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Old 08-17-2007, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
You obviously are a newbie here. We LOVE posters that are always LOOKING what what we DID NOT SAY! Thats a nice game to play isn't it - right up there with hop-scotch! Real Elementary!

Are you REALLY Bob Dylan? Did you really become a Christian - Bob or was it just to sell records? Are you really just all about Money?

If you are needing someone to baptize you and you are really sincere about water baptism, I will be happy to have one of our counselors talk with you if you would like to schedule an appointment.
God bless you as you obviously desire to be obedient to the Word of God and be baptized in water. Thank you for your interest in water baptism.

Could you give me the version of the Holy Bible you quoted this from - I sure would love to read it myself, "full immersion baptism calling only on the name of Jesus." Did Jesus himself say this - were these words in RED?
I am sure you would not add too or take away anything from the Word of God as you could find yourself under the judgment of God and in danger of Hell Fire!

What is really Elementary is the way this simple and straight-forward question was dodged like an oncoming train. It shouldn't be that hard to answer.

To the bolded: Jesus was a part of the Dispensation of Law. Salvation as we know it today was not known while he walked the earth. Jesus Himself prayed the we would be saved throught the Apostle's Doctrine. (John 17:20) So no it is not in RED but BLACK and WHITE written at the hands of an Apostle, holy men who wrote as moved on by the Holy Ghost.
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Old 08-17-2007, 04:07 PM
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Originally Posted by bdlooney View Post
What is really Elementary is the way this simple and straight-forward question was dodged like an oncoming train. It shouldn't be that hard to answer.

To the bolded: Jesus was a part of the Dispensation of Law. Salvation as we know it today was not known while he walked the earth. Jesus Himself prayed the we would be saved throught the Apostle's Doctrine. (John 17:20) So no it is not in RED but BLACK and WHITE written at the hands of an Apostle, holy men who wrote as moved on by the Holy Ghost.
we had about 500 pages on NFCF with our good friend AB.

let me break it down for you.

when he baptizes it is in the name of Jesus. it is his preference however, it is not something that he holds as a salvation doctrine. his fellowship is not limited to Oneness Pentecostals. in fact there are more trinitarians (I suspect) than OPs. He also does not hold that a person needs to recieve the HG evidenced with speaking in tongues to be saved. Nor does he hold to any traditional OP Holiness Standards.

hope that helps. AB is pretty classic Neuvo-PCI.
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Old 08-17-2007, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
we had about 500 pages on NFCF with our good friend AB.

let me break it down for you.

when he baptizes it is in the name of Jesus. it is his preference however, it is not something that he holds as a salvation doctrine. his fellowship is not limited to Oneness Pentecostals. in fact there are more trinitarians (I suspect) than OPs. He also does not hold that a person needs to recieve the HG evidenced with speaking in tongues to be saved. Nor does he hold to any traditional OP Holiness Standards.

hope that helps. AB is pretty classic Neuvo-PCI.
It's not the fact that I didn't know what he believed but the fact that he decided to dodge the question. I appreciate the info but it shouldn't be that hard for him to answer it himself.

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Old 08-17-2007, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by bdlooney View Post
It's not the fact that I didn't know what he believed but the fact that he decided to dodge the question. I appreciate the info but it shouldn't be that hard for him to answer it himself.

He is playing with you!
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Old 08-17-2007, 06:48 PM
ThePastorsCoach ThePastorsCoach is offline
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Does this answer your question???????

Originally Posted by bdlooney View Post
It's not the fact that I didn't know what he believed but the fact that he decided to dodge the question. I appreciate the info but it shouldn't be that hard for him to answer it himself.

