Thank you, Bro. Scotty, for your assessment of me. I just hope I can and will one daylive up to it.
People have different posting styles. I learned this first hand by Bro Steve Epley. His first words to me were some of the brashest, most biting words I have ever read. I am of the opinion that he could have been a little nicer. But, he wasn't (and sometimes I think, isn't) and, over a short period of time have found him to be a fierce contender for what he believes in. A man true to his convictions, even though, I differ with his opinions. A little rough around the edges, yes. But the edges don't really matter. What matters is what is in his heart. And I truly believe what is in his heart is a genuine concern and love for all things Apostolic.
Dan is, just as his sigature says, just Dan. Smart, capable. Good natured. He can, and does, mix it up with the best of them. He, like the rest of us, stands for what he believes. I might (and most likely do) disagree with him (and he with me) on some issues, but thats okay. I don't think we all have to, or ever will, believe everything the same. Some here believe in debating the Scriptures. I don't. I believe its wrong to debate. More power to them who do so, but I stand for my principle...the same as you do. Because we don't always agree, conflicts are inevitable. But you see how I first addressed you in this post? BRO SCOTTY. Because, first and foremost, if you are filled with the Holy Ghost (and I'm sure you are), you are a brother in the Lord. We may diagree on issues, but if (and when) we do, we'll begin with you being a brother...and we'll conclude our discussion with you as a brother.
Bro. Dan isn't nearly as hard as he might seem to be. He's really a softy. And I'm not as nice as you might think I am. Sometimes I can be downright mean.
What am I trying to say? I'll just let my signature line say it...
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7
Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.