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Old 08-09-2007, 05:43 PM

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Thanks for the updates. I'm missing Youth Congress bad as I was not able to go this year. I really like hearing what songs they are doing, so keep me posted!
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Old 08-09-2007, 05:50 PM

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Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
Before the worship began, I forgot that they had this video called "North American Youth Congress Praise Exercises" very funny and a good crowdbreaker. The video began with a woman's voice (with British accent) and a sound graph line that would move as she spoke (as if she were a computer voice). She began to instruct the kids on various praise "exercises" that they would be encouraged to use during the Congress.

Praise Exercise #1: Rythmn Clapping: a brief explanation, a READY, GO! and then a silouetted young man (think iPod commercials) clapping his hands with very hard driving dance mix music. Everyone joined in.

Praise Exerice #2: Pentecostal Head Bob (with the explanation, READY, GO!, music and participation)

Praise Exercise #28: Leaping with Pumped Fist

Praise Exercise #156: Noise

Then they went back through each one altogether---it created a lot of energy as the praise and worship began.

After "I Am Free" by the Praise Band, Todd Gaddy greeted the young people and talked about how much it was appreciated that everyone made the effort to get here and what a life changing event this was going to be.

He said a video would be following with the names of states and countries that everyone came from and to cheer when you saw where you were from. Everyone was screaming and cheering.

The CLC Ensemble followed with a a Black Gospel song I would guess was entitled "Right Now", since they said "right now" about 1300 times in the chorus. It was the first low point IMO. Not that they did anything wrong, the musicianship was great, the harmonizing was good, its just the song did not elicit worship. The energy in the room kind of died down.

Following CLC was a funny video talking about how kids are addicted to coffee and coffee shops and made a connection to Bible Quizzing and quizzers addiction to studying and memorizing scripture. I think that was the gist of the video b/c I was helping my wife wrestle with our 2 year old throughout the service. Wayne Francis introduced the BQ champions from Moss Bluff, LA for the experienced division and Houston, TX (Life Tabernacle) in the intermediate division.

Wayne Francis then went on a long diatribe of announcements (a real waste of WF abilities---he's not speaking once here, very disappointed). I was reinforced in my doing away with announcements at our church. I don't think too many people listened to what was said, at least not around where we were sitting. He even went through the whole days schedule for today, which is printed in the books our kids got for being here.

Simeon Young Jr received the offering but in a very funny and creative way. He had superimposed each Youth Official's face on a copy of currency: Wayne Francis on the five dollar bill, Shay Mann on the ten, and Gaddy on the twenty, which looked very funny (he kept the president's beards and hair, only superimposing the face). He then encouraged the youth to give five for WF, youth leaders and chaperones to give ten for SM, and pastors and elected officials twenty for TG. It was a quick and seamless offering.

CLC Ensemble sang again for the offering. At this point the service had kind of gone in to a lull with all the announcements, offering and such. CLC again did a fine job musically, but the song was another black gospel song that just didn't draw you to worship. I am guessing the song was called "God's Already Worked It Out", again b/c that was the line that was repeated an innumerable amount of times.

Shay Mann recognized special people: Host District of NC David Elms, Sr, the NAYC Praise Band under the direction of J. Dean, and Joel Urshan from Cincy, OH who would be preching later in the service.

They showed another video about running the race and then JD and the praise band were back at it. It was about time, b/c 30 minutes had passed since a sense of worship and praise had been present.

They started with "He Is Jesus". A new song for me, but very worshipful and refreshing. I could not understand where lyrics on the screen were. I thought maybe they just were trying something different, but when a song came along I didn't know or our kids didn't know it was hard to sing along. They must of had a technical glich b/c words finally showed up in this segment, but they looked kind of faded and hard to see. It got better as the worship proceeded.
Just wanted to be sure everyone noticed that the Moss Bluff BQ team was recognized!!!
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Old 08-09-2007, 08:32 PM
Hesetmefree238 Hesetmefree238 is offline
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Awesome reports! Keep it up!
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Old 08-09-2007, 09:09 PM

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Originally Posted by LaGirl View Post
we have 66 there. knowing them, they were late and were in the nosebleeds too! :-)
Our crew got there early and still had to sit in the nosebleed section! My husband said it was kind of funny watching people try to shout in the nosebleed section!
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Old 08-09-2007, 09:11 PM

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Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Wow - good number!
Loren's daughter, Ashley,was one of the girls that shouted all over the place. Terry said it was so awesome to watch her. She told him after church that she had never felt anything like that before.
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Old 08-10-2007, 12:48 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
Pride of the Neighborhood

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Alright, its been a LOOOOOOOONG day so I'll try to give an update.

