Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop
I am going to nominate PASTORDANIEL for membership and will be appointing him to an executive position after his nomination is accepted. Would one of our committees please contact COOPER and PASTORDANIEL to let them know they are nominated and will be inducted into the fastest growing movement in the entire world.
Originally Posted by Daniel Alicea
AB ... I'm throwing my name into the ring .... I so covet a position.
Originally Posted by PastorDaniel
Watch out...we're taking over the World 
As founder and Co-Bishop I will make the motion to nominate both of you all. We are needing more Bishops. I believe, if my calculations are right we have grown to 10 times our original membership. Dan-NLYP is head of "Shorts Missions." We really need a Presbyter. As a Presbyter you will have several duties, but the main duty is investigating any accusation again our bretheren. Anything that is a reproach against this Alliance/ Fellowship will be investigated, namely if any of our bretheren have been seen in pants, britches, breeches(KJV),Pantaloons, or any other type of long (to the ankle) trousers. This can not happen. Though there is grace and mercy in affect, as we do model ourselves after our Savior! Any of you men want to throw your hat in the ring for the Presbyter job?