Originally Posted by sis_perez
Barb, to answer you question, No i do not vote. What is your voice going to change? The world isnt going to get any better. The earth is going to pass away and everything in it. How is voting and voicing your political opinion setting your affections on things above. It is setting you affections on things of the earth. And the earth is going to pass away. The Whole duty of man is to Fear God and Keep his commandments. And Please do not think I am hard against anyone. Its just that people are saying that Lawson taught Johnson and they are strong with it, but it just dont add up. I dont know of anyone in the world today that would walk over a $20.00 bill. Now why wouldnt someone stop Johnsons mouth if they could for $500,000.00 back then?? Bishop Lawson should have been able to do it easy. If he didnt want the money I am sure he could have used it to help aid the poor with clothes and food. You know, or just give it away to the Community.
Originally Posted by sis_perez
Barb, "Silent" is what Bishop Johnson made many say. Many folks went silent to keep themselves from being made a fool of. What can i say? Bishop Johnson had it and I am a Proud listener to his recordings. He stopped everybodys mouths and dared them to talk. Can you imagine the embarrassment? I wish I had a chance to see him. He was a very interesting man. And even today, Gods word can still be used to stop people. Thats all Bishop Johnson did. He knocked them over with the word of God. Do you believe there is 2 or 3 Gods or that the Son is up there passing God messages?
GOOD men and women died so that we could have the right to voice our opinion through a democratic vote.
I won't even go into those who died at the onset of the Civil Rights Movement...Medgar Evers and others, so that ALL Americans could have the same voting rights.
It's astonishing...
Again, as for Bishop Lawson not answering Bishop Johnson, no offense, but who cares if he responded to the challenge or not?! His refusal to get locked into that silliness does not make him less than a man of God...not to me anyway.
Sis. P...no man is an island unto himself. None can boast that we got where we are on our own.
Everyone has an Elijah somewhere in their life. Bishop Lawson may have been only the planting stage, while another watered, and God gave the increase.
But the fact remains that God uses humanity to preach the Word of truth.
And I will say again that silence is not an admission of anything.
NOW...you did not answer my question...
Why are you so hard against Bishop Lawson?! You say you are not, but your remarks seem to speak otherwise.
And what in the world does the bolded portion of your last post have to do with anything we have been discussing?! I am confused...