The question that was asked was asked in ignorance to start with.
You can't please these control freaks - I know - I spent 20 years with them!
If I say YES, then someone will say - Well, I NOTICED that you did not say you do it in the "Name of Jesus Christ" and if I say YES I DO then someone will say "I noticed that you did not say you believed it was for the remission of sins" and if I say OH YES I DO then someone will say oh - but I noticed that you did not say you had to do it IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and if I say OH YES I DO then someone will say well I noticed on your web site that you did not say Women could not wear pants, or against jewelry or do you baptize in a white long sleeve shirt and do you have VIDEO and on and on and on.
Can't you guys see that FAITH and GRACE is taken totally out of the salvation experience and its just GET THEM IN THE WATER and get them to speak a few syllables in some gibberish and THEY HAVE ARRIVED. Now, You can't go to movies, watch TV, wear a ball hat (in GA) with an A on it, wear colored lip gloss, have open toed shoes, split skirts, wear sandals, you women have to wear your hair up, you boys have to wear tighty whitey underwear, can't have any peach fuzz for the black boys cause it will send you straight to HELL - well - at least it will get you kicked off the GA District Campground. IT NEVER ENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just can't be saved because you can't get good enough or obey enough rules.
NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU DO - IT IS NEVER ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys don't fool people - we all know it - IT IS NEVER ENOUGH!

You can't get good enough to get GOD and you can't get God by getting good enough!

Here is some help for you that are SOOOOOOOOOO interested in noticing what I DO NOT SAY ON MY WEB SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Every single person I have ever baptized in my entire life (Church of God of Prophecy, Church of God, Assembly of God, Independent Trinity Pentecost, Pentecostal Holiness, UPC, ALJC, PAW) and all the others - I Have NEVER baptized anyone - in any other way - but "In the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!" I have baptized many thousands around the world in the Name of Jesus Christ.

2. You might need to go on line - especially the one that asked this question - and LISTEN TO ME PREACH ABOUT WATER BAPTISM and what happens in Baptism!

3. I have baptized THOUSANDS around the world in 57 nations in the Name of Jesus Christ so - I DO have some corn in my crib to talk about this.

4. I believe that when a person is filled with the Holy Ghost - they will speak in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. I do not believe the Holy Ghost is OPTIONAL - but is absolutely necessary for every believer to have today.

5. We are NOT REQUIRED to answer every ignorant question that we are asked on this board and I refuse to even acknowledge some of these uneducated nut cases that don't know me or anything about our ministry. I would put our Apostolic Ministry up against anyone else's today as a TRUE APOSTOLIC MINISTRY. I have laid hands on over half a million people in 57 nations and seen the dead raised, tumors and cancers disappear, blind eyes open, deaf ears unstopped, legs, arms grow, healings and miracles too many to even get started with.

NOW WHO IS APOSTOLIC??????????? The one that says - I NOTICED YOU DID NOT SAY - Yada yada yada..................... Who cares what you noticed! Go out and save a soul, go and put 35 years of blood, sweat, tears, heartache and pain into the mission field, spend every dime you have and have no idea if you will ever get HOME alive after you have baptized THOUSANDS and watched as Thousands are filled with the Holy Ghost.

Give me a break - Some of you don't have a clue what real life is like. You hide behind your four walls and scream to the top of your lungs about the same old thing over and over and over again with NO RESULTS and your miserable and mean and ugly to people that are not mean and ugly just like you!
That is EXACTLY why I stay off this forum - you egotistical maniacs that think you have ALL THE TRUTH! You may have a good hold on a great revelation - but you sure can cut everybody else to shreds with your sword and then sit back and laugh about how you ran them trinities off and told them good!

I am writing this and I do NOT have to respond to it if I don't want to. If you want to know what I am - look at the fruit of my ministry. Ask the boxer in London that was told he would NEVER box again and God healed him and he won the national title. Ask the blind woman in Kingston, Jamaica that was 56 years old and had NO EYEBALLS in her head to see out of and Now she sees in JESUS NAME! Ask the little boy in Muncie, IN that had twisted legs and club feet and now he is the STAR baseball player with a promising future because his grandmother brought him to a Miracle Crusade. Ask the over 1000 HINDUS that ran to the altar in Georgetown, Guyana to REPENT and renounce their false Gods and begin to call on the Lord Jesus Christ as the only true God and 365 were FILLED with the Holy Ghost in three nights. The UPC pastors would not even baptize them (said "but they are HINDU'S") and I had to spend THREE DAYS baptizing them and teaching them Jesus Christ and the Apostles Doctrine.

