guise of passion and holiness. Bill Johnson

Legalism has no pity on people. Legalism makes my opinion your burden, makes opinion your boundary, makes my opinion your obligation-Lucado

Some get spiritual because they see the light. Others because they feel the heat.Ray Wylie Hubbard

Definition of legalism- Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. TV
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