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Old 09-10-2007, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
Tertullian was the first Christian writer to write in Latin 5, and was described three centuries later as writing 'first, and best, and incomparably', of all the writers to do so. (by the unknown author of 'Praedestinatus'). His writing is aggressive, sarcastic and brilliant6, and at points very funny even after 2000 years7. He was deeply conscious of his own failings8, and had a burning desire for truth and integrity9. He was described by Jerome as celebrated in all the churches as a speaker10; and his works bear the marks of the need to keep an audience awake!11 His erudition was immense. Much of what he read is lost, but what remains gives a picture of wide reading12, which was celebrated even in antiquity12a.

I'd like to know what latin term he used for the word person...something seems odd when he refers to this as the economy. I wonder if Praxeas so called heresy was that he said the Father is the son, not that the Son is another mode of the Father/God

If Tertullian used the word prosopon or personal then I wonder what difference there is between him and a real modalist (masks)

Did Tertullian use the word hypostasis? Man I wish Chancellor was here
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  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 09-10-2007, 09:22 PM
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Perhaps this might help.
According to this Tertullian used the word hypostasis.
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Old 09-10-2007, 10:00 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I'd like to know what latin term he used for the word person...something seems odd when he refers to this as the economy. I wonder if Praxeas so called heresy was that he said the Father is the son, not that the Son is another mode of the Father/God

If Tertullian used the word prosopon or personal then I wonder what difference there is between him and a real modalist (masks)

Did Tertullian use the word hypostasis? Man I wish Chancellor was here
By this Praxeas did a twofold service for the devil at Rome: he drove away prophecy, and he brought in heresy; he put to flight the Paraclete, and he crucified the Father.
According to Tertullian, Praxeas resisted the Holy Spirit (Paraclete) in the gift of prophecy by calling the Montanists heretics. And he crucified the Father according to Tertullian because "especially in the case of this heresy, which supposes itself to possess the pure truth, in thinking that one cannot believe in One Only God in any other way than by saying that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are the very selfsame Person."

Read the first two very short chapters of Against Praxeas to find these quotes. http://www.christiandefense.org/Tertullian.Prax.htm#1
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

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Old 09-10-2007, 10:32 PM

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Originally Posted by BobDylan View Post
Let me help you out there a little Beleiver...

"the simple... who are always the majority of the faithful..."

The simple (monarchians) were the majority of the faithful (all believers), were startled at the "economy" (i.e. the three in one concept). Let's look grammatically at this. Who was "startled"? The subject of the sentence is "the simply". And then there is adjective clause that describes the simple as the majority of the believers. That means that the majority of believers at that time were startled at the concept of the "trinity".

It also seems that Tertullians "rule of faith" inclines him toward to world of a plurality of Gods. I don't even understand why trinitarians would appeal to Tertullian, he was a Montanists and was excommunicated from fellowship with the church.

Alexander Souter 1873-1949

3. For all the simple people, that I say not the thoughtless and
ignorant (who are always the majority of the faithful), since the
Rule of the Faith itself brings <us> over from the many gods of
the world to the one only true God, not understanding that while
they must believe in one only <God> yet they must believe in
him along with his economy, shy at the economy.

Sorry friend, but your interpretation is invalid. Nowhere in this passages does it states that all the simple people were Modalist. The correct interpretation is saying that simple people are always the majority of the faithful or believers. It is NOT saying that all the simple people were Modalist.

Old 09-10-2007, 10:59 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Originally Posted by Believer View Post
Alexander Souter 1873-1949

3. For all the simple people, that I say not the thoughtless and
ignorant (who are always the majority of the faithful), since the
Rule of the Faith itself brings <us> over from the many gods of
the world to the one only true God, not understanding that while
they must believe in one only <God> yet they must believe in
him along with his economy, shy at the economy.
These translations you're using are convoluted. Let's try to break down this long sentence.

1.) For the simple are not the majority of the faithful.

2.) The majority of the faithful are thoughtless and ignorant.

3.)The rule of faith brings us over from the many gods of the world to the only one true God.

4.) For the simple people not understanding that while they must believe in one only God, yet they must believe in Him along with His economy.

5.) For the simple people shy at the economy.

These are the thoughts I get from the way this sentence is translated. Does it make any sense?
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear
Old 09-10-2007, 11:34 PM

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Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
These translations you're using are convoluted. Let's try to break down this long sentence.