First let me say, I have never been to ANY event at ANY time or ANY place in my entire life in which the praise and worship team was more worshipful, engaged in praise and yielded to the adoration of the One to whom they were singing to and about. I am NOT over exaggerating. These young men and ladies are NOT performing in ANY way whatsoever. I have NEVER suspected not one time that any of them were trying to impress, entertain, wow or show off. These young people are really connected and broken and humble----I can't say enough about them!!! Praise God for using these vessels because they have been the catalysts to usher in the Presence of the Lord or to keep the anointing flowing throughout the service.

This morning came early since we had such a late night the night before. Our youth minister and myself got up and got Dunkin Donuts, coffee and milk for the group. By the time our group ate and got ready, we had missed the early session at 9:15 am with Loida Howell speaking. She is Jared Howell's wife and its neat that they had a woman speaking in a General Session. She is very creative and I'm sure she did well. I saw her and Jared in the concourse as we were arriving and greeted them and talked a little while. I apologized for missing the session and asked how she did. She said she felt good about it.

At 10:45 the YC went into split sessions. The sessions were: Jr. High with Aaron Soto, Senior High with Jonathan Walker, Youth Workers with Terry Shock/Tim Rutledge, Young Ministers with TF Tenney, and Young Adults with Travis Miller.

We had to park about 5 blocks from the arena so we dropped our group off and then parked our vans. I took the 2 year old along so my wife didn't have to manhandle him. He really is a handful. So I carried him to arena and folks it is hotter than the devil's oven in this place!!!!! By the time I got to the arena, I decided to forget going to hear Brother Tenney about another 5 blocks away at the city's convention center. I was too hot and sweaty to try to do that. The AC in the arena felt so good I didn't want to leave.

Jonathan Walker had already started. His message was "Apostolic Identity: Its Time To Take The Mask Off!" He was preaching in-----buckle up now-----brace yourself-----a pair of jeans on the platform!!!!! He also was wearing a summer weight sport coat with a-----and I hesitate to say this----but he was wearing a Batman t-shirt on underneath the sport coat!!!!!!! And he was anointed! And he was used mightily of God. It was one of the best youth messages I've heard in a long time.

He spoke of buying into things that only mask the scent---he used Tag spray that is popular with young men as a prop. He said don't buy into things that are empty fillers-----using a bag of Doritos. He then broke out a Batman mask and put it on and talked about how we come to church and go through life wearing masks.

He shared a transparent story about studying for his college classes while he attended at University of Cincinnati (where he was getting a full ride scholarship). He was driven to become a chemical engineer, primarily b/c they make a lot of money. He said the mosy common question young people ask is "What are you going to do?" but he said the most important question is "Who are you?" While studying alone in his parents kitchen, he began to think about all of this and God spoke to him and asked him "who are you?" He said he began to weep right there in that kitchan all alone. He said you can connect with God not just at YC, or youth camp, or youth service or church. You can connect with God anywhere. In this case one of the most important encounters with God in his life was in a kitchen all by himself.

The response from the kids was strong.

At 11:50 am the sessions continued: Jr. High with Carl McLaughlin, Sr. High with Russ Cripps, Youth Workers with Mendy Olson, Young Ministers with Stan Gleason and Young Adults with Norm Paslay.

I had never heard of Russ Cripps and I was a little distracted during his message because my 2 year old was restless. His message was "Release the Chickens!" I'm not sure what the message title meant, again b/c I missed the first part of the message, but he opened up and began to share one of the most incredible personal testimonies I have ever heard.

He talked about being wild when he was young. He drank whiskey and began smoking pot. He went on to other drugs doing everything from cocaine to crystal meth. One night after partying with some friends driving home he swerved off the road to miss an oncoming vehicle and went into a ditch, a ditch in which a police officer was helping someone else out of. In the end he killed the officer. Cripps went to jail as a result, but since he was 17 he didn't spend as much time if he were an adult. He told this story with many tears. Many were being shed in the congregation.

Today he is a youth pastor in Austin, TX and he is married with a daughter. He shared that if God could use him, God could use anybody. It was a powerful message and young people responded. Darrell John's son (name?) played his guitar and sang a haunting song that simply said "I Need You". Young people were praying all over arena for a good 30 mins.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 08-10-2007, 01:15 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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We went to lunch and returned for the final day session with Jeremy Goodman preaching. He is youth pastor for Mike Williams in Apopka, FL.

The prasie band (PB) did an acoustic set with mandolin, accordian, guitars and percussion/drums. They did an arrangement of "When I Think About The Lord" that was incredible. The platform was lined with candles and the atmosphere was deep and moving. Another worship song or two, and the youth were primed and ready for the Word.

His message was a very good one "You Are Who Your Father Says You Are". Rachel's dying request was to name her son "Ben-Oni" which means "son of sorrow", but Jacob refused to and named him "Benjamin" which means "son of my right hand". Don't accept the labels placed on you by others or circumstances.

