Hope that changes, else there will be a rude awakening some day.
When? When I die? I have news for you, when you die your brain shuts down and that's the end. You will no longer exist.
Unfortunately, this won't be enough...
What will not be enough? A threat intended to scare me into accepting your "god"? I have more integrity than that. This is all a big mind game wherein the players have convinced themselves of a false reality. It's like Dungeons & Dragons with offering plates.
So it's all about the "rude awakening" isn't it? Turn or burn. Holy Ghost or hell. Get right or get left. Got Jesus? It's hell without him.
Yes, let's approach a person who has lost their faith, struggling with the meaning of it all, and hit him straight in the gut with the "Hell punch". That'll straighten him out!!
I found my "faith", I didn't loose it. I finally embraced REALITY. Now I breathe in the fresh air and count every blessing knowing that one day I will be too old and feeble to experience the world around me. Eventually I'll die and be non-existant. So every day I live is a celebration of life, fun, enjoyment, charity, work and pleasure.
There isn't a future "creation" of men. There is just a biological reproductive drive that will generate more offspring. We developed to need a mate for reproduction. Many living things don't need male and female to reproduce.
I'm not talking about other living things. I'm talking about "Men (and women)".
You can dodge this bullet all you want too, but the fact is, a man alone will cease to exist.
Will you answer the question, yes or no? It is a yes or no question.
I would also like to hear your explanation of how a man will produce more men, without having a woman.
I feel like I finally arrived at reality but it was a different reality than I expected. The God that religion presents was very different than the God I experienced. When I was finally able to walk away from religion, away from pentecostalism, away from mainstream Christianity, away from the God of "having church", away from a preconceived box into which God was forced to live in, I was finally able to experience Him.
But I understand your position and would hope you don't respond to the pressure religion can present...positively or negatively. They mean well, but seem to be occasionally misguided by fear and pressure.