I think that the practice of laying hair on someone for healing is unbiblical, and shows a very immature understanding of the operation of faith.
ANYTIME someone steps outside of the realm of the Word of God, and tries to do something "by faith", they have left the only grounding by which true faith will prosper. if anything does happen, such as a healing, it is in spite of them, and not because of them.
Very well put as to what I also believe.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
if you were desperate and felt that God wasn't listening and honoring your faith, would you remind God that you have been faithful to His Word in not having long hair, and place your cut hair on a sick loved one for healing?
God does not respond to any reminders of anything we have done or not done in order to heal someone. Healing comes solely because of one reason, and one reason alone. The work of Christ in shedding His blood for our healing!
I am amazed at how standards replace love for each other as showing we are His. Standards replace the walk after the Spirit to cease fulfilling lusts of the flesh. And now standards are replacing the healing virtue of the work of the cross through Christ's shed blood. SOMEONE IS GOING CULTIC!
BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED.... NOT BY OUR OBEDIENCE IN MANAGING HAIR!!!!!! And that means healing is aside from anything to do with our goodness or not. God has healed sinners as proof. Jesus healed AND THEN SAID, "Go and sin no more."
Since gifts of healing is one of the gifts of the Spirit, this also is shown to indicate that people who are USED IN HEALING OTHERS are not necessarily holy people, because the Corinthians came behind in no gift (1 Cor 1:7), and yet were carnal and envious and divisive. (I have seen uncut hair on some carnal believers, though! LOL. And on some very godly women, too.).
I'm afraid for many when I hear these stories of healing being attributed to our works.
All these stories and beliefs are attempts at pushing people to do and keep these standards. You see, if people are made to think healing is held back due to cut hair, or uncut hair causes people to know we are His, or uncut hair keeps us saved, then people will rush to obey these things. But they are robbing Christ, the work of the cross and the Spirit's empowerment of all their cause for these things.
Never rob Christ of glory and power simply to make women stop cutting their hair.
God does not respond to any reminders of anything we have done or not done in order to heal someone. Healing comes solely because of one reason, and one reason alone. The work of Christ in shedding His blood for our healing!
I am amazed at how standards replace love for each other as showing we are His. Standards replace the walk after the Spirit to cease fulfilling lusts of the flesh. And now standards are replacing the healing virtue of the work of the cross through Christ's shed blood. SOMEONE IS GOING CULTIC!
BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED.... NOT BY OUR OBEDIENCE IN MANAGING HAIR!!!!!! And that means healing is aside from anything to do with our goodness or not. God has healed sinners as proof. Jesus healed AND THEN SAID, "Go and sin no more."
Since gifts of healing is one of the gifts of the Spirit, this also is shown to indicate that people who are USED IN HEALING OTHERS are not necessarily holy people, because the Corinthians came behind in no gift (1 Cor 1:7), and yet were carnal and envious and divisive. (I have seen uncut hair on some carnal believers, though! LOL. And on some very godly women, too.).
I'm afraid for many when I hear these stories of healing being attributed to our works.
All these stories and beliefs are attempts at pushing people to do and keep these standards. You see, if people are made to think healing is held back due to cut hair, or uncut hair causes people to know we are His, or uncut hair keeps us saved, then people will rush to obey these things. But they are robbing Christ, the work of the cross and the Spirit's empowerment of all their cause for these things.
Never rob Christ of glory and power simply to make women stop cutting their hair.
Is there another reason you won't admit to laying your hair on a loved one for healing? Come on, brother.....you know you want to share that testimony!
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
On another forum, I've been in discussion about the doctrine of the laying of long hair on people. One particular male poster stated that if that action is boosting the woman's faith, what's wrong with it.
I then asked him if he would place his head on someone as to cover them with his hair for healing and would it boost his faith. He said yes, it would.
I'm shocked. So I feel led to ask.....for men only please...if you were desperate and felt that God wasn't listening and honoring your faith, would you remind God that you have been faithful to His Word in not having long hair, and place your cut hair on a sick loved one for healing?
This is NOT a public poll, so your answers will remain confidential.
The poll may be confidential but I will reveal my answer: NO!
The notion of placing your hair on someone so as to cover the person suggests there's some sort of healing power in the hair itself and there is no biblical basis for claiming that there is healing power in one's hair. If God wasn't listening to my prayer and honoring my faith then I would have to conclude one of two things: 1) there is some sin in my life that is keeping my prayers from being heard or; 2) God's answer to my prayer for a particular person's healing is "no."
The poll may be confidential but I will reveal my answer: NO!
The notion of placing your hair on someone so as to cover the person suggests there's some sort of healing power in the hair itself and there is no biblical basis for claiming that there is healing power in one's hair. If God wasn't listening to my prayer and honoring my faith then I would have to conclude one of two things: 1) there is some sin in my life that is keeping my prayers from being heard or; 2) God's answer to my prayer for a particular person's healing is "no."
I was recently amazed at the response of a woman I consider to be conservative yet intelligent who recently told me that she believes there is power in uncut hair. My jaw is still on the floor.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!