He told the personal story of his father dying of cancer when he was young growing up in Louisiana and how his family struggled emotionally and financially. He was insecure about so much growing up. But his mother made sure he went to church, went to youth camp, was involved. His first set of Nikes were hand me downs from his cousins.

When he went to Bible school at IBC he gained a lot of confidence and made good friends. His first time to step on to the Louisiana Camp Meeting after his freshman year someone said to him, "Well I see they finally taught you how to dress." He talked about God doesn't care what you wear, God doesn't care whether its a name brand or not, God doesn't care what your name is and what home you grew up in or who your daddy was."

Again the youth responded very emotionally. Our kids again were touched deeply and prayed well.

Three fantastic youth messages, all different but all using transparency by the speakers to convey powerful meassages and principles. They were all home runs! The PB conducted a beautiful altar service singing "I Believe in You".

BTW the other speakers wore jeans, with untucked shirts!!!!

Another thing I noticed: Joel Urshan used KJV, Walker used The Message, Cripps used The Message, Goodman used NKJV and the evening speaker Brent Keating used NIV. Another sign of the SLOPE of SLIPPERINESS!

It was a race to get home, to get a little rest and get ready for church.

I cant go any further----I've got to get sleep!

More later!

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 08-10-2007, 05:17 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
Pride of the Neighborhood

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Originally Posted by ILUVHIM View Post
What is a "black gospel song" versus a Gospel Song?
I've always called it black gospel b/c there is southern gospel, contemporary gospel, etc.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 08-10-2007, 05:24 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
Pride of the Neighborhood

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Originally Posted by South of I 90 View Post
Good for the band.................what's up with this "full Sunday best" stuff at a youth event??!!
There is definitely some "old school" remnants at NAYC: preachers and officials in full business suit and tie, long announcements, protocol opening remarks that take too long, young preachers making an announcement and "preaching" the announcement----that being said, the meeting is very cutting edge, very relevant to our young people (I know that's a buzzword for "compromise" to some, but in reality it simply means "connected with the matter at hand" or "relative") and probably the best event in the Oneness Pentecostal movement.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 08-10-2007, 06:26 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
Pride of the Neighborhood

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Where did I leave off? Oh yes last night's service.......

Hard to believe, but our girls held us up and we did not get there until right at church time and so we were really in the nose bleeds this time. The first night we were in the second row of the nose bleeds. Last night we were in the 30th row of the nose bleeds. I would say first night's attendance was about 2/3 capacity (guess---12,000-13,000?). Last night was about 3/4 capacity (15,000-16,000?).

They have been conducting a talent search each night at 6:30 pm. First night was male vocalist/last night female vocalist/tonight group vocalists. Winner receives $1,000 cash and an all expenses paid CD recording. Our friend, Brian Larkins from TN is in the running for the male vocalist. A fine young Christian guitarist and songewriter, he will be going places. His voice sounds like the lead singer from Third Day.

Service began with a countdown video. This time it was trivia questions. Final ten seconds kids counting down and screaming.

J Dean and PB opened with a hard driving black gospel song----WOW, it set the tone. Can't rmember the song, didn't have my reporter's notebook with me. Had to steal a sheet of paper from my daughter's art notebook and a colored pencil.

Worship was going great and they turned it over to Todd Gaddy, youth prez. If you don't know TG you wouldn't understand what happened next but he came up and said a few segue statements but without the typical "preacher hype". He could've milked it, but he finally said "sit down" and BOOM, it was over. TG has really progressed the YD at HQ and he has been a great leader (this is his last YC---he has made it known he will not run again for prez although eligible). TG is a REAL guy with no pretense or fakery. He is what he is, no nonesense. If its going to be a move of God, it will be just that---a move of God. He would never manufacture some hyped up, pseudo-Holy Ghost outpouring. Knowing what I know about him, I appreciated his not taking advantage of the young people's emotions at that moment, a lot of young guys (and old guys) would have jumped all over it. It was the right thing to do in light of what happened later.

TG made some opening statements and thanked a lot of folks.

Gateway Bible College ensemble sang. Again a black gospel selection, but not one that really drew worship out of the kids. I love BG music, but it seems that its not what our young people are listening to or responding to. Sometimes some BG songs (along with southren goepel and contemp) can be real repetitive, and its more about the style of the music and less than the message. The song just didn't get kids to worship.

A really great dramatized video segment with a James Bond like guy running from a helicopter searchlight, the JB type guy fighting off some bad guys and one in particular he kicks through a wall and then says something like (with Biritsh accent), "I remember you falling like that when you were cast down to hell." Then he walks into a secret room of sorts with a metal briefcase where three young people are waiting. He hands each one a file folder and as each kid opens the folder he says, "Are you ready for your mission?" and the folders reveal that the assignments they are being handed are Youth Corps mission trips. Very creative and captivating video.