I could write all night - but it won't change you because I am not with your group, don't use YOUR exact formula, didn't baptize in YOUR POOL and didn't curse and ........ to hell everyone that didn't do it JUST LIKE YOU DO IT.

DOES THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION SIR????????????????? Now does it seem like I am dodging the question???????????????

This post is not address to just the one that posted this and it is not just to EVERYBODY. I know that there are many on here that have good sense and Love God, People and Church. I just get weary of the midget mentality of people that have never done anything with the doctrine they scream and holler about.
God bless you all - I am SURE that I will hear plenty from this.
Come see us in Atlanta and leave your attitude at home!
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Old 08-17-2007, 06:49 PM
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Originally Posted by bdlooney View Post
What is really Elementary is the way this simple and straight-forward question was dodged like an oncoming train. It shouldn't be that hard to answer.

To the bolded: Jesus was a part of the Dispensation of Law. Salvation as we know it today was not known while he walked the earth. Jesus Himself prayed the we would be saved throught the Apostle's Doctrine. (John 17:20) So no it is not in RED but BLACK and WHITE written at the hands of an Apostle, holy men who wrote as moved on by the Holy Ghost.

Dont tell me you are so old fashioned that you actually believe that you have to be baptized Biblically......surely you are more progressive than that......you know it doesnt really matter what is said... as long as you just do something......I mean come on.....you probably believe all that other Biblically stuff too and dont take away from or add to........come on man....get with the game.......

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Old 08-17-2007, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
The question that was asked was asked in ignorance to start with.
You can't please these control freaks - I know - I spent 20 years with them!
If I say YES, then someone will say - Well, I NOTICED that you did not say you do it in the "Name of Jesus Christ" and if I say YES I DO then someone will say "I noticed that you did not say you believed it was for the remission of sins" and if I say OH YES I DO then someone will say oh - but I noticed that you did not say you had to do it IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST and if I say OH YES I DO then someone will say well I noticed on your web site that you did not say Women could not wear pants, or against jewelry or do you baptize in a white long sleeve shirt and do you have VIDEO and on and on and on.
Can't you guys see that FAITH and GRACE is taken totally out of the salvation experience and its just GET THEM IN THE WATER and get them to speak a few syllables in some gibberish and THEY HAVE ARRIVED. Now, You can't go to movies, watch TV, wear a ball hat (in GA) with an A on it, wear colored lip gloss, have open toed shoes, split skirts, wear sandals, you women have to wear your hair up, you boys have to wear tighty whitey underwear, can't have any peach fuzz for the black boys cause it will send you straight to HELL - well - at least it will get you kicked off the GA District Campground. IT NEVER ENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just can't be saved because you can't get good enough or obey enough rules.
NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU DO - IT IS NEVER ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys don't fool people - we all know it - IT IS NEVER ENOUGH!

You can't get good enough to get GOD and you can't get God by getting good enough!

Here is some help for you that are SOOOOOOOOOO interested in noticing what I DO NOT SAY ON MY WEB SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Every single person I have ever baptized in my entire life (Church of God of Prophecy, Church of God, Assembly of God, Independent Trinity Pentecost, Pentecostal Holiness, UPC, ALJC, PAW) and all the others - I Have NEVER baptized anyone - in any other way - but "In the NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!" I have baptized many thousands around the world in the Name of Jesus Christ.

2. You might need to go on line - especially the one that asked this question - and LISTEN TO ME PREACH ABOUT WATER BAPTISM and what happens in Baptism!

3. I have baptized THOUSANDS around the world in 57 nations in the Name of Jesus Christ so - I DO have some corn in my crib to talk about this.

4. I believe that when a person is filled with the Holy Ghost - they will speak in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. I do not believe the Holy Ghost is OPTIONAL - but is absolutely necessary for every believer to have today.

