Originally Posted by Newman
Playing devil's advocate....
Okay... sounds good... I will volley back and we will see where it leads us.
Originally Posted by Newman
Standards may not have tranformation power but perhaps they create an environment/hedge that precludes one from mixing with with others who don't have the same standards.
And also preclude us from mixing with others who need salvation.
This salvation, when experience in its fulness, is enough to give us strength to go ahead and be in the world while no longer being of the world.
Also... which standards would keep us from mixing with others?
Originally Posted by Newman
This probably works out very well for new saints coming in from extremely dysfunctional lifestyles. It could be argued that the standards keep them in an environment that is conducive to growing closer to God rather than being drawn back out into the world and their previous lifestyle.
I would think that the last thing someone from a dysfunctional lifestyle needs is another set of blind rules to follow without good reason. Remember... I am not saying get rid of standards. I am saying that standards have no power to transform. It is the word of God, the way of God, the mind of God that transforms us as we strive to be more like Him. And this is all done due to the power we receive after that the Holy Ghost has come upon us.
I think that someone from a dysfunctional lifestyle needs, maybe more than anyone, someone to take them and show them what thus saith the word of God with great patience and begin to teach this dear one to see for themselves. In most cases a dysfuncation lifestyle will have come from someone in their lives who have forced them to do things that they could not reconcile in their brains.
It would seem to me that when they are saved that this is the time to begin the healing... not continue the dysfunction.
Originally Posted by Newman
Alternatively, standards may be a stumbling block to those whose initial lifestyle wasn't dysfunctional to start with. It may create issues for people where there doesn't have to be issues.
I believe it does sometimes.
Like I have been saying... I don't think that there is any substitute for teaching what the Bible says.... not my interpretation of what the Bible says... but what the Bible says... and let them work out their own salvation with fear and trembling.
There is also some teaching that has to go on with HOW to search out ones own salvation with fear and trembling.
Teaching them that as you read the word you need to be in prayer that God would speak to you the things he would have you to do.
God DOES lead people. Especially when given the opportunity.
Teaching them to be open to hearing from God and that our own carnal reasoning is not what is going to lead us to God.
Teaching them that His ways are high above our ways like the heavens are above the earth.
Teaching them that He is a rewarder of those who will diligently seek Him.
Teaching them that if they will seek His face He will move His hand.
Basically... teaching them how to forge a relationship with their creator and redeemer.
Then... when that process is done... I am only a fellow brother and their God is their leader, guide, lover, friend, saviour, redeemer... HE is their all in all and THEY are healed.