The video goes on to explain next year's trips for 2008: London, Guyana, South America, New Zealand and South Africa (for PK only), with scenes of young people witnessing, teaching Home Bible studies, doing benevolent work, etc. At the end of the video one of the young people says to James Bond as he is leaving, "Hey are you an angel?" as the guy walks off with a smirk on his face.

Shay Mann speaks some more about Youth Corps and challenges the young men to step up and join. The trend has been an overwhelming number of young ladies sign up and go, but young men have been underrepresented. I found that to be interesting---wonder why?

A young preacher, probably a youth presiddent from somewhere came forward to tralk about the outreach effort of the NAYC. They had talked about it the night before but last night went into more detail. The effort is called Project 22:39 (from Matt. 22:39). There are tow different types of bins all over he arena one for canned goods to be distributed to a local charity that feeds the hungry and one for school supplies for underprivileged kids. There will be an event in a local park where the school goods will be distributed along with music and witnessing efforts. A really good deal and exciting. The only humorous part of this announcement was the young preacher's "preaching" the announcement. It is just so funny when some of these guys get a microphone and a crowd. They can make a simple set of instructions and information sound like its General Conference time!

Tom Trimble received the offering, kept it short and sweet.

Gateway sang again. I will say, Jeremy Hoffey has done a great job transforming Gateway music program into a good, solid church music program there. Their ensemble sang for us and did a great job several years ago. This time they did a worshipful song called "This Is The Worship" and the song resonanted witht the crowd and the response was good.

Wayne Francis introduced the speaker Brent Keating and recognized a few other offical types in the crowd. He then did what WF can do. He said "I want this arena absolutely quiet. No one speaking or shuffling their fett. A momoent of silence and complete silence............that is if you have not been called out of darkness into His marvelous light. BUT f you HAVE been called out of darkness into His marvelous light, then stand to your feet and fill this house with praise and worship unto God!" The place erupted!!!!

Let me add here that with the stepping down of TG as Youth Prez, the two obvious choices are Shay Mann and WF to replace him. I don't know SM, I'm sure he is a great guy, but the young people LOOOOOOOOVEEEEEEE WF! When he walked up to the mike, the kids just started cheering. When they announced the results of the offering contest from the night before last place was SM, second TG and first WF, the kids went nuts! ONe speaker in the day mentioned each youth official and how he felt about each one, and when he got to WF the kids hollered and screamed. He is very popular with the kids. And my God the kid can preach up a storm! He preached a youth crusade for us last year in our section and preaced one fo the finest messages I have ever heard, for youth or adults. I am really hoping he gets the election for prez.

J Dean and PB sang "Let The Redeemed of the Lord Say So" a very high energy praise song that had the place going crazy. When the song was fininshed there was a solid 15 minutes of nonstop worship that could've kept going but Brent Keating stepped to the pulpit and segued into his message, "God Revealed".

At this stage my 2 year old was not going to sit quietly. So I took him to the concourse and for 30 minutes let him run wild, hoping to wear him out. I told him I was going to get him and he began to run arounf the circimference of the arena. He made two complete laps around the place with a few pit stops along the way, almost running into the ladies room before I caught him. I was ringing wet with sweat by the time we were finished and I took him back into the arena.

The message basically was encouraging young people to expereince God every day everywhere. He made the statement that we have got realize that God is not "church-present" He is "omni-present" and that we have got to pull the cover off of our ark of the covenant and realize He can't be contained. It was a tremendous message ad the response was powerful. Only catch: 60 MINUTES LONG!!!! Too long for young people. My wife said it was really good but that he was starting to repeat the same points he was making throughout the message.

The altar service was superb like the night before. Since we were so far away from the altar we had church right up in the nose bleeds and our kids were really touched and prayed so good.

My friend Simeon Young Jr had contacted me earlier in the day to say he had found a soul food restaurant whose owners said that they would stay open after hours for us if we could gaurantee them that we would show up. So he secured exclusive rights to the establishment, "Merk's Heart and Soul Cafe" for our arrival at 10:30 pm. After the nightmare the night before trying to find food, this was a welcome relief. It was a one block walk from the arena.

The kids were worshipping, my son was really over the whole scene and the time was approaching 10 pm. I told my youth leader and wife I was going to go get our seats secured. The place was fantastic and it was the best food I've had all week: fried chicken and bbq rib combo with yams and greens, sweet tea and coconut cake to die for for dessert.

We had great fellowship with the Terre Haute people and came back to the hotel content at another great day on this trip.

My wife served notice to me that she and our two little ones would not be going to the day sessions today. Its been a long week. We will be ready for home seriously come Saturday.

Looking forward to another great day however!!!!!!

More reporting to come!

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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