5. We are NOT REQUIRED to answer every ignorant question that we are asked on this board and I refuse to even acknowledge some of these uneducated nut cases that don't know me or anything about our ministry. I would put our Apostolic Ministry up against anyone else's today as a TRUE APOSTOLIC MINISTRY. I have laid hands on over half a million people in 57 nations and seen the dead raised, tumors and cancers disappear, blind eyes open, deaf ears unstopped, legs, arms grow, healings and miracles too many to even get started with.

NOW WHO IS APOSTOLIC??????????? The one that says - I NOTICED YOU DID NOT SAY - Yada yada yada..................... Who cares what you noticed! Go out and save a soul, go and put 35 years of blood, sweat, tears, heartache and pain into the mission field, spend every dime you have and have no idea if you will ever get HOME alive after you have baptized THOUSANDS and watched as Thousands are filled with the Holy Ghost.

Give me a break - Some of you don't have a clue what real life is like. You hide behind your four walls and scream to the top of your lungs about the same old thing over and over and over again with NO RESULTS and your miserable and mean and ugly to people that are not mean and ugly just like you!
That is EXACTLY why I stay off this forum - you egotistical maniacs that think you have ALL THE TRUTH! You may have a good hold on a great revelation - but you sure can cut everybody else to shreds with your sword and then sit back and laugh about how you ran them trinities off and told them good!

I am writing this and I do NOT have to respond to it if I don't want to. If you want to know what I am - look at the fruit of my ministry. Ask the boxer in London that was told he would NEVER box again and God healed him and he won the national title. Ask the blind woman in Kingston, Jamaica that was 56 years old and had NO EYEBALLS in her head to see out of and Now she sees in JESUS NAME! Ask the little boy in Muncie, IN that had twisted legs and club feet and now he is the STAR baseball player with a promising future because his grandmother brought him to a Miracle Crusade. Ask the over 1000 HINDUS that ran to the altar in Georgetown, Guyana to REPENT and renounce their false Gods and begin to call on the Lord Jesus Christ as the only true God and 365 were FILLED with the Holy Ghost in three nights. The UPC pastors would not even baptize them (said "but they are HINDU'S") and I had to spend THREE DAYS baptizing them and teaching them Jesus Christ and the Apostles Doctrine.

I could write all night - but it won't change you because I am not with your group, don't use YOUR exact formula, didn't baptize in YOUR POOL and didn't curse and ........ to hell everyone that didn't do it JUST LIKE YOU DO IT.

DOES THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION SIR????????????????? Now does it seem like I am dodging the question???????????????

This post is not address to just the one that posted this and it is not just to EVERYBODY. I know that there are many on here that have good sense and Love God, People and Church. I just get weary of the midget mentality of people that have never done anything with the doctrine they scream and holler about.
God bless you all - I am SURE that I will hear plenty from this.
Come see us in Atlanta and leave your attitude at home!
Actually I enjoyed your post.....especially the part about your 35 years.....seems to me that in those 35 years you preached a different doctrine or should I say standard of living.....makes me say...hummmmm, but I am totally sure that there is an answer for that too.......and I might say that the only post on this thread that I personally saw an attitude about would be the one I quoted.............

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Old 08-17-2007, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by IAintMovin View Post
Actually I enjoyed your post.....especially the part about your 35 years.....seems to me that in those 35 years you preached a different doctrine or should I say standard of living.....makes me say...hummmmm, but I am totally sure that there is an answer for that too.......and I might say that the only post on this thread that I personally saw an attitude about would be the one I quoted.............

:sshhh The cat said he ran out out litter.
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Old 08-17-2007, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by COOPER View Post

:sshhh The cat said he ran out off litter.
Well Coop... Love ya man, and I will admit that I move a little slow at times....and as my screen name shows....when it comes the the elements of our movement that got us here... well ... IAintMovin....

Now not sure what your comment was supposed to mean...but it did bring this one to my mind......since you are talkin bout cats.... I will mention a dog.....

21For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.

22But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

IMO......it might just fit.....

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Old 08-17-2007, 07:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Now there is an option! if you can get Cooper to come to church, he is VERY progressive!
Well, I have been going twice a month for many months now.

I was at band practice last night and will play Sunday...lord will'n.

Besides that, the Bishop is a good man.
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