Originally Posted by Theophilus
Exhibit A.
You have a blessed day yourself and don't forget to take some Vitamin B.
sheesh, I make one overstatement... lol
I do think all of them will fall eventually (if Jesus doesn't return) only because at some point it is going to be an absurdity for them not to, that or they'll be obsolete because no one is doing whatever it is banning anyways...
But I don't think this is going to cause the entire book of standards to fall, and I did clarify that in my next post (I think... unless that was a different thread...)
Honestly, my hope is that rather than mandate standards and things of that nature on an organizational level, they just allow churches to make those decisions on thier own... The Bible doesn't have any structure making rules the way the UPC or other orgs do... and if they did make rules, they were about giving people freedom in Christ, not telling them what they can and can't do...
But, ah, for men to let go of power that they already have is a near impossibility... so it'll never happen...