1.) For the simple are not the majority of the faithful.

2.) The majority of the faithful are thoughtless and ignorant.

3.)The rule of faith brings us over from the many gods of the world to the only one true God.

4.) For the simple people not understanding that while they must believe in one only God, yet they must believe in Him along with His economy.

5.) For the simple people shy at the economy.

These are the thoughts I get from the way this sentence is translated. Does it make any sense?

I got to the part where you said:
The majority of the faithful are thoughtless and ignorant
and realized that you miss quoted so I stopped reading. I don't have the time to spend with those who don't read what is written.

For all the simple people, that I say not the thoughtless and
ignorant (who are always the majority of the faithful),

All Tertuillian is trying to say that the majority of the believers are the simple people, not all the simple people are Modalist. And not simple as in stupid.
Old 09-10-2007, 11:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Believer View Post
Alexander Souter 1873-1949

3. For all the simple people, that I say not the thoughtless and
ignorant (who are always the majority of the faithful), since the
Rule of the Faith itself brings <us> over from the many gods of
the world to the one only true God, not understanding that while
they must believe in one only <God> yet they must believe in
him along with his economy, shy at the economy.

Sorry friend, but your interpretation is invalid. Nowhere in this passages does it states that all the simple people were Modalist. The correct interpretation is saying that simple people are always the majority of the faithful or believers. It is NOT saying that all the simple people were Modalist.

For all the simple people, that I say not the thoughtless and
ignorant (who are always the majority of the faithful), since the
Rule of the Faith itself brings <us> over from the many gods of
the world to the one only true God, not understanding that while
they must believe in one only <God> yet they must believe in
him along with his economy, shy at the economy.

They claim that the plurality and ordinance of trinity is a division of unity - although a unity which derives from itself a trinity is not destroyed
but administered by it. And so <people> put it about that by
us two or even three <gods> are preached, while they, they claim,
are worshippers of one God - as though unity irrationally summed
up did not make heresy and trinity rationally counted out
constitute truth.

THEY refers to the antecedent "Simple who are always the majority"

One has to ask, in Tertullians "Against Praxeas" why is he referring to these people that are saying Tertullian preached more than one god...who are THESE people? The logical conclusion

In fact further up in the context it's clear Tertullian sees Praxeas as someone that is propagates heresy among the churches

Praxean tares 1 were sown
above the wheat and had germinated here also, while many were
asleep in simplicity of doctrine.

Thus Praxeas at Rome managed two pieces of the devil's business
he drove out prophecy and introduced heresy: he put to flight the Paraclete and crucified the Father.

Note "MANY" and Simplicity of doctrine

BTW wasn't this written while Tertullian was a montanist? Montanus clamied to be the Paraclete! Praxeas OPPOSED Montanism. So Tertullian is here opposting Praxeas because Praxeas put Montanus to flight...not only that Tertullian is claiming he was lead to this truth by the Paraclete

After that, silence. I for my part was subsequently
separated from the natural men by my acknowledgement and
defence of the Paraclete.

We however as always, the more so now as
better equipped through the Paraclete, that leader into all truth,3......

For at that time the bishop of Rome
was on the point of recognising the prophecies of Montanus and
Prisca and Maximilla, and as a result of that recognition was
offering peace to the churches of Asia and Phrygia; but this man,
by false assertions concerning the prophets themselves and their
churches, and by insistence on the decisions of the bishop's
predecessors, forced him both to recall the letters of peace already

Notice the broad generalization Tertullian makes of greeks and latins

"We hold", they say, "to the monarchy": and
even Latins so expressively frame the sound, and in so masterly
a fashion, that you would think they understood monarchy as

well as they pronounce it: but while Latins are intent to shout out
" monarchy ", even Greeks refuse to understand the economy.

The economy he is speaking of is his trinity..or his version of it...the three in one. Note he is also saying the others believed in a three or plurality also but with no division (the father is the son)

Note below, Tertullians beef with Praxeas was not that Praxeas believed in three modes, but his claim that Praxeas made Father and Son identical..Honestly without the word Hypostasis here it seems like Tertullian is more modalist (economies) and Praxeas is the patripassionist. Also note again "they" who does THEY refer to? Not HE but THEY.

