My wife and I love old houses.
A few years ago we were able to get our hands on one which had been featured in "This Old House" magazine... last page, on a page titled "Save this Old House".
It was built by a local business man who's wife died before they moved in, so he sold it to a politician who's family lived in it for the next 60 yrs.
Ours is a Queen Ann Eastlake Victorian, built in 1887. 5200 + sq feet.
MOVED IT 6 miles out into the country on five acres, completely gutted it to the bare stud walls, and then restored it, using all the original cherry woodwork,
We had a small "Lake" dug (covers about an acre) stocked it with bass - bluegill - and catfish, built a nice deck out over the water. A place to sit, sip tea, and feed the fish.
We call it
Our dream and burden was to create a place where missionaries, pastors, evangelists etc could come for a couple of days tranquility.
A place to rest from the battle.
A place to re-charge their batteries.
We love it!
God has been good to us!
THIS project - to restore THIS old house, was and
is a miracle!
We give God the praise and glory.
I will attempt to include a pic.