The problem is denominationalism. Once people come together around a certain truth that they feel distinguishes them from others, that truth tends to become the basis for fellowship rather than the common bond they have in Christ.
I just finished reading the autobiography earlier this evening.
What a servant of God and what a burden for those people in Liberia!
The quote in your post is on page 154. Then on pages 196-197 it mentions priorities changing later where mission schools were de-emphasized and there was more evangelization going on. Sis. Gruse says, "With the increased efforts towards preaching the Word came a gradual cooling between the Pentecostals and other Protestant missionaries."
On page 278 she says that the month of January, 1959 was a special month for her and mentions two reasons for its being special. "First of all, on the 7th of the month little Eddie Cupples was born in the Liberian Mining Company Hospital at Bomi Hills." I wonder who that was.
I think her story is fascinating! It's funny and full of faith. It's special to me for obvious reasons. LOL!