But seeing they will have it that the two are one, so that the
Father and the Son are to be considered identical, we must also
examine the whole <question> concerning the Son, whether he is,
and who he is, and in what manner he is, and thus the fact itself
will establish its own legality by the advocacy of , the scriptures

Now read Tertullians argument below and see if this does not sound like Oneness arguments of the Logos in His mind

Against the ratification of this I am persuaded by other
arguments from God's ordinance in which he was before the
foundation of the world until the generation of the Son.Until the generation of the Son???
For before all things God was alone, himself his own world and
location and everything - alone however because there was
nothing external beside him. Yet not even then was he alone :
for he had with him that Reason which he had in himself
Reason IN HIMSELF??-
his own, of course. His OWN reason.....hmmmm

For God is rational, and reason is primarily in
him and thus from him are all things: and that Reason is his
consciousness. His reason was IN Him...that reason is his concious! I have argued this based on Jn 1:1 many times.

This the Greeks call Logos, by which expression
we also designate discourse:
Sounds like a Oneness argument? Not the second person of the Trinity, not the Son, generated later, but the Logos IN God

and consequently our people are already wont, through the artlessness of the translation, to say
that Discourse was in the beginning with God,2

though it would be more appropriate to consider Reason of older standing, seeing that God is [not] discursive from the beginning but is rational even
before the beginning, and because discourse itself, having its
ground in reason, shows reason to be prior as being its substance.
Yet even so it makes no difference. For although God had not
yet uttered his Discourse, he always had it within himself along
with and in his Reason, while he silently thought out and ordained
with himself the things which he was shortly to say by the agency
of Discourse:
Thought out an dordained with HIMSELF the things which he was shortly to say by the agency of discourse...sounds like a Oneness view of the Logos.

for while thinking out and ordaining them in
company of his Reason, he converted into Discourse that <Reason>
which he was discussing in discourse.
Discussing in discourse with himself or someone else?

And that you may understand this the more easily, observe first from yourself, as from the image and likeness of God,3 how you also have reason within yourself, who are a rational animal not only as having been made
by a rational Creator but also as out of his substance having been
made a living soul.4 See how, when you by reason argue silently
with yourself,
this same action takes place within you, while
reason accompanied by discourse meets you at every movement
of your thought, at every impression of your consciousness :
your every thought is discourse, your every consciousness is

This just does NOT sound like a Trinitarian argument of the Logos or the Son pre-existing as a person. This sounds more like the Logos is the thought or reason Of God withIN God an He discoursing with HIMSELF

you must perforce speak it in your mind, and while you
speak it you experience as a partner in conversation that discourse
which has in it this very reason by which you speak when you
think in company of that <discourse> in speaking by means of which you think. So in a sort of way you have in you as a second
<person> discourse by means of which you speak by thinking
and by means of which you think by speaking: discourse itself
is another than your.

It's interesting how the translator adds the word person...is Tertullian arguing that us people are infact two persons each? Of course not. Tertullian would have to be nuts to argue that and if so I would not want him to be speaking for me as a Trinitarian. It seems that Tertullians Trinity was an economic Trinity, not a Hypostatic Trinity!

Yes...he was closer to being a modalist than he was to being what we know as Trinitarianism and his beef with Praxeas was supposdly that Praxeas equated Father and Son and opposed Montanus

There is so much more to what he wrote we can go on and on.
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  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 09-11-2007, 12:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Believer View Post
Alexander Souter 1873-1949

3. For all the simple people, that I say not the thoughtless and
ignorant (who are always the majority of the faithful), since the
Rule of the Faith itself brings <us> over from the many gods of
the world to the one only true God, not understanding that while
they must [who] believe in one only <God> yet they must believe in
him along with his economy, shy at the economy (concept of the trinity/three-in-one theology).

Sorry friend, but your interpretation is invalid. Nowhere in this passages does it states that all the simple people were Modalist. The correct interpretation is saying that simple people are always the majority of the faithful or believers. It is NOT saying that all the simple people were Modalist.

I did not suggest that this says the "simply people" are modalists. You are putting words in my mouth here.

What it does say, however, is that the majority, who adhere to the staunch belief in ONE GOD (Monarchianism) object to the concept of the trinity!
...or something like that...
Old 09-11-2007, 12:42 AM
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I don't think Tertullian was truely a Trinitarian after reading what he wrote again
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  2. The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
Old 09-11-2007, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
I don't think Tertullian was truely a Trinitarian after reading what he wrote again
What do you think Tertullian believed then? Was he more tritheistic than trinitarian?
...or something like that...
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