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07-22-2017, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
Yes, it's called MEMORY.
Get off it
Clearly you've never had one. You should count your blessings.

07-22-2017, 11:54 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Anyone who denies that hormonal imbalances and fluctuations can effect behavior and thought processes has obviously never lived with a pregnant woman.
Last edited by Aquila; 07-22-2017 at 12:10 PM.

07-22-2017, 11:56 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Anyone who denies that hormonal imbalances and fluctuations can effect behavior and thought processes has clearly never raised children in the throws of puberty.
Last edited by Aquila; 07-22-2017 at 12:09 PM.

07-22-2017, 11:58 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Anyone who denies that hormonal imbalances, fluctuations, and changes can effect behaviors and thought processes has never lived with a woman going through menopause.
Last edited by Aquila; 07-22-2017 at 12:09 PM.

07-22-2017, 12:02 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Any male who denies that hormonal changes can effect behavior and thought processes has never lived long enough to experience diminished sex drive and interest in sex after 60.
Last edited by Aquila; 07-22-2017 at 12:09 PM.

07-22-2017, 12:06 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Originally Posted by Aquila
No. I'd point a vet to Jesus.
In my situation it took six years of praying for healing as my symptoms became worse. I found myself shopping for the right gun to use on myself, and a friend asked what was wrong because they could see that something was seriously wrong. For a brief moment I had clarity (small miracle). I knew I needed to at least try to get help. I called Employee Care, a service provided by my work. I told them about what I was going through, and they recommend counseling. I had boundaries. I wanted a male counselor who was a Christian. When I met with my counselor, I made it clear that I wanted no medications. I just needed to talk and to find a tool, a way, to manage my episodes as I continue to seek healing. He was very understanding and we opened in prayer. First two or three sessions we just talked. I shared my life experiences and he sat and listened, took notes, asked questions, and gave a couple observations. Then on maybe the third or fourth secession he explained PTSD in more detail. He then introduced me to EMDR. No medications, no deep hypnosis, or hocus pocus. One simply follows the therapists fingers, or a light, back and forth, simulating the natural motions of rapid eye movement during REM sleep. This stimulates the very same regions of the brain that are active during REM sleep that are in use as the brain processes memories. Since the brain continues to attempt to process and categorize traumatic memories over and over, this helps to activate the necessary regions of the brain while awake so that one can consciously put the memories into context for proper processing, and allows one to also associate more positive affirmations in order to overwrite repetitive negative emotions. I was having flashbacks almost every day, after the first couple sessions, I was going days without symptoms. I was back in control of most of my thoughts again. After a total of maybe 8 sessions I wasn't having symptoms, and I could sense when a flashback was about to start. My counselor said that my progress was extremely positive and he saw no need to continue regular sessions. He also equipped me with how to self administer the technique so that I could manage symptoms as necessary.
It isn't a cure. It's only a tool to relieve symptoms.
I still believe Jesus will heal me. But until then, I'm in far greater control of my condition.
The famous last words of Psychotherapy ... " It isn't a cure. It's only a tool to relieve symptoms."
Brothers and Sisters, I beg you in the name of everything that Jesus ever said or did, go to Him and Him alone. Mental illness is only an illness if you can find it through medical biological objective science. Aquila already posted that the apostles and Jesus would of dealt with it through the power of the Holy Ghost. You do the same, you trust Jesus, go to the Bible. Those who judge themselves among themselves are not wise. No one is an example but JESUS CHRIST. Learn of Him. Walk in the Light as He is iN THE LIGHT! Put on the mind of Christ. Aquila tells you a story of the complete failure of Jesus and His Gospel, not a testimony of victory. Aquila is just regurgitating what the World wants us to have and own. They want us back into bodange where we can have no assurance of freedom. That's not what I was offered when Jesus found me. EMDR is a hoax, it is snake oil. It is a tool my foot, it is just another appendage to keep you doubting Christ.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence

07-22-2017, 12:06 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
I could go on and on and on and on. lol

07-22-2017, 12:07 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa
The famous last words of Psychotherapy ..." It isn't a cure. It's only a tool to relieve symptoms."
Brothers and Sisters, I beg you in the name of everything that Jesus ever said or did, go to Him and Him alone. Mental illness is only an illness if you can find it through medical biological objective science. Aquila already posted that the apostles and Jesus would of dealt with it through the power of the Holy Ghost. You do the same, you trust Jesus, go to the Bible. Those who judge themselves among themselves are not wise. No one is an example but JESUS CHRIST. Learn of Him. Walk in the Light as He is iN THE LIGHT! Put on the mind of Christ. Aquila tells you a story of the complete failure of Jesus and His Gospel, not a testimony of victory. Aquila is just regurgitating what the World wants us to have and own. They want us back into bodange where we can have no assurance of freedom. That's not what I was offered when Jesus found me. EMDR is a hoax, it is snake oil. It is a tool my foot, it is just another appendage to keep you doubting Christ.
What's so insulting to me is that I'd already be dead if you were my pastor. And the most astonishing thing about that is, you don't care. That tells me that you're not much different than those who allegedly abused you in your past. Only you abuse others with religion.
By claiming the authority of God, you can say or do anything to people. And if it harms another, that can't be your fault, you're only sharing God's position. Their problem is clearly with God, not you. Am I not correct?
Last edited by Aquila; 07-22-2017 at 12:23 PM.

07-22-2017, 12:19 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 31,124
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Let's say you were a vets pastor and you'd been praying with him for six years for healing, but symptoms were getting worse, and he was having thoughts of suicide.
My elders supported me in seeking counseling. They only advised that I be careful.
What would be your alternative course of action?

07-22-2017, 12:26 PM
Unvaxxed Pureblood too
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 40,356
Re: Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length
Originally Posted by Aquila
Any male who denies that hormonal changes can effect behavior and thought processes has never lived long enough to experience diminished sex drive and interest in sex after 60. Lol
Bro, you know so little about so much that it is gross. Bro, I have been lifting since I was 13, I'm 56 now. Testosterone is excellent over 620. You have to be able to keep it that way. How, through hard exercise, great diet, and being extremely active. I work super hard, and train hard. There is a brother who was on medication he was being given a female hormone for lactation to help his szchzophrena. It would make him not only over sensitive, but he grew lactating breasts. This isn't just a problem physically and mentally caused by estrogen. It could of killed him. I told him to show material to his counselor immediately, and have his MD give him an examination to show the counselor and psychiatrist They took him off the drug immediately. BPH in plastic bottles is another from of deadly estrogen for males and females. But having an imbalance being your estrogen levels are too high just make you super sick, and can kill you. Super high levels of testosterone cause other issues like deepening voice, a shrinkage in your lower area, and hair growing where it never grew before. Also roid rage is